Germany should also get the KF41 Lynx

still want it in the game, same with Wiesel 1 Mells

Already offered that vehicle on ru forum :)

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RMK30 Wiesel my beloved
Recoilless Chaingun goes chunk chunk chunk

We’re discussing the mig29 9.12a vs 9.13. The armament is the same.

not that one i mean this one, ACW wiesel (Autonomous Combat Warrior)

God I hope Slovenia orders some panthers, we just sent practically every M55S we had to Ukraine. Would be a huge upgrade

sure as long as you dont mind it being added in the german tree i dont mind xD

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Yugo tree soon™? Teehee

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I would like to see the hot wiesels aswell. The one with the cannon and hot missle and the other one with 2 hot missles

Meanwhile I’m still trying to get my hot and hot 2 missiles for the begleit.

I agree. But Britain should also get Swiss hunter, not just Germans.

As a TT or Premium?

I hope it’s a Squadron vehicle.But I know that’s not possible

Yeah… they wouldn’t make two of the same squadron vehicle.

Been playing since 2013, and over time, I chose to hit Japan top tier first, followed by Germany and then France. Got several premiums along the way.

Wish I chosen differently in retrospect - Japan and France rarely receive attention, and Germany is going the same way.

I’ve read a lot of the comments here and this is my take on the whole thing:

Italy (also a minor nation in WT) has been neglected for a long, long time, and I’m very glad that they’re getting the KF41.

What I’m disappointed with:

  1. One of the dev stream representatives said they wouldn’t be adding Spikes to the PUMA this update, which I literally don’t understand with respect to Spikes already existing on the Freccia now. Seems like a middle finger to the PUMA, which already has glitched AHEAD and MUSS. Had the PUMA received some fixes and also Spikes, I’d be a lot happier.

  2. A lot of people here say that Hungary is the “only operator” of the Lynx. Yeah, that’s why they’re getting it. It doesn’t mean that Germany can’t get it either, as a German company developed it. I love the mental gymnastics some people are pulling with calling it an “international company.” Yeah, if it’s international, then why can’t multiple countries receive the KF41?

  3. Germany gets a new MBT (good), but it’s only the PSO, and I’ve seen many other posts on how (possibly) incorrect the thing is. I’m not a historian so not qualified to speak on it. But Sweden acquired the 2A6 in a recent patch and has had 2 Strv 122s for a while now, their MBT offerings at top tier are straight up better than Germany’s.

Personally, I’m happy with Hungary/Italy receiving the KF41 for this patch alone, just to build hype and of course boost player engagement with Italy (they really need more viable top tier MBTs though).

That said, Gaijin, I think the KF41 should really be added to Germany later. It’s a great vehicle and light tanks are needed for lineups at top tier for countries other than Russia (the 2S38 and BMP-2M are incredibly useful utility wise).

Again, I first picked up WT in 2013, back before ground forces were even a thing. I’m older now and have less time, but this game was still one of the things that really encouraged my interest in military history and engineering as a kid. I would like to keep playing it even as an adult, preferably continuing to invest my time and money into the nations that brought me into the game a decade ago.

I’m happy that the USA and USSR are always getting many designs each update (as they should). I just hope that Gaijin would also put equal effort into filling out other nations, France, Japan, Italy (with this update), UK, and now Germany as well.


They should get the swiss hunter and germany get AJ ICE.
I and i also think many others would be satisfied with that.

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Doubt that we will see the Alpha anytime soon…


TLDR is “Get F’d”


3- Strv 122s do not fire DM53 tho.
It’d be like strapping DM43 to the new PSO.

Gaijin treats all countries well, and that’s an in-line comment that I appreciate.
I don’t understand why people push hate over obvious decisions.