I’m in favor of giving the scouting and scout drone features to every tank type in game and here is why:
Tanks such as howitzers could make great use of the reconnaissance drone function and be used more realistically. They could use the reconnaissance drone to locate a distant enemy in cover and shoot at the marker that has just been set, as is already occasionally done with light tanks such as the BMP-3.
There is more light tanks with similar combat power to mediums than not. So why should all the light tanks get this ability but not the mediums? If a Centauro or TAM can have these features why shouldn’t a OF-40 or Leopard a1a1 have them, too?
As this graphic shows, the other tank types don’t really have unique features themselves. The scouting feature and especially the drones aren’t implemented realistically anyways, so realism should not stand in the way of adding these features to other tanks, too.
The spotting feature can make life much easier at lower BRs, as the commander will tell you the range when spotting enemies. This would save you from having to estimate the ranges yourself, not just on light tanks, but for everbody.
It would increase team play since the gameplay would be less about having to spot the enemy yourself but your teammates taking a bigger part in that.
So in general I think giving these abilities to everybody would just make the game fairer and easier to play, and making the game easier is what Gaijin goes for already so this would be a sensible next step.
I think all tanks should have some kind of scouting feature. Perhaps make it less precise and shorter duration than that of dedicated scout/light tanks, but make everyone able to do at least something beyond placing a marker on the map…
Scouting is already a dumb enough feature, we don’t need to turn realistic into arcade by giving everyone scouting.
This is bad, again because realistic doesn’t need to become arcade.
I support this only because I want more food (scout drones) for my Imp.Chapparal
Shooting near an enemy tank will put a chevron marker near it.
The marker looks very similar to scouting markers, the only difference being it’s only a chevron, it has no eye on the image, and it lasts for a shorter amount of time.
I actually think the same but every time I said that, everyone was upset. So that’s the main reason I came up with this compromise. If you are gonna add a broken feature at least give it to everyone, yk?
Very true, I just think this type of feature shouldn’t be in the game if the only reason it isn’t broken is that in most of the games most of the players cannot use it since they don’t play light tanks.
Not as quickly though, these few seconds it takes less with scouting can save your life.
It’s immediate. You click button, commander immediately yells “PANTHER, TWELVE O CLOCK, SIX ZERO ZERO” with the rangefinder button well before the bar even hits halfway.
I’m not talking about the numerical read out. I’m talking about the commander yelling it out.
I don’t think you have to give anything to the light tanks in return, they would still be strong enough. Ofc this varies especially for all the different tiers but in general I think this is true.
Another solution I would be fine with is removing the scouting features from tanks that literally have the same combat power as mediums. So only letting IFVs have these features for example since they actually have the disadvantage in quite a few situations on the battlefield.
sorry, what do you mean by that? Is nerfing the light tanks what you have a problem with? The reason my propose doesn’t include giving sth. to the light tanks is because I don’t think they need it since as I said most of them already have the same combat power as medium tanks. The only reason many of them are classified as light is a few mm less of armor which -let’s be honest- is not really a disadvantage, there is good reason for why the quote “no armor best armor” exists.
Id like to see scouting and maybe even scout drones become standard for SPAA. But most tanks, no, really not needed.
But a recon version of the strike drone that costs SP to spawn it might be an okay idea to help balance out the imbalance of scouting equipped vehicles (or add drone scouting to anything with a tpod)
I agree with that.
I would just rethink who to give this feature to. Just giving it to all tanks of one class is probably one of the worst ways to do it. You should only give it to reallife scouting vehicles or let the vehicle’s performance be the deciding factor.
Ye sorry, English is not my native language so it can be quite difficult for me to extract precisely what is meant.