That’s fair. The reasoning behind what I said is that when I first tried Warthunder, I was lost playing the M3 Suarts and M3 GMC. I couldn’t figure out why I’d get one shot, why my shots weren’t penetrating, and rangefinding was pretty difficult too. I came from WoT so I knew armored warfare, but the difference in realism drove me away even though I wanted to play modern US armor. At that time I couldn’t even think about how out out of place I would be in an Abrams, and buying a premium to see would have been a waste of money. Even now I play my 10.0 premium Russian lineup and my 10.3/11.3 premium US lineup and feel I still don’t have quite enough experience to do the best even though I’ve hit 8.7 in US, 8.0 in Germany, and 6.7 in Russian ground. My most comfortable high br range is honestly 9.3 right now because I’m adjusting to thermals being present on most vehicles and the change in gameplay required because stealth is more easily lost. I know the mechanics well enough, but the pace with the more mobile vehicles, autocannons galore, thermals, helicopters, and missiles everywhere is still somewhat difficult to adjust to. I can’t see new players being successful at all if they go right into that.
So do you mean like lend lease vehicles? So a Russian player bringing a Sherman or something? I know they have alot of the lend lease stuff as premiums, but that would be a cool feature on some limited vehicles.