My man I know how to dodge missiles, not as good as I used to since this new update on them maked them even more OP… Again its not about skill its just poor FL model being uptire 80% of time. Dont you think its funny like I almosy never play 12.3 lobby??? Common be real… LIke I agree let the plane stay 12.3 but then give me 12. 3 lobby 80% of time and we good problems solved
Also “usually do” wont do for me unfortunately, I expect consistency from such important game mechanic, and until its not Im bombing
Also I will bomb in Fighter plane until killing players is more RP… Like fact droping bomb on AI base is worth more then defeating real person is just crazy to me and nobody saying this is just wild.
You are screwing over your own A2A capability, as well as your own team by doing it.
It doesn’t give more rewards, either. If you put effort into playing the plane and learning how to play it, you would earn way more rewards and have more fun.
The base bombing report indicates base score coefficients are ~700
(0.272x486x0.75x5= 495 score, plus 0.5x495=743
This seems in-line with a known to be up to date sim bombing chart
1 action of bombing IS higher reward than 1 action of kill.
Scaling (bombs for multiple bases give reduced score in ARB and ASB alike)
Skill bonus.
If you bomb 1 base, you get 740 score.
If you kill 1 guy with a crit+death (I found it quite common with missiles in ASB now that I’m spamming missile jets to hunt zombers), it’s 450 for kill and 150 for crit. ASB and ARB have the same score tables so it is usable data point.
Kill 2 guys in ARB: 1200 score, takes either some shells or rockets but not your whole fighting capability
Bomb 2 bases in ARB: You’re now receiving reduced score because higher bomb-loads (sufficient for more than 1 base give reduced score) AT MOST ~1480 score. Reality, you’ll be receiving less if you took enough munitions for both bases and much longer if you RTB’d to rearm than it takes to get 2kills in ARB with missiles.
Another issue:
That 1200 score for 2 kills receives a skill bonus. 15% plus.
That 1480 score for 2 bases does not. And again, this is ignoring that multiple bases’ bombloads are reduced score.
Let’s go for 3 kills.
That’s 1800 score for 3 kills plus 50% bonus
For bombing, that’s 2200. Again, this is ideal - reality is far less due to bombload penalty
And this is ignoring the fact that the skill bonus applies to EVERY RP source gained, not just game activity%.
Kills give you far better RP if you can get skill bonus consistently.
Gunkills are less consistent for crit + kill, you’re more likely to just severe rather than crit+severe, so there bombing might scale better.
Also fighting a full downtier also means less score/kill, but those kills are also far easier to get so it’s a trade off.
More fun:
Activity% is not a linear function even in ARB
This makes the 15/50/100% bonuses for skill bonus even more impactful.
For a 10 minute game, getting 1200 or 2000 score barely amounts to 10% RP difference (1200 score at 10 minutes already amounts to 90% play-time reward). This is assuming 100% activity is even possible.
Getting 3 kills however amounts to +45% over 2 and getting 4 amounts to +85%
Chi-Nu II
4.3 → 4.0 or 3.7
Like seriously, it’s Pz.IV F-2/H counterpart but sits at higher BR for having even tighter crew space.
4.7 → 5.7
Should I really explain this?
10.3 → 10.0
Slow, armor from 9.3 T-72 (which is already can be easily penned by almost every tank at this BR), the only good things are - optics and 3BM42. Apart from that it have nothing to compete with other tanks at current BR.
Tornado GR.1/ASSTA
in ARB 11.7 → 11.3
The only difference between lower BR Tornado’s is guided bombs, which are completely useless in ARB.
10.7 → 11.0
It shouldn’t even been lowered. MF and SMT are already decent at this BR, but J-7D at this BR straight up unfair.
Oke so you gonna tell me what gives more points while I grind in Mieage and Bison everyday for last mon and half?
Like you can put all your math and info still I make more from one kill and one base… Until I get more from 2 kills I dont care… But appriciete you trying
Bf 110 G-2 ONLY ground realistic BR (not air) 3.7 → 3.3 Gaijin themself inteded that for a time, befor they split Air and Ground BRs. The 37mm Gun is just not all that usefull with only H-Pzgr. except against the most heavy targets. Tho the Pzgr.18 could help in general.
Also if they would add the ability (and fix) the 15mm Mg 151/15 with 4x guns and H-Pzgr. would also add an interesting straver.
Pz IV Ausf.E 2.0 → 1.7. Compared to the Ausf.C it only gets some more hull armor and some minor side armor, the Ausf.F1 also sits at 2.0, there is no reasone to even play E, when your sides and back can even be penetrated by Cal. .50. and the front turret by 20mm from even range.
The Maus should honestly go down to like 6.3. It can be reliably front penned by a t-34-85. It shouldn’t be at the same br as things with laser rangefinders and apfsds. I don’t even have it I’ve just killed too many with t-34-85’s.
TKX type10 TKX(P) Reload time has been reduced to 3 or 3.5 seconds,TKX family in 12.7 armor too thin,and TKX can in 3s over reload time.M1 Abrams now can 5s,but have thicker armor,TKX armor can be DM53 M829A2 breakdown.
Maybe if it got the UFP from a production model and not the single prototype with the 60mm frontal armor lol. As it stands it is a free kill to any 85mm gun or larger, or even 76mms if they get decently close.
J7W should move to like 4.0 and even then it might still be ass.
Exactly there’s things that can pen the maus all the way down at 3.0, but at 7.7 everything can pen it. Only in a full downtier does it even sorta act like a heavy tank and even then most things can still at least trap shot it if not just pen it.
Everything can pen it? Not true. Frontally, 10% of 7.7/8.0 tanks can do anything. Side on is a different story, but tanks that have early HEAT or still fire APBC shells can’t do much against it.