Give us Nighttime in Air Simbattles or afternoon like for what do i even have Nightvision if i cant juse it :D

yh Nighttime would be so nice. Also could we just give the A-10 a better Camera like the F-16c got its such a pain to lock on to target who are like 40.000-50.000 ft away. And mabe a function to switch Monitors from like Map to Radar to camera cause atm in the F-16c u got map and the bad camera but it would be nice if i can swich these so like i got the radar and the map or the map and the good cam so we see the targets better (if u play in cockpit) :)


I’ve discussed this before,

Night sim battles would be amazing especially for air, having night vision in your cockpit of your F16 would be so fun. Watching your friends rip across the sky with full burn on. Being able to see enemies burners, or even run without burn on to stay more hidden.

This is my dream to have night sim battles one day, hopefully with the new addition of ground night battles, the devs will take a look at night battles for air, especially sim, in the near future.


No. It should be banned night-time and should also ban current evening battle as well.

Long before, there was night-time battle in ASB yet it was banned because it just severe interfering air combat between people.

Since majority of SB players not prefer torturing own eyeballs, Low-sun timeline in SB should be banned

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Yeah, would be interesting, should only be at high tier where NVGs are “common” and should be rare in the matchmaking pool, but it would add another layer to SB. considerations like not using reheat because the plume would make you light up like a christmas tree would be really quite interesting. Would give low level interdictors another edge.


Yeah i agree, would be nice to throw into the rotation - was pretty toxic when we had night as props back in the day but now we have more modern aircraft with capable radars and night vision capabilities i think it would be fun to bring it back limited to 12.0+ brackets.


Was thinking more EC8 & 9, though even less common for EC8, but yeah. As we get ever more modern aircraft, things like night, is just not a major issue. and you create diversity with little effort


I personally wouldnt mind EC 8 getting them, but i think most players wouldnt be a fan at that bracket since pd radars are really a universal thing yet.


That would only be the A-10C, which is not in the game (yet?). The A-10A’s we have only can use the cameras of the AGM-65’s, if it carries them.

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we got way better functions now on the Jets there should be at least the option to play nighttime. Ofc Nighttime is harder but thats why some of us wana play it and it will look hella nice flying next to your mate while u see his blinking lights or his afterburner or land with Landinglights and finally be able to juse the Nightvision in Air SB :)

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Actual skill issue


true tbh


ah didnt know that thx u let me know

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Don’t worry, they would almost certainly do the same ‘nerf’ they did in Ground RB: make it opt in only. But preventing people who want to use the devices their vehicles/planes have, and experience something from the real world is bad.
