Give your thought about naval and say what it need to be reworked for you

I don’t when I’m playing fragile ships, coastal. I also hate the whole notion of both fleets spawning right next to other with no cover - it just makes the more fragile ships DOA. Need bigger maps or more cover.


I don’t know what I’m supposed to be gathering from that screenshot.

I know some people don’t like island camping because it detracts from the objective, but that’s usually accompanied by an argument for longer combat ranges or different objectives, which is a separate discussion. I never hear anyone competent argue solely in favor of spawn to spawn sightlines, which is generally what happens when islands are removed. See the map changes from a couple of updates ago and the entire Conquest gamemode.

If islands are present, players will automatically gravitate toward them to extend TTK. Nowhere is this more evident in my mind than the northward rush away from the objective that generally occurs in both teams on single-point Kvarken.

They should fix radar lock on Bravy missile cruiser, it barely maintains lock on a propeller aircraft, though it has tracking radar from a missile system of 60s.

You know that even if the Iowa, Yamato, and even the A-150 be added, no ship can kill the Schnarhost right?
The issue is a fundamental one in the turtleback armor scheme, that can negate the shots because the game understands they ricochet, a moderator did a test and made a bullet that can penetrate 20.000MM of armor, the Schnarhost still negates because it RICOCHETS.

Naval is pretty much in the too far gone area, but it would be sort of a nice thing if a Frigate with 115 rounds of 76mm wasn’t made to face CL.

Huh? Low islands are more likely to interfere with outgoing than incoming because the trajectory of shells is modelled - ie shells have a steeper downward trajectory near the end of flight than the upward one immediately after shooting - we get the Air Trajectory in this


I know this is simply not true at a simplistic level - Scharnhorst get killed by gunfire all the time.

Certainly they are too tough compared to “real life”, but it happens - I even managed to OHK one a few games ago (it was already somewhat damaged 70% or so crew - but it thenblew up from 1 salvo)

The naval servers are unstable trash. Nothing matters until that’s addressed in a concrete way.

Oh, by “low ones” I did not mean shallow ones; rather, I was talking about those which are tall, but still not tall enough to fully prevent shots to fly above them.

Like this;


When I join a match and I see people doing this, I straight out J-out and leave, to be honest.

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TBH it should still be the same - any vertical cover like an island or hill is not effective vs higher trajectories like those at the end of flight.

So if they can hit you from behind such cover then you can (or should be able to) hit them.

Sure players do sit behind islands like this - but the ones I see doing it are, IMO, doing it for protection from torpedoes - that’s why I do it when I do.

Possibly they will have protection from enemy ships that are closer than the target they themselves are shooting at (so have a shallower terminal trajectory) or from different angles, but their target absolutely should be able to shoot back.

The ticket bleed needs to be much slower in bluewater at least.

You have time to get to a cap ONCE even if you beeline it. If you get to the cap, and die, you arent getting back before the game ends. And thats assuming you dont get bombarded to hell while trying to get there.

Theres no time to react or really play the objectives.


Now compare how many times you OHK a Sch… How many times the Sch dominated the game.
I have OHK a Sch TWICE, but that was because they were giving me their frontal plates and I had the lucky shot of going through, but that’s it, if a Sch gets in the melee range, it’s over (which MOST of the time, the smart players do) it’s unkillable.
“Omg just torpedo it!” < You bring 5.7 to a 7.0? Because the only way for Americans to have torpedoes in this level is like that, and if the Sch has two brain cells, he will kill you before you can reach in a good spot for you to torpedo him.
And this wasn’t a joke, I can link you to the forum thread and the specific post where the mod did the test, he made a 406MM bullet go over 7,6 KM/S, have a pen of almost 20.000MM, he shot hundreds and hundreds of times, still not able to SINK the Sch with pure penetration, while in real life, Duke of York destroyed him.

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  1. More aircraft and torpedo boats in high-level battles. Aviation is available for the first spawn for a small number of points. I propose to make a system similar to tank RB. For example, 450 points from the start. An aircraft with a large bomb (> 1000 kg TNT) costs 120, with an average caliber of bombs or torpedoes 80, a fighter 50, a boat 50 - 70, a destroyer 100, a cruiser 120-170, a battleship 200 - 300. Points are earned in combat as well as in a tank RB.
  2. Fast replenishment of torpedoes for light ships in high-ranking battles. Replenishment of suspended weapons in the air above the respawn in RB.
  3. More options for the location of points of interest on maps.
  4. Asymmetric missions.
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Agreed. Naval has a lot of pros and cons, but the A #1 most obnoxious trash is the “parking behind an island” camping.

The dude claiming that it hurts outgoing rounds more than incoming has apparently never played Naval.

Stop giving line of sight/fire control telemetry to ships that don’t have their own LOS to the target.

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More Aircraft and Torpedo Boats in High-Level Battles: YES, but:

  1. It’s way, way too easy for smaller craft to get dunked on by bluewater ships. That’s a fundamental flaw with Naval that doesn’t stand up to history. It should be a lot harder for larger ships to combat small craft, it’s why Destroyers even exist. (And even Destroyers/Destroyer Escorts should be harder to hit… Watch a video on US Destroyers vs. Yamato and co. off Samar)

  2. Aircraft in Naval is just a mess… we need less level bombers dropping Semi-Truck Trailer sized explosives and more dive bombers and torpedo planes, but the AI prox fuse spam negates this. I don’t know what the solution is, honestly, but right now its a mess.

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I would also say that some ships rely on cover to be effective. Like Atlanta, Light Japanese cruisers that have paper armor etc.

If you play them in the open, you get targeted, and they die fast making them useless. So it’s not as simple as no islands vs full islands.

But maps design need improvements, so at least you can’t get shot from the moment you spawn

At longer (way longer) ranges, this would be true; however, not so much on the ingame ranges.

Indeed… literally nothing you can do because your shells hit the island, while they destroy you without any risk of even being hit.