Get the Iranian F-14A IRIAF in the ‘Persian Tomcat’ event

this one doesn’t have AMRAAM either


And it’s not a premium, unlike the pack planes

yea, you have to add a talisman and grind the whole thing out to get half the bonus of a premium plane

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The new Fakour-90 will have longer range than the AIM-120B and will beat it to target by a large gap.


wouldnt it have worse range than AIM-54 tho?

This is from MythicPi from another IRIAF F-14A thread:

F90 code is in the datamines now and it is just better in almost every way than the AIM-54A/C lmao.

  • Its boost stage has more raw acceleration than the R-27ER, with 96800N of force for 5 seonds, giving it almost the same raw acceleration as the ER (152.2 m/s^2 vs 157.93 m/s^2) but for 5 seconds instead of 3.2 seconds.
  • It has basicly a copy paste AIM-54 seeker.
  • its dV is one of if not the highest ingame for air to air missiles at 1349.3m/s
  • it has a better loft profile (double the omegaMax, the most important component of a good loft profile)
  • G load is slightly lower at 15g instead of 17g on the 54.
  • its max fin acceleration and deflection are very slightly lower.

Overal it seems to be the new king of long range, with more speed, more acceleration, and a better loft profile with a shorter burntime (so less visible) at the expense of a minor amount of maneuvrability.

If everything above is true it should be more capable than the AIM-54A/B/C for longer ranges and general use.

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Downside: heavier and less G-pull of 15Gs instead of 17.5

However if dual plane is added for both, the Aim-54 would have 24.7Gs and the Fakour 90 would be ~21-22Gs


With how everything looks there is no way on earth Gaijin places this beat at 12.3, the only acceptable BR for it would be 12.7.

Give it R-73 and we ball


But here’s the thing:
• F-14A engines (hotter than the sun),
• low flare/chaff count,
• Aim-9Js (Garbage / unless they give it the “Fatter”
Aim-9J derivative with better kinematic performance
according to Iranian state media),
• Aim-7E-4s (garbage range).

The Fakour 90 will be the only gimmick, and the Sedjil will only have 15Gs as well as being limited to only two (on the outer pylons), but it has amazing range for a SARH.

At least we’ve got the R–27R which is more than capable in sub-14km ranges and the Fakour-90 for above that.

Forgot about the 60 countermeasures though, that may be the biggest issue with the vehicle.

That’s IF gaijin keeps the R-27, which I have a feeling they’ll replace the promotional art and remove the missile if they truly care about historical accuracy as they say they do.

And yeah, this plane is gonna suffer if anything with IRCCM gets a shot on ya…

The main reason I see it staying at 12.3 is because it would face top tier at 12.7, and I have a feeling newbies will tank the stats trying to use this thing and keep it at 12.3 anyway lol.

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I have a feeling newbies will tank the stats trying to use this thing and keep it at 12.3

I was thinking about that as well lol, I can already imagine the swarms of IRIAF F-14A players in each match and 90% of them being level 2 players. People who don’t have the tech tree F-14A/B may use this as a way to get one quicker and cheaper.

The fact it also lacks any form of all-aspect IR missiles and the limited amount of countermeasures may also make Gaijin think twice before placing it at 12.7.

My biggest concern however is if the RWR will be any good, will it inherit the same RWR from the F-14A Early or will it be different?

That’s IF gaijin keeps the R-27

I honestly believe they won’t bother doing anything about that and if they did it would require something to be replacing the absence of the Russian missile like maybe the R-73 (if it was ever fired on it).

Let’s hope we get smth from Romania next update as well as proper confirmation of its TT position.

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Yup, that’s me right there

not only you, this will be the main selling point

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I am honestly just waiting for Gaijin to offer Premiums with Amraam’s.

Any time you want. No Radar or fire control allowed though :)

that’ll come next year I assume, after a few more waves of more modern AMRAAM carriers

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