Give ability to authorize on CIS forum using Gaijin account

You will still play same War Thunder on same servers as earlier.

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Until they separate servers…

Thats what i’m afraid of too…
Sounds of horror and doom in my head


Russian would be more logical. The Russian language unites the entire CIS. And not only CIS


English language unite entire world. So…


There are no plans to separate servers, our servers are global - you can select any of them and play on any of them. It’s up to you.


Yes, but with 3% increased prices in the shop and without steam auth

Seems like a good idea to migrate xD


Well, i mean, its not a big deal, i think people can vote for different language categories, so.
I vote for both if it will be better for both language-speaking groups.

But, i see a Balkan community folder where… nothing exists. Just a simple placeholder post, lol:

What is a language is prefered to talk on a balkanski forum??


Its not a pen, its a regional community for our own easier communication.

I imagine a forum without regional communities. Where in every suggestion post you will see 10+ different languages and try to talk to each other, huh.

If only forum was able to just translate every single message to different languages for everyone… ah, a paradise that will never come true.

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Its not even territorial, this is illogical b/s

there are alot of russian speaking ppl outside of CIS and now they are restricted to communicate on the forums on their preferred language cuz they cant migrate nor talk on the .com forums


I understand. But possibility of that in the future scares me.


Because we know many examples of that.

Again, we do not consider such move. More players on servers (globally), better for game.


Not easier, but separating those who did migrate and who didnt. I am russian speaker but I do not live in the CIS region, right now Im separated from russian speaking community.


We understand, but there is no such a guarantee, isnt there.


good offer

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Refugees need their own section here


i realize that u cant do anything with gaijin plans for the future and u r not responsible for all of this, but why cant u simply create a russian-speaking national community in this branch - National Communities - War Thunder — official forum ?

it would solve all problems caused by this funny gaijin decision


Many examples of what?
We have similar agreement (for different operator) in Vietnam years ago. Vietnamese players played on same servers like all other WT players.
When our agreement with operator ended, they simply migrate back to regular Gaijin account, without loosing any progress etc.
Right now we have same agreement with DMM. No issues with that, all DMM players are playing with us, you meet them every day in battles (and you are not even aware of this).

This migration is due to local pricing and allow use to create local promotions/event etc for specific, local markets.

All data related to your in game account are on our servers and they are safe.

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