Yeah but the j11b only gets pl12’s and the Rafale c doesn’t get the pesa radar. But yeah the j15 and rafale m are both naval so that’s a bit of a theme.
PESA radar is on all Rafales from initial production to its AESA changes later on.
And J-15 also “only” gets PL-12s. BRs dictate the aircraft compatible with the missile platforms Gaijin wants.
On top of that, PESA with only 6 missiles, especially since PESA is very much NOT “obviously superior” to mechanical PD radars, it’s a probable good test platform.
Obviously Mig-31 would be better since its radar missiles are dogwater, but this is all rumor besides Mig-31’s dogwater missiles.
The rafale c is pre-production, and j15 gets pl10’s and pl15’s. Though it could also carry pl12’s and pl8’s so it could be added with the worse missiles and upgraded later on.
I’m pretty sure there are some pretty significant advantages to PESA radars over mechanical ones, especially when it comes to finding targets.
Nice to see how Sweden gets every tech of the planet.
J-15 also gets PL-12s, so your argument about PL-15s mean nothing.
And the alleged advantages aren’t as big as people think, especially for Rafale and Mig-31.
As for finding targets… air RB’s map already does that for us.
From an air perspective they currently have 2 Gripens for top tier, this (fake) list gives them one US plane through Finland. UK is much worse for getting other nations stuff, with the Gripen thanks to SA and a MiG-21 thanks to India, and the (fake) list suggests they’ll get the Canadian F-18 as well…
Sim exist
Leak list looks pretty fake, gaijin will add the f18/A’s and the skip to the C makes little sense. Additionally it would make no sense for EFT to not be added to germany or at least some other aircraft that is on par. Besides i think the bigger issue is this would be yet another air focused update right after we juat had one. Its more likely we wont see the F18 or the eft until December since thats normally gaijins biggest update though id like to see them come sooner but again thats up to gaijin to decide. Additionally i would be more suprised if the D didnt show up when the F18/A-C arrives, seems like a perfect way for gaijin to make one nation have a slightly worse model for flight while the both vehicles have identical loadouts.
Now the real kicker would be for the EFT to go to everyone but germany the update before the December one, and for the event plane in December to be the german EFT.
A & C model US Aircraft are Single Seaters. B and D models are two seaters. Their are some planes that are different but mostly that is how it goes. Since we don’t use the EW versions, we mostly get the single seat fighters.
If we have the F18A then we don’t need the F18B.
Wasnt referring to the US, more specifically other nations like finland uses the C and D, i personally love all aircraft even if its as simple as a two seater so i do hope they add them.
I’d assume the eurofighter, rafale, and j10 would all be added at the same time in a themed update. Would make the most sense.
So why is that “typical”?
GER players are second grade players, or what?
Deutsche Marks stink, or something?
This thread aged lovely.
So, after a six months the ICE has a whole 18 SIM games in the last month on Thunderskill and a Kill ratio of 1. Meanwhile, US, that got F15C MSIP2 in the same patch, runs 129 games and 4.43 kill ratio.
Let this be a testament to GJ’s so called “game design”.