Why not points for tradable coupon aswell?
Good! Thank you Gaijin! You made it premium!
Due to the deviations from the original plan and the overlapping of the first two stages, Mark of distinction 1 and 2 in the Rocket Storm event will each take 20,000 mission score to complete instead of the standard 35,000 mission score.
Why would you reduce mission score for Ground with much better gameplay but not for Naval with atrociously broken gameplay loop?
As mentioned in the news article, it will be an event vehicle, not a premium vehicle. The current configuration for it on the dev server is not final.
Hmm did my question get answered somwhere else and thats why its being ignored?
It SHOULD be a premium. It’s not going to be commonly played, and significantly will decrease the the players trying to get it.
There hasn’t been a “high” tier premium in forever from events… it’s a bit odd.
What’s even odder, is that it’s not a crazy rank or br, just give it premium. The devs are making $90 premium planes which are outrageous, but an Italian vehicle cannot get this status ??
Because the overlap directly affects the first two tasks that are limited time tasks to complete.
I’m not surprised but still disappointed it’s non-premium. A previous event vehicle of the same rank, the AUBL 74 HVG, was a premium. We also have higher top tiers in the game now. This absolutely should be a premium vehicle.
I think that the overlapping events speaks to a bigger issue. These events are happening way too frequently. Even when the events are for different vehicle types, some people do want those vehicles and need a break.
Thank you magazine2 but let’s face it the problem is not exactly the 35k but the 600k coupon… that is overlapping with the 750k coupon.
Don’t get me wrong I appreciate the two stage that got reduced to 20k… Still… would appreciate more if the 600k would be something like 500k or hell 550k…
And before the hate… I do sell these coupons so I could buy stuff that I actually want.
While I can see your argument and point of view, Naval gets the massive 1.9x AB/2.2x RB multiplier to mission score. I know my results might not be typical, but I have been able to complete the current naval event tasks in 5-6 games. Finishing them in one day, and not even needing the second day to complete each task. Again, I’m not saying I totally disagree with your argument, but it should not be ignored how big the multiplier is for Naval event tasks.
I’m really glad that Gaijin listened to player feedback, provided an explanation, and took action to address the issue. It’s great to see adjustments being made based on community input. Thank you for making the event more manageable!
People really out here grinding out 750k score for like 20 gajin coins
I mean, that being said, I think the event just died before it began.
Nothing is premium anymore other than paid for content or battlepass vehicles, which is also paid for…
The event rp cost needs to go down to 28000 or something then if that’s the case, as I’ve said before, this vehicle isn’t going to be good.
I mean vehicle doesn’t need to be premium to be worth grinding.
But if it’s not going to be premium, it needs to be something unique, something we don’t already have.
This one isn’t even that bad of an event vehicle, i will probably grind it out. But if you take a look at all event vehicles we had since the inception of new event system you will quickly realize that aside of Object 292, F-14 Iriaf and KV-7 this is the best we have. And i think everyone can agree that this isn’t some incredibly outstanding tank.
The new event cycle as a whole is just pathetic, to the point where what should have been your average funny event for a troll vehicle without much real value is the 4th best event of the recent year out of like close to 20 available.
Sorry, but i am not going to waste decent chunk of over 2 weeks of my life for a copypaste F-5 with different missile, yet another copypaste T-80, or a rebranded Type 16.
If you aren’t fond of locking down unique vehicles behind event, make less events, but at least make those few count. If you really don’t want to lock even a single one, so be it, at least make rewards premium. If you can’t even do that, don’t make those events at all, no one cares about them.
How do I test drive this on the Dev server?
Why not make it a Premium Event Vehicle? Many people would grind for this vehicle if it became a Premium Vehicle. Additionally, many would buy it from the Trade Market because it’s a unique Rank 5 Premium Vehicle, price will increase like aubl hvg
It’s a win-win solution for players and Gaijin.
I mean, shir 2 is still busted, super super good tank. I loved it even using just APDS, getting the APFSDS made if even better.
I won’t lie, i definitely like the shir 2 > the obj 292, the reload for the 292 is too long to be competitive most of the time.
Meanwhile the shir 2 has the armor, gun, reload, shell, etc. it’s only limiting factor really is speed forward, but I never found that to be a problem.
That’s what I’m saying. The HVG and this will be pretty much equal in the lack of effectiveness.
I wouldn’t mind it being 7.7 or 8.0, but being premium.
I don’t think gaijin should take being a premium into consideration when balsncing, so i don’t think it’s a good idea, but it would be nice for this vehicle to be premium regardless
Well that’s not what I was meaning, but you did bring up a good point