Get rid of factions

things like this shouldn’t even exist at the first place being sub tree or copy/paste vehicle
arcade is one thing as the name suggest but realistic? how this is messed realistic? when every match top tier are France Italy Sweden and Germany fighting each other to death with German Leopard 2?

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this would remove the natural progression of the game making every BR a clusterf*** of newer players playing abrams and veteran players having an easier time sealclubbing across the board.

I agree that the grind sucks but it also creates a natural skill curve to make the higher tiers of the game have some more challenge as well as newer equipment

I didn’t say that you should get an Abrams just like that.
Even though it’s already possible with top tier premiums.

and they are punished by being stomped by better players and not having a lineup backing that vehicle up

I want this for ARB at top tier, it seems so silly to see US,RU,GER vs US,RU,GER all the time :/

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WT matchmaker has a failsafe where it makes mixed nation games for when there’s not enough players of other nations to let people still get a match, we only see mixed nation matches because those three nations are the only ones anyone plays at the top tier BRs so the matchmaker has a stroke and makes everything a mixed battle

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I imagine you telling your superior officer you won’t participate in a war game with other nations because it’s disgusting.

Arbitrary historical battles are cringe, unrealistic, and unbalanced.

I actually agree now.Why do we bother with factions.We all play the same tanks on every side.We have no era separation or era related maps.All copy paste and even the Battle pass prize is a rusty old French repeat of a tank already in the game. M24 on every side,T34 on every side,Sherman, Panzer IV etc etc

Why not just have two same tanks/planes in red and blue facing each other and forget the idea of immersion completely.



the choice is yours XD

I would be curious as to how well a 2 faction system would work.

Similar to how the game used to be where it was Axis vs Allies, and the vehicles were balanced accordingly. I.e - Japan, Italy, Germany always fought everyone else.

My thoughts are that we take that concept but tweak it. Instead of training crews for each individual tech tree. You instead have crews and slots for faction A and crews and slots for faction B.

Faction A can be allies and Faction B can be Axis according to World War 2
Faction A can be NATO and Faction B can be Warsaw Pact According to the Cold War

As far as I’m concerned any vehicle that appears in faction A can be used to research and unlock faction A vehicles and same for Faction B. For example in Faction B the East German T-72 could be foldered with the Standard Russian T-72 to reduce grind as both are Pact Vehicles. (I don’t know if the Hungarian and Finnish T-72s would be Pact or Nato though…)

Additionally, lineups can be formed from any vehicles that appear in the faction. For Example (if you really wanted to suffer), in my idea you could theoretically form a lineup using the following tanks.

  • US M48A1 BR 7.7
  • GER M48A2C BR 7.7
  • TAIWAN M48A1 BR 7.7 ( I don’t know if this is an appropriate alliance here so call me out if need be)
  • IS Magach 1 BR 7.7
  • IS Magach 2 BR 7.7
  • ITA M47 (105/55) BR 7.7 (for a bit of flavour)

This might seem like a silly idea to some but with the proposed two faction system we could have the following.

  • The example above with the theoretical lineup could allow players to invest time into several tech tree versions of the same vehicle to act as free backups.
  • Players who invest in GE crew slots would get greater value for money, and have a large variety of possible lineups to choose from.
    – additionally the RP earned in battles would be concentrated amongst fewer crews (as opposed to the crews in each faction tech tree)
  • The notorious ‘orphaned tanks’ that appear at awkward BRs with no lineups would be eliminated. (Except for BR 9.7 which is very barren)
  • Players would have greater flexibility when researching vehicles, (as mentioned above duplicates would be much easier to folder reducing overall RP cost).

The more I think about it though, it just seems like needless complications.


In general yes. The problem is that if the Axis are Germany, Italy and Japan and the Warsaw Pact are USSR and China, then there’s a big discrepancy in the number of available vehicles for Team A vs. Team B.

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I don’t care about patriotism…i like history…and for some reason this means “historical”-ish matchups are better for me…

Lol my post saying ‘imagine if Gaijin gave a s*** about sim’ was apparently upsetting the community and was hidden.

Yeah right…

I was just making a joke its supposed to be like the sleeping position one like comfort 0 danger 100 one

its because of the lauguage

Adding a ranked system would solve half the problems we have instantly ;)
Just add don’t change lol
Want to play ground RB? play it… want to play ranked? play it instead of grb

What about the factions is anywhere near historical? Lol, maybe lower br

The number of vehicles may be different, but I would say that the variety is roughly the same. It’s also why I proposed the mass foldering of vehicles which have been employed by several nations.

Give me some time and I’ll put together a fleshed out suggestion and maybe even some mock tech tree Diagrams with pictures. I was thinking ‘unaligned nations’ could be a third faction, but realistically I think they could easily be split up into the two major factions. I was hesitant to go into more detail about nations and alignments as I don’t want to frustrate or upset people with a careless comment about a country’s allegiances.

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