Germany should also get the KF41 Lynx

My guess is the 2A7 wont show up for another 3 years, and it wont even be the uparmored version, it’ll be the shitbag barebone 2A6 with some new optics only, because gaijin thinks its funny to forget a germany’s rank 7 ground for 3 years, only to add the absolute shittest thing they could think of to shut german players up


Or maybe more years to wait. Swedish leopards better then German. What problem to give Germany better leo?

New optics for the commander only too. The gunner still had the EMES-15 with WBG-X which is gen 1 ingame

So my eyes bleeding again?


Really bad.

To be fair it makes at least some sense irl. The commander is the one responsible for spotting targets so giving him priority has some validity.

Germany should get the KF41 primarily because it doesn’t have another IFV lined up for the Bundeswehr as the VJTF Puma is set to remain for a long time and is still sufficiently modern.

Everyone, not just Germany, should get a whole lot more IFVs and LTs. And for a fact it’s possible. Gaijin cannot just create a light vehicle meta and give it only to a few nations or very limited BRs in which few play. Although I’d argue the light vehicle meta is generally harmful. It is its responsibility toward the players because it charges triple A game prices per premium, only for players to get an opportunity to be part of the meta before it fades.

Oh and 2 ATGMs for the KF41 (i.e no reloads) while the BMP-2M gets 4 ready + 4 reloads - is utter BS.


Magachs are M48s and M60s ,that got upgraded, the US has those M48s and M60s congratulation you just said germany should get the KF41, same for the Tirans they are upgrades of the T54 and 55, russia has both. Strv are upgrades Leopards, germany has Leopards.
But here is the differences KF41 is a basic vehicle, no upgrades from the hungarians themself, everything is developed and produced in germany. It exists in hungarian tree, but not in the german one. While all other vehicles you names the basic versions exist in the tech trees

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Ah, we dont mind that roughly. The problem is we are joking that Hungary will like sweden receive instantly again a better Leopard then Germany itself. We would propably only get Leopard 2A7V while hungary instantly gets the better Leopard 2A7HU (+) . We only have a problem with that germany will sit around with worse equipment waiting that gajin gives us the Leopard 2A7+ , if gajin gives hungary and germany the Leopard2A7+ at the same time nobody will complain


The german Leopard 2A7+ would be a lot worse than the hungarian one. It only has gen 1 thermals for the gunner, the L/55 instead of the L/55A1 and lacks the improved drive train. The 2A7V would actually be more on par with it.

Here better and easier solution that Gaijin can do it right now if not lazy
add modification spikes for PUMA and fix AHEAD
and here we go good IFV for Germany and don’t even need KF41 Lynx

Russia doesnt need more tanks but theyll still get them. But germany getting more tanks? absolute madness, i mean why would germany deserve any new vehicles theyre completely stacked as a nation.

Name a top tier jet for gernany that is comparable to the su25 and a10. How many leo 2s does germany have compared to the big 2? How long did germany wait for a new mbt? How long did germany wait for the marder? How long did we complain for till the bagel got 80% fixed? How long did we complain for, for the puma to STILL not get fixed OR get a version with spikes? How long did russia have to wait till they got the 2s38, bmp2m, 2s25m, t72b3, and now the t90ms tracks have been sighted.

There is no big 3 in war thunder, its just the big 2.


Official KNDS website says it comes with L55A1 as well

And gets advertised with better optronics

Thats the least of the puma bugs resolved, whole model would still be broken

If you think of it from the point of view of Gaijin (and the amount of work needed), wouldn’t it be a much easier solution for Gaijin to just copy and paste the KF41? Instead of fixing the 18 bugs and then creating a whole new model for the spikes?

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Well for me Russia don’t need jack s**t they get new stuff none stop after recent update. (and overbuffed)
There is big 3 but it just replaced Germany with China thanks to Fall of Chinese server and now they created more problem to the game

maybe you’re right but Gaijin being Gaijin they turn incompetent when toward other nation, but they will be very competent when Russia have bug problem that disadvantage them.

In my opinion the Lynx should be given to Germany and Leopard 2a7 should be added.
As a player of the Italian line, no one has ever requested this vehicle, Italian vehicles have been requested to be added and NEVER a German late model vehicle


There’s alot hate towards Germany and alot bitter comments. But imho its not wrong to ask for a German IFV getting added to Germany. Would be the same as the Challenger 2E export tank or the M1 Abrams AIM, the Australian export model … many more examples… No one ever had issues that these were added to the country of origin.

Especially if you consider that Germany has no top tier worthy IFV or light wheely boy. Puma still has no ATGM, which is a huge setback if you face MBTs, while the RKW90 unfortnately lacks thermals and laser rangefinding.

Italy however, has already a plethora of these light vehicles, which have all imaginable gadgets from laser warning recievers, good thermals and even Spikes (newly added Freccia).

So Germany needs that German vehicle. Italy doesn’t. They can already use the Freccia with Spikes. And yee.,…this vehicle has noithing Italian^^


The argument is invalid because 30% of vehicles in game are export vehicles not used irl by the tech trees they sit in. So why is it that Germany can’t have a kf41 despite it being a purely German designed vehicle built in Germany. Why the hell does it all of a sudden matter that Germany doesn’t use the vehicle yet irl when no other nations tank in game is getting that treatment. None of us are saying Hungary shouldn’t get a kf41 all we are saying is that because it is a German vehicle made by a German company by all rights there should be one in the German tech tree maybe not this update but at least the next. And on top of that there are tanks in game that haven’t even gone into production yet and maybe never will like the stupid 2s38. So yeah the “Germany doesn’t use it irl so no” argument is in every way invalid.