I mean vehicle doesn’t need to be premium to be worth grinding.
But if it’s not going to be premium, it needs to be something unique, something we don’t already have.
This one isn’t even that bad of an event vehicle, i will probably grind it out. But if you take a look at all event vehicles we had since the inception of new event system you will quickly realize that aside of Object 292, F-14 Iriaf and KV-7 this is the best we have. And i think everyone can agree that this isn’t some incredibly outstanding tank.
The new event cycle as a whole is just pathetic, to the point where what should have been your average funny event for a troll vehicle without much real value is the 4th best event of the recent year out of like close to 20 available.
Sorry, but i am not going to waste decent chunk of over 2 weeks of my life for a copypaste F-5 with different missile, yet another copypaste T-80, or a rebranded Type 16.
If you aren’t fond of locking down unique vehicles behind event, make less events, but at least make those few count. If you really don’t want to lock even a single one, so be it, at least make rewards premium. If you can’t even do that, don’t make those events at all, no one cares about them.
Why not make it a Premium Event Vehicle? Many people would grind for this vehicle if it became a Premium Vehicle. Additionally, many would buy it from the Trade Market because it’s a unique Rank 5 Premium Vehicle, price will increase like aubl hvg
It’s a win-win solution for players and Gaijin.
I mean, shir 2 is still busted, super super good tank. I loved it even using just APDS, getting the APFSDS made if even better.
I won’t lie, i definitely like the shir 2 > the obj 292, the reload for the 292 is too long to be competitive most of the time.
Meanwhile the shir 2 has the armor, gun, reload, shell, etc. it’s only limiting factor really is speed forward, but I never found that to be a problem.
That’s what I’m saying. The HVG and this will be pretty much equal in the lack of effectiveness.
I wouldn’t mind it being 7.7 or 8.0, but being premium.
I don’t think gaijin should take being a premium into consideration when balsncing, so i don’t think it’s a good idea, but it would be nice for this vehicle to be premium regardless
I just want a fun vehicle, doesn’t have to be meta, doesn’t have to be outstanding, is okay to be very situational. Like the QN506 - very situational, but I love that thing.
Well yes, but still i think anyone can agree that everything besides 292, F-14 and KV-7 we got in events so far was absolute garbage.
Same goes for battle passes. It’s been a full year of horrendous Battle Passes as of now.
Nearly all special events of this game are basically instant skips for me. Unless they change their way of doing things for me they can stop doing those all together
It’s not about being meta or not. It’s about telling players to grind 700k mission score for a copypaste vehicle with 1 different missile or slightly different engine
F-14 is different as it gave an immediate access to a strenghtened version of already overpowered plane that you would normally need to grind countless hours for.
As of now? Close to that, it’s just not undertiered anymore. But upon release it was a very rare exception of a copypaste event vehicle that was worth any grind