Getting VRNeckSafer or OpenXRNeckSafer to work in War Thunder

Anyone have any idea how I get this to work in WT?

Playing in VR and trying to check my six sometimes sprains my neck and that really sucks. M&K players have a button to look behind them so why can’t we have one?

Edit: I got XRnecksafer to work using virtualdesktop!

To do this:
1: Download XRnecksafer from the github and install it and run it.
2: Bind buttons on your HOTAS/keyboard to look back left and look back right. Make sure you set the amount of degrees it will look back to a nice amount. 150 is nice for me.
3: Set virtualdesktop to run in VDXR instead of SteamVR
4: Run Xrnecksafer and keep it running in background
5: Run War Thunder using the launcher (and NOT through steam!), tick VR in the launcher and launch the game. It does not work if you switch to VR while starting the game through launcher without VR. It does not work in steamvr.
6: Now XRnecksafer works and you can check six without breaking your neck.

This was done with a Pico 4 running wireless through virtualdesktop.

I could not get VRnecksafer to work in steamVR.

force seated and position comp in standing mode…

just buy an office chair and roll around

I got XRnecksafer to work using virtualdesktop.

To do this:
1: Download XRnecksafer from the github and install it and run it.
2: Bind buttons on your HOTAS/keyboard to look back left and look back right. Make sure you set the amount of degrees it will look back to a nice amount. 150 is nice for me.
3: Set virtualdesktop to run in VDXR instead of SteamVR
4: Run Xrnecksafer and keep it running in background
5: Run War Thunder using the launcher (and NOT through steam!), tick VR in the launcher and launch the game. It does not work if you switch to VR while starting the game through launcher without VR. It does not work in steamvr.
6: Now XRnecksafer works and you can check six without breaking your neck.

This was done with a Pico 4 running wireless through virtualdesktop.

I could not get VRnecksafer to work in steamVR.

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But how to controll aircraft in close dogfight when you can’t manage your hotas while rolling around?
It is not working. May be a little to the right side when joystick at right.

yes, but isn’t rolling too much considered an unfair advantage?
most pilots don’t have the neck of an owl and you’re using a software to gain advantage

Considering that people who use a monitor already get said advantage, it shouldn’t matter. The software just helps prevent people from sustaining literal injuries while trying to enjoy a video game.


Nah, you need one of these chairs


Lol. WT has TrackIR/FreeTrack/OpenTrack support since 2012. With Head Tracking you can turn your view 180 degree with 10-15 degree real turn. With mouse you can turn without turning. With keyboard you can look back just pressing one button. But VR players with worst blurry image and low fps have advantage? Can you realize level of nonesense you told?


Works for me, Thx. With BE WT works only in Fullscreen mode. In windowed or borderless the game crashes. Even in fullscreen game crashes while alt+tabing or pressing WIN button.

I just use a wing chair and use the wings as handles to easier look behind.

It’s comfortable and it works.