Give ability to authorize on CIS forum using Gaijin account

Hi folks,

Today, Gaijin introduced the local distributor for CIS countries (Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan etc.). Now CIS players can either move their progress on local account, or remain on global account. But, using global account, player can’t authorize on local fourm ( If player don’t want to change distributor from Gaijin to Pixel (local CIS distributor), they can’t use local forum and chat on their native language.

I think it’s a discrimination of CIS players, that don’t want to change distributor. So I demand to give ability to authorize on CIS forum using Gaijin account. Or Gaijin can add new national communities for languages of CIS countries.

Translation into Russian / Перевод на русский

Всем привет.

Сегодня Gaijin сделала отдельного локального издателя в странах СНГ (Россия, Армения, Казахстан и т.д.). Теперь игроки из СНГ могут либо перенести свой прогресс на местную учетную запись, либо остаться на глобальной учетной записи. Но, используя глобальную учетную запись, игрок не может авторизоваться на местном форуме ( Если игрок не хочет менять издателя с Gaijin на Pixel (местный издатель в СНГ), он не сможет использовать местный форум и общаться на своем родном языке.

Я считаю, что это дискриминация игроков из СНГ, которые не хотят менять издателя. Поэтому требую дать возможность авторизоваться на форуме СНГ с помощью аккаунта Gaijin. Или Gaijin может добавить новые национальные сообщества для языков стран СНГ.

What option do you prefer / Какой вариант Вы выбираете
  • Give ability to authorize on CIS forum using Gaijin account / Дать возможность входить на СНГ форум с аккаунта Gaijin
  • Make national communities on CIS countries languages on COM forum / Добавить национальные сообщества языков стран СНГ на COM форуме
  • Do nothing, CIS forum only by CIS account / Оставить как есть, вход на СНГ форум только через СНГ аккаунт
0 voters

I have a question about migration.

I’m afraid to migrate to CIS account cuz i have a rich experience of playing games that had local distributor, such as “”. And every time that distributor after some time (1-5 years) just quit.

Stopping all support and deleting all accounts and local servers. I’m afraid that my account will be deleted too, one day.

But also, i’m afraid to stay on COM account base cuz gaijin can stop me from using com account on a regional basis.

I dont know what to do, its a Zugzwang situation. PLS HELP ME!


Give ability to authorize on CIS forum using Gaijin account


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If you have questions, please use this site:

This site does not provide answers


We need a national Russian speaker topic


Please do not spam. Edit your post instead of posting twice in row in same thread.
Site I linked provide info.

I dont see an answer to my question, sadly.

Will Gaijin block the access to the game and forum on a regional basis one day if i wont migrate?

I’m scared to migrate and not migrate…


Will the CIS region be given a GOOOOL sticker, or not?


Okay, sorry

You have a whole Russian-language forum

Some of them lost access to it, that’s why they opened this thread.


No. He’s gone. The possibility of authorization there is closed for us. From today


Unfortunately, there was at least one distributor change that leaded to hard separation of CIS cluster of a game, and then support and development of local version became much worse: it’s the Armored Warfare.

And on that site user can’t ask additional question, and can’t ask on local support service or forum if user won’t move his account to the local distributor


I want to shitpost on Russian forum but i dont want, for now, link my account to lesta-thunder. Help us plZ.


Not lesta but a weird shadow company or something: “Pixel Storm”, idk.

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Well, maybe then you can give some answer regarding the Ukrainian-language forum thread.
After all, no one will transfer an account from Ukraine. It’s trivial because there is no way to pay and because Ukraine is not part of the CIS.


Well, i just realised. If i wont migrate and my friend will migrate. Will i be able to play with him in a squad?

Georgia is not a part of CIS but Georgian accounts have to migrate to CIS region too


Yes, you can. (Still?)