you can change the crew language in the settings so its english in every tank
I really can not see why ALL tanks can not spot and scout. There are 2 reasons for this.
- The reason that has the MOST REALISTIC LOGIC behind it is - How do the light tanks scout? By seeing an enemy and the radio operator would get on the radio and transmit the map co-ordinates information to the rest of his platoon / division so the enemy could be targeted. Do tank commanders in other HEAVIER TANKS on the battlefield not have maps??? Why can’t the commander or radio operator in a heavy or medium tank transmit map co-ordinates??? It just doesn’t make any sense. All tanks should be able to scout!!!
The main reason heavier tanks don’t normally scout is because they are heavier and slower so the light tanks (scouts) go ahead with caution. Thier job is to scout the enemy and transmit map co-ordinates. They are light and fast so they can get away from, and get out of trouble quick if they are seen or targeted, with some sort of lighter gun for a bit self defence.
- The next reason is that I get involved in a hell of a lot of games where you see light tanks on the map, but no enemy tanks are being spotted and highlighted on the map. This ALWAYS makes doing the BP 2 or 3 point challenges “According to Intelligence” really hard for me to get so I always pay for a new challenge because the team don’t know what a light tank is for and the reason why they are normally light and fast.
Rangefind the enemy and it just happens. Of course it isnt faster than laser finder. But for the standard rangefinding, it is faster.
Problem is, giving all tanks the ability to scout harms gameplay.
I got you even better btw.
It doesn’t just tell you the range. It IDs the tank within some limits!
All I do is press rangefind button.
However, it seems it was broken sometime in firebirds and doesn’t always trigger? Some reports I find say it is variable based on keen vision skill of commander?
I get everything except the range, although I did max out keen vision on my Chapparal crew so that the red arrows at the edge of the screen are more consistent, so I’ll maybe try scouting with that.
Wouldn’t this just make light tanks useless?
i would like that the drone has to be in a minimum distance for it being able to scout effectively or that the further away the target is the shorter time it gets scout.
It would rather make mediums and heavy tanks more useful.
You don’t get it if your commander is dead.
While the only thing light tanks are unique for would now be universal.
IMO medium and heavy tanks are good on their own already, following a simple organization during battle:
The heavies penetrate the enemy lines, keeping the enemies focused on them.
Mediums assist in dealing quick and deadly blows, preferably through the flanks, assisting the heavies.
Lights flank and scout, taking out some crucial targets if necessary, making the job for everyone a lot easier.
Not all tanks and other vehicles are capable of scouting, whether by the function or capability of the vehicle. For example: in several nations’ vehicles, radios weren’t common (by vehicle design and tactical doctrine) or available by acquisition (lack of funds, resources, etc). This applies mostly to early WW2 vehicles. Light tanks, as a category, weren’t necessarily SCOUTING tanks, just early iterations of what a tank should be within the capabilities of existing technology. Another example of doctrinally-limited scouting capability would be self-propelled artillery used within WT (something which I think is absolutely unnecessary but that’s for a different discussion). SP artillery would be located a long distance behind the FEBA providing indirect fire support for front-line troops and would have no opportunity to scout (no need for naysayers to say, “Well, what about enemy tanks that get through the front lines?” That goes to the other discussion). In a post-WW2 military world, saying that all tanks are scout-capable due to the ubiquitousness of radio-equipped vehicles is only partially true: practically all vehicles would have radios but the problem would be the DOCTRINE of reporting enemy locations and disseminating that information. Some militaries would be, and have been, hindered by inflexible procedures that basically say, “Stay in your lane. It’s the commander’s duty to to report, not yours.” So, IMO a blanket “every vehicle is scout capable” in WT should be a no-go and scouting functionality should be based: 1) the vehicle MUST have a radio, 2) that nation to which the vehicle belongs should have a historical capability for universal scouting, 3) the individual vehicle should have a functioning capacity to report scouting information.
Do with this opinion as you like.
Back in the days I would have actually agreed with you on that but not today anymore:
Heavy tanks at most BRs suffer from modern ammo types like HEAT FS with fast reload and that counters the heavy tanks’ armor entirely. Often there is no need to put more focus on heavy tanks since they can just be killed just as easily with HEAT FS
On top of that there is 2 mechanics in the game that work against mostly heavy tanks:
Over penetration: This mechanic makes hits never do any damage when hitting thin armor. When I play Tiger 2 for example it is not other heavy or medium tanks that have the best survivability against my 88, it is slightly armored tanks because the grenade won’t fuse. Heavy tanks get affected by this mechanic the most since they have the greatest reload and so often don’t have the time to do a second shot
Now actually over penetration is a realistic mechanic but what I demand for a counter mechanic which would have been hull break. I know this mechanic was far from perfect but leaving it out is not only unrealistic (bc irl if you shot at thin armor plates with big guns they are just going to shatter) but it also affects heavy tanks badly -
Over pressure: Honestly I don’t really care about this mechanic in general but it is worth being mentioned here because it also affects especially heavy tanks negatively. Over pressure makes it possible for shells with much explosiv mass to oneshot even heavy tanks what is very unrealistic and is another thing that leads to heavy tanks having less suvivability.
So this is why I believe thick armor is only a slight advantage at best
Most light tanks can do exactly that. Ofc -again- this differs from tier to tier and tank to tank but in general I don’t see the light tanks not being able to do exactly that. Especially modern mid tier light tanks have great penetration values with quick reloads.
Back in the days I would have agreed with you but today we have a ton of light tanks that can do exactly what mediums can do, too. What you said probably only applies for BRs bellow 4.0.
Now there is light tanks that actually have a lower combat power than heavy or medium tanks like the M18 or IFVs. You probably didn’t see it but that is exactly why I suggested giving scouting mechanics only to such tanks and not to all of the light tanks.
So here I think the point where our opinion differs is that I don’t believe light tanks being limited to being just support vehicles applies to all of them - probably to even half of them. So that’s why i think not all of them should be getting this special treatment of being able to scout and deploy drones
You can set the crew language to your own for all countries in settings.
It’s what I use, sure it removes some immersion but it helps me know what the hell is going on in my game
It doesn’t just help for rangefinding, if you swap shells accidentally your crew will yell out “LOAD HIGH EXPLOSIVE (or whatever shell is used)” so it’s harder to miss
Not at all. The light tanks are faster to get around the battlefield quicker " and not just park up TRYING to scout" where they can’t properly see the different directions of the enemy. I use scout tanks a lot because I actually enjoy zooming around the map, quite often with my “GB Fox” or German “Wiesel” SPAA. They are both normally fast enough for me to usually cover A, B & C and earn lots of “Intelligence” awards.
The light tanks’ main job is to scout for the other bigger, heavier tanks so they can just get on and move from target to target. If there are no light tanks on the battlefield, all the other tanks’ optics and radios are still fine to scout thier own targets if need be and transmit the co-ordinates to everyone else.
Also see below, I totally agree.
Sound logic is always unarguable. It’s just those with faulty logic can not see why thier logic is not quite right.
Problem is, giving all tanks the ability to scout harms gameplay.
It does not harm game play at all. Think about it. It would IMPROVE gameplay. Players who know what they are doing can actively scout as well as kill and take zones to help the team to WIN, when half or a third of the team don’t even know how to use a scout properly, or just don’t care because they are “not TEAM players”. It would help not make the “According to Intelligence” Battlepass challenges so HARD to get, for just 2, 3 or 5 points on the Battlepass.
To complete the challenge means killing tanks that have been scouted by your team mates. When you have games where there are 2 or 3 light tanks on your side, but none of them are scouting, or only 1 of them, it’s near impossible to complete. You are also competing with other team mates who are trying to do the same challenge. I’ve had lots and lots of games in a row like this, so now I just pay for a different challenge and don’t bother anymore. I stick to scouting for others to get the “Intelligence” challenges completed. I do those easy.
The issue is it means more players will be scouted.
The issue is it means more players will be scouted.
… and what’s wrong with that? I can’t see a problem.
Unless… maybe it’s because I am an ATTACKER who likes to win, not lose, so I am always trying to take zones and not sitting 2 km back pot shotting, ready to hide under the nearest rock if shot at. K/D does not win games, taking zones wins games. Attacking zones, you expect to be scouted, especially if you are the only one attacking because the rest of the team are just sit back pot shotters. You could finish a game with 30 kills and still lose if no one takes the zone/s. Top of the team would just make you the BEST LOSER. K/D means nothing if you STILL LOSE. That’s why I always try to win, K/D means nothing to me. If you want kills, try attacking the zones like the objective says and you’ll see plenty of tanks to shoot at.
I can’t see a problem.
It’ll end up being like arcade+ since you can now see most tanks on the map almost all the time.