Germany should also get the KF41 Lynx

Using the excuse of remove the only thing that makes it Unique it’s really not an excuse dude cmon of people grind it they are gonna grind it cuz of the vehicle they want not because of bring Unique for example i grinde the japanese tech tree cuz i wanted the type 10 for the 4 second reload

Well I’m using it as a template since that’s clearly how Gaijin goes about implementing things , and they’ve already said that the KF41 won’t be going to Germany this patch so shouldn’t that be final anyways ? I don’t see a point arguing since nobody is truly and really opening a ear and looking from their perspective anyways…

No, you’re using it to push a narrative against the KF41 in German TT because it’s a contradiction of a long-lived rule (and quite really the only one in the history of this game… well until KF41 that is).

It is irrelevant whether they said that or not, the French players got their Kurassier after complaining about Germany getting one, so sit down and let us do our job.

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And as i said before don’t use the fact that other person plays another nations just to make fun of them

Yes and i have no problem with it staying unique to hungary for a few patches, but in the mean time gajin ignored the realy unique features of the hungarian tech tree, they have a self modified t72 version that would have been better then the one they got, hell gajin didnt even bother to give hungarian leopard its real roof mounted mg, the problems of the hungarian tree already start somewhere else

thats the problem like many italien players already said, it already is a copy paste tree, and the truly unique features see above t72 and leopard 2a4 mg get ignored,
Gajin is ignoring truly unique features for a vehicle that is developed by another country and has a home their as well

Bad example, british players literaly are begging for a Grippen C variant they could get to get a competent top tier fighter, and you could argue the same for the german f-4f it is missing 9ls as well

the main problem of the QN506 is because the silhouette is realy gigantic, while freccia and KF41 have a lower one, this makes them more sneaky to say, additionaly QN506 is missing APS systems

the problem here is, nobody of the germans demanded this vehicle, everything it is doing could have been done by the alpha jet, but gajin was to lazy to make the alpha jet model, as a result they copy pasted the hunter model, you could even say germany is suffering because of the hunter because everyone hates on germany because of this accident, which the german playerbase has nothing to do with and would have prefered the alpha jet over it

the sad truth is, top tier uniqueness simply doesnt exist anymore, look at air everyone and his mother has the f16, or mig29, f4f, with ground sweden already gets called the better germany for a reason and the PSO wont change it as it currently stands, many will get the m109a3 possibly, western tanks generaly play very similary, britain got a t90S, sweden has a t80U, nearly everyone flies APACHES.
Even looking at ww2 vehicles, half the trees either have t34s , shermans or even both, before long the hungarian tree will receive german tiger tanks and panthers.
Unique vehicles rarely exist in war thunder anymore, i support every nation getting the vehicles they used. Thats why nation specific modification only make sth truely unqiue, but like already stated, gajin sadly ignored this for hungary


No, you can’t compare those, they are different situations:

KF41: currently only in the Hungarian tree, “crown jewel/top vehicle” of the Hungarian tree, a major selling point of the Hungarian tree, nobody else has it. If Germany gets it too, people will just grind the German one as Germany is far more popular. The Hungarian KF41 will lose all uniqueness and relevance.

T-72: a common tank owned by many nations in WT, it’s simply copy-paste in the Hungarian tree, nobody cares about it’s uniqueness to Hungary as it isn’t unique to Hungary. It isn’t a selling point of the Hungarian tree. People won’t avoid Italy, no, but they also won’t specifially grind Italy for the T-72.

@TPS_Hydra for context the unique T72 and leopard modifications


Mg on the Leopard is the FN MAG 7.62 , this are the differences that show the tech tree the love it deserves


KF41: currently only in the Hungarian tree, “crown jewel/top vehicle” of the Hungarian tree, a major selling point of the Hungarian tree, nobody else has it. If Germany gets it too, people will just grind the German one as Germany is far more popular. The Hungarian KF41 will lose all uniqueness and relevance.

I truly adore this type of argument. The people making it don’t even notice that it applies in every single way to the Leopard 2A6 too.

Pot calling kettle black I think it was?


Just because I stopped playing Germany back in 2020 doesn’t mean I can’t have a say in forums, please don’t be ridiculous and respect me as a fellow player of the game. I’m not here to be disrespected or looked down upon and the forums is meant to be a open space for all types of people.

Csaba. Zrinyi. Turan. And then there’s the stuff we’re missing and that I’m baffled is not in this tree, like their own unique T-72, or the Nimrod

If Hungary was to get these vehicles minus the Nimrod I’d be completely fine with Germany getting the KF41 but the issue is the purpose of the Hungarian Sub Tech Tree. If Germany gets everything Italy has plus everything better what would serve the purpose of this addition?

or they wouldn’t have the 2S38, which is not in service
Vehicles are placed where Gaijin believes it will better serve their interests, which makes sense. The
rest is a justification for later. If “used or not used” would be a criterion, the Maus wouldn’t be in the
German tree, and many Soviet prototypes would also be out the window.

I never said anything about Soviet vehicles, I don’t believe the Russians need these type of vehicles at all and obviously this is because of marketing and nothing else. Funny enough it was Gaijin which said Germany wouldn’t get the KF41 since they never operated it, I’m only passing down what they’ve said already and don’t mind Germany getting the KF41 in future patches (just not within 5 months).

Personally, I find that gimmicky and weird. If Italy gets a Tiger E, it will not dent my motivation to play my German Tiger E in my lineup.

Issue is why grind a Italian Tiger E when you can get a German one in a overall better Tech Tree? That’s my point, the KF41 is meant to attract new players who want a combination of Italian and Hungarian Tech but if it was to go to Germany what purpose would it serve?

It is irrelevant whether they said that or not, the French players got their Kurassier after complaining about Germany getting one, so sit down and let us do our job.

The difference is that Germany is a top 3 (maybe a top 2) nation in-game, they are top notch and never will fall behind unlike the French, British, Italian of Japanese.

Bad example, british players literaly are begging for a Grippen C variant they could get to get a competent top tier fighter, and you could argue the same for the german f-4f it is missing 9ls as well

If the German F-4F was to get the AIM-9Ls it would struggle, if the British Phantoms got it they wouldn’t that’s the difference. They’re already Top Tier and it wouldn’t hurt to receive these types of Missiles.

the main problem of the QN506 is because the silhouette is realy gigantic, while freccia and KF41 have a lower one, this makes them more sneaky to say, additionaly QN506 is missing APS systems

The KF41 is a massive vehicle if you haven’t seen it already, I would literally compare the size to a Maus when it comes to the height of the vehicle. It’s based of the Puma anyways, so if the Puma was to get a simple fix and Spikes it would basically fill the same roles no?

the problem here is, nobody of the germans demanded this vehicle, everything it is doing could have been done by the alpha jet, but gajin was to lazy to make the alpha jet model, as a result they copy pasted the hunter model, you could even say germany is suffering because of the hunter because everyone hates on germany because of this accident, which the german playerbase has nothing to do with and would have prefered the alpha jet over it

This doesn’t avoid the fact Germany has the Hunter F.58 whether you like it or not, it’s a British design, with British origins and was even operated by the British (which we all know). Germany has been getting the special treatment for years since they already generate a TON of money for Gaijin for years now.

And to mention you guys are already getting a new Leopard 2 so instead of arguing for other nations Tech Tree vehicles be happy with your addition and make a forum about the buggy Puma to get it fixed. Pour all this energy to getting the Puma fixed instead of neglecting it which is something you blame on Gaijin.

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While I still disagree with giving Germany the KF41 and would rather them get a KF31 or KF51, I do agree that Gaijin really didn’t make this Hungarian subtree too unique. It’s still missing like 10 Hungarian unique WW2 vehicles, all postwar unique Hungarian vehicles as well as Hungarian modified vehicles. If they would have given Hungary these then I’d be much more accepting of giving Germany the KF41, because it wouldn’t be “taking away (as in making it no longer unique)” Hungary’s only “unique” postwar/high tier vehicle.

If the German F-4F was to get the AIM-9Ls it would struggle , if the British Phantoms got it they wouldn’t that’s the difference . They’re already Top Tier and it wouldn’t hurt to receive these types of Missiles .

Does somebody want to translate this to English?

Either I am missing an important bit of context or my ability to understand written English is lacking, but, how would the F-4F struggle after getting 9L when it’s a direct upgrade over the 9J it currently has?

KF51? Probably not anytime soon.

Dude your argument here has no foundation and spewing it a thousand times doesn’t make you any less wrong. Even if Germany gets a kf41 it will not stop people grinding the Italian one. Also you keep talking about “uniqueness” but what about Germanys uniqueness huh there is almost nothing unique about top tier Germany anymore as everyone and their mother have better versions of top tier German vehicles. And by denying one Germanys most advanced and unique vehicles from Germany wouldn’t that mean Germanys uniqueness is none existent?


Don’t worry guys. I’m sure Gaijin will give you a promise that Germany will get a counterpart in the future.
Just don’t bite on that bait. The French are still waiting for their promised DF105 counterpart…

I didn’t think the KF41 would come so soon…

Exactly, I agree pretty much 100% with you, nobody is saying Germany must suffer, it’s just that Germany can be improved without taking away the selling point of the Hungarian tree.

It would have to move up to either 11.3 or 11.0 facing 12.0 vehicles like the MiG-29 making it less feasible as a Aircraft. On the other hand the F-4 Phantom UK already faces 12.0 vehicles so it wouldn’t make a difference.

The fact that you do not play in Germany is your business. But when it comes to adding transport specifically to Germany, you need to read what users who constantly or privately play on this nation say. Such is life, you need to respect great or good people, and since I don’t know you, I personally have no respect for you.

Yes, yes, then UK gets the T-90 to which it has nothing to do. And Bulannikov himself let slip on the stream that they added the Colony to the research branch UK

Gaijin Entertainment does not pay salaries here, you go elsewhere, sir


There are loads of Hungarian vehicles they missed in this subtree:
Interwar to WW2:
Straussler V-4
38M Toldi I
42M Toldi II
42M Toldi IIA (a researchable version)
43M Toldi III
40M Nimrod
41M Turan II (a researchable version)
44M Zrinyi I (a researchable version)
44M Tas
Several modified vehicles with 44M Buzoganyveto anti-tank rockets
Several modified gun trucks

Postwar/cold war/modern:
D-944 PSZH
Several other modified vehicles and trucks

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thats all i want to hear, not everyone wants to force it being added immediatly, we only want it secured for the future 2 patches is a relativ good time

Eh debatable, after hungary gets the tiger and panther it arguably is the better tree at that br, because you get acces to light with the Re T20 FA-HS , M18 , it makes a mean combination of protected vehicles and dangerous flankers /scouters which germany is lacking

that is debatable as well, one could argue that gajin since long stopped giving germany prefered treatment compared to us or ussr

like we already stated very sadly we did… we realy realy tried, 140 pages old forum fighting fighting fighting, the only thing we got them to do is improve the overhead, which the KF41 is benefiting from as well Schützenpanzer Puma IFV: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. - Light Vehicles - War Thunder - Official Forum
Internal bug list of gajin
they just arent doing anything

To end this i just wanna talk about the last sub tree addition of Finland, you know what the unique vehicle of Finland was to get players to try out the Finnish sub tree? Yep the Leopard 2A6 , pretty much taking germanys top tier and unique vehicle for itself. Why is it that germany seems to need to suffer under new tree additions? It did then and is now happening again


it exists they added it at the same time because they pushed so hard the SK-105A2, (this could have been sarcasm from you, but i am exhausted and in need of a sarcasm sign currently)