Germany should also get the KF41 Lynx

the hunter is the only recent example, the prefered german treatment stopped quite some time ago

looks like the exact same model to me, that is the definition of copy paste even if some values got changed

it is, they could have given german developed vehicles instead and would have been no need for a switz hunter that had no reason to be placed into germany

again Strv 122 and Leo 2A6, besides that were there even other cases like that?, fact is the most cases are quite some time ago, while most recent cases were against germany giving away better or the same top tier vehicles.
Germanys is the country that suffers from sub tree additions, sweden had already the best leopards, after the addition of finland they decided the pinnacle of it needed to be the leo 2a6 the only defining feature the german top tier tech tree had left. How is this any fair?
And now again a german vehicle gets taken to define another countries top tier, i understand it to give the tree a poster child for a few months but it shouldnt be exclusive to hungary for ever, after like 2 patches it should be added to germany at least as well

DF-105 and SK-105 are not that old.

So the flares, AIM-9Js, Mavericks, drop tanks, those all don’t matter?

yes… we’re in agreement on that… but the point is that germany has benefitted from this non-sense more than anybody else.

not the same issue

Are you serious? Germany benefits the most?

Almost every nation in game that had connections to current sub tree and main tree vehicles got them PRIOR to the new nations being added. Or at least got some versions of them.

Shall we talk about sweden?

again with the swiss hunter, boy is that getting annoying. It seems very likely the swiss are going to germany and if thats the case then the swiss deserve to get a jet they used like literally any other subtree. At least britain has versions of the hunter unlike germany with the kf41. And at the time the sk105 was being added gaijin was likely thinking of adding austria to that list. And actually more people wanted the sk105 for germany and the japz ka2 for france(oddly enough) but gaijin ultimately decided that argentina will be a german subtree.

We are not asking to remove the hungarian kf41 we are asking to have some version of it. Like the hunters, doesnt need the same systems, protection or even be the same model kf31 for example.


Ixwa stike realsed 10 march 2021, that is 2 years and 6 months ago, pretty much the prefered treatment stopped after that

the model itself is copy paste and adding those required no work, everything of those armaments would have been available to the alpha jet as well

yes and we have mistreated just as much, there is a reason sweden is called the better germany, because top tier is straight up better , when germany has enough leopard versions that could be added to equal it, hell half of those additions wouldnt even have needed a new model like the PSO did


yes… historically they have. I can’t think of a nation who has gotten more shit they don’t deserve.

“its ok when it happens to other nations as long as it doesn’t happen to my nation!”

i am all for all nations getting their used vehicles, hungary shall get their tigers panthers, hell some want their g91 r/3 let them have it, i mean top tier and everything in the future already is copy paste , it is way to late to stop that, hell china will get the m1a1 abrams at some point etc

What argument are you making? Germany has zero versions of the kf41 better or worse. How exactly is that comparable to sweden and the swiss hunter?

The last part is bs. People were pissed off too when the 2a6 went to Sweden. People were pissed, and still are even, that the best leos were in the Swedish tree even before then. I’ve even seen questionable opinions that are upset the 109 is copy pasted everywhere.


specially when everyone just refers at this point to sweden as the better germany its just stupid how germany has been mistreated so badly in terms of top tier yes it has an amazing tank but guess what now sweden has the same tank and a better top tier lineup than germany wich its absolutely lacking of a top tier light tank or anything to complete it rlly


I don’t even understand why we can’t even have the prototype kf41 nobody but Germany has that one and gaijin loves giving everyone their prototype tanks so why the hell not. Honestly screwing over Germany like this just proves gaijin hates Germany mains for no reason.

Easy explanation those prototypes are missing the APS system, the redeeming feature and its main attraction, without that it realy is just a worse Puma. The prototypes are event vehicles for collection at best.

Still I would rather have that than nothing at all

Because it wasn’t designed for them. How hard is this to understand? Every tank you named for America, they designed them for themselves then canceled when they learned that the designs were bad. The company that built the lynx built it specifically for Hungary. Just like the t-90S should be in the Soviet tree. Germany never once even batted an eye at the lynx end of argument. Get over it and move on.

Bro how many times must this be said we don’t want the Hungarian lynx we don’t care about the Hungarian lynx we just want a variant of the lynx why do YOU find this so hard to understand.

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That is a lie, the Lynx was designed for export not just Hungary. The Challenger 2E was also designed for export, and guess where that went to… oh yeah, the developer/manufacturer, Britain.


It really only depends on Gaijin’s opinion on each individual tech. Though vehicle you mentioned despite it’s made for export doesn’t have any nation used them in the game, I mean if Hungary or any other nation represented in the game in a form of standalone nation or a subtree had Challenger 2E in service, UK wouldn’t get it most likely. An example of exact the same case as Lynx is a lack of G.91R/3 in the Italian TT.
Wonder why there isn’t that much noice about this one considering it’s still the best Gina for GRB.


Exactly just look at Vic’s like the Cv90105/ cv90120 or the Patria amv 105 or the amx 40 amx 30 super amx 32 and and and. Just because we Germans now want an export Vic that we designed in our tree we’re in the fault again.

Or the chinese wma 301

Fun fact: about the argument some people are using against the KF41 being that we have an operating nation in the game… they’re half correct - we have only 1 of the 2, the other being Greece who had already signed a contract for procurement of the KF41 Lynx, and their only (afaik) representation being the premium Apache; which went to US, therefore logically their KF41 will go to Germany.


While yes, no KF41 Lynx was delivered to Greece yet. And i didnt find a procurement date either. The only sources of the KF41 in Greece are demonstration. So we possibly would need to wait until the first patch gets delivered to Greece and like the Apache it propably would end up as a premium as well not a tech tree (which i dont mind). But that is sth one should be aware of