Give us your thought about naval want you want to change.
Here a document where I give my thought (and also want to sent it do gaijin).
Give us your thought about naval want you want to change.
Here a document where I give my thought (and also want to sent it do gaijin).
Thought* and where is your documents
Oh, forgot the link, thank you
AI overhaul that makes PVE game modes possible.
That’s it.
I really enjoy naval. That said, it needs a few things.
Remove the Mexican standoff maps. First thing to do.
Fix the remaining maps, specifically don’t make ships all spawn on top of each other and cause chaos at map start.
Do not implement the very dodgy looking changes in dev.
Fix or remove the scharnhorst. If they have to reduce its armour so it works within the game engine limitations a so be it.
I’ve never found anyone with any experience who has disagreed with these specific points, but there’s plenty more that can be debated in more than one or two sentence statements. By the way, you and your friends are a part of the naval community, not all of it. You can make all the demands you want, but that doesn’t mean you represent us.
There are some players do not want like this and are REALLY angry about adding islands.
Max BR to 7.7 immediately
I honestly hate islands, at least low ones.
Low islands lead only to people camping behind them, being perfectly covered and immune to fire while they can sling away shots endlessly.
More nations to has naval
I would like to play naval on israel
Also modern naval like in wt mobile looks fun
There are more players that do not like modern ships that players that like modern ships .
As like missiles
So make a br wall or diffrent gamemode
I can agree that ww2 ships doesnt need to fight cold war missiles
I agree with this !
but you know that gaiijn do not know how to do this ahah . Its like in tanks. We will still face of modern with WW2 stuff
Idk maybe one day
They said that they will focus on naval this year after they finish with aviation
-Fix Armour (Specifically Schnarhost)
-Add Compartments and actual Flooding when the hull is broken and not repaired in time.
In the past, high-caliber weapons fired by themselves. This needs to go back to that.
Or, add Iowa Yamato SovSoyuz Bismarck to counter that armor, naval needs iconic ships so people want them, right now the ships there is isn’t enough to attract
I’d like to see the naval community band together in RB. Not sure what the obsession is with AB naval. Thankfully, they’re about to take any skill out of arcade aiming in this patch, which should bring more people over to the superior RB.