Germany should get their Boxer platforms, most notably the Boxer CRV

Jup, of course. But we always got the war thunder application in mind as well, better manoads would be intresting.

But yeah realy looking forward to the iris-t one

Skyranger 30 A3 is reaching maturity rather quickly;
The recent test results are very good and it just works

The first Boxer IFV has also reached the Bw, testing will begin shortly


Can’t wait to see this added in-game in 17 years at BR 21.3

2s38 will obviously remain at 10.0 though, cuz its super balanced /s

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Do You mind sharing the sources of this? Could be cool to add them to the Skyranger 30 thread

which part

the skyranger A3 should be fine

it was reported by this guy
who actively works on the testing for this

thank you a lot

the boxer IFV was reported by rheinmetall

now we only need a video where they wiggle the spike launcher and shoot them straight and not stuck in a position

Schwerer Waffenträger Infanterie für die Bundeswehr | Rheinmetall

britain is getting the RCH155 as well

Radschützenpanzer – Bundeswehr will Maschinenkanonenboxer mit Puma-Turm beschaffen (
Boxer RCT30 will probably be purchased as well

its a Boxer with the turret of the Puma but possibly with a new MELLS launcher where the missiles are stacked vertically instead of horizontally


vertical MELLS on the tank
horizontal on the ground

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for those here to read as well

cheaper PUMA, i hate it

new boxer version dropped

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Eh, the mortar version isnt exactly new i think