Ghost shells?

Anyone else getting ghost shells? I am running into 2-3 a night now and so is my buddy.


After the Seek & Destroy update, I also feel like ghost shells are coming back, I even feel like it happens more often than before.


You’ve got to consider the actual source of ‘ghost shells’.

‘Main’ source is desync and packet loss, which is the common one. (A genuine desync situation where the gun is damaged but your client isn’t seeing it, but those are very few and far between.)

Another is from genuine latency, and considering the human eye can see over the FPS of a screen, there’s no doubt in my mind that when you sometimes fire that shot, the server has already ‘hit you’ before that was fired from the player that’s getting you.

There will be a point where you’re genuinely seeing something that happened on your client side, but the server in it’s ‘checks’ and all that, already wrote you off as wrecked, so it casts your shot into the void.

(A genuine desync situation where the gun is damaged but your client isn’t seeing it, but those are very few and far between.)

I agree

there has been a heavy amount of bots flooding the servers recently due to the event so you might just be server lagging due to the amount of bots


It’s hardly ever the servers, and more often the connection to them, and the situation I described above.

It was a known problem a long time ago, I remember. I always believed it was never fully fixed. My ping is 50-90 and little to no latency and no packet loss and graphics is not the issue due to High preform computer. If want proof that it is not me, I will provide screen shots.

Ghost shells happened to me twice in a row before where it was none of the previously mentioned Situations.

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Spaghetti Code only reduces something, it will eventually reappear.


That’s you just thinking that it doesn’t relate, but I doubt you’d even thought to think about the scenarios posed compared to blaming the server and the game like everyone else, all the time.

I’m not having them happen much when I shoot, but I get a few when I’m getting shot at. It’s saved my life a few times ngl…

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Ghost shells have been happening daily for me.

I fire my tank gun, it makes the visual + sound, and then my gunner is knocked out and no shot was fired. As soon as it finishes I have a red ring for a crosshair and can fire again.


I suppose it is possible there was a ping spike or a sudden spike in packet loss, but considering it happened twice in 20-30 seconds, I’m not 100% sure

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It’s literally how the internet works.

I have noticed this recently. Never really had it in 3 years of playing now I get it about 3 or 4 times a night now and just had it happen again.Clear shot on the side of a Tiger 2 and nothing ,shell just vanished.This is a new thing for me.


Same after the update.


The amount of ghost shells the last week is insane, if I’m lucky only 50% of the shots fired during a game are ghost shells. something is seriously wrong every time there’s an event.

30 ping, 0% packet loss 144 fps

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Ghost shells happen when u fire shell and your cannon or breech gets destroyed. I died 10 times this week because of this. Its soo stupid and ping isnt even a problem or packet loss… its just dumb bug that no one cares to fix