The Jewish F-84F is absolutely identical to the American original. The same set of outboard weapons, the same battle rating, the same engine thrust. The only difference is in rank (the American is fifth, and the Jewish is sixth). But a higher rank does not affect the characteristics of the vehicle and opponents, it only makes it possible to upgrade a little more aircraft.
But at the same time, the American F-84F has an air spawn point, when the Jewish one spawns at the airfield. As a result, if you have assault weapons suspended, then you significantly lose in take-off time, not to mention the flight time to the base, which makes this plane useless in destroying bases. If you appear as a fighter, then you take off with the team, but since you are an attack aircraft, you are inferior in maneuverability to your opponents and are easily shot down.
This premium aircraft is very difficult to use at the moment. The ability to appear in the air will solve his problem with attacking bases, due to which his attractiveness may increase and it will become much easier to play him
This is a similar problem with most nations… Either it goes into rank 6, where it won’t get an air spawn, or it goes into ranks 1-5 where it does get the airspawn. Unfortunately, even when the F-84 gets an airspawn, it is little effective except for bombing bases then usually dying. It’s a flawed system which should be changed to BR, not rank
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Also, as has already been stated, this lack of an air spawn is present on every F-84F ingame, not just the Israeli one. However this vehicle desperately needs a BR decrease, as it’s unplayable at 8.3 BR. Should be viable at 7.7.