Germany need a more efficient SPAA in 6.7 BR

How is that armor any weirder than any other tank?
As a TD it absolutely doesn’t deserve 7.0 BR. 1 in 3 HVAP shell that deals miniscule damage, penetration drops considerably at range. API stealth belt that takes ages to switch to and where the “I” part does nothing against the crew and only somewhat works vs engine/fuel (IRL it would cause a crew bailout due to noxious smoke and the fact that a lot of stuff inside the tank is flammable). Bad mobility. Can’t pen a lot of Soviet or US 6.0-8.0 tanks from sides and sometimes even rear.
Even vs T-34-85 it has huge problems from the side, as only lower side is vulnerable.
Oh and it can be penetrated through the turret front by .50 cal/12.7mm operated by jedi tank commander using force.
Oh and gun handling is just bad for SPAA.
30mm HEIT has nice muzzle velocity but drops said velocity at a very rapid pace because Germans left us ballistic tables, other nations kept them secret.
How is that 7.0 worthy?

zerstorer is fine, so is ostwind 2, germany does not need a new spaa here, kugelblitz should drop to 6.7 if anything

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It IMO needs fixed Zerstorer with correct turret at 6.3. both Kugel and Zerstorer lack range to a large extent and while dual bofors vehicles are not great, they have way better penetration way more damaging rounds and can reach way futher than Kugel and Zerstorer. And what BR is M42, while sporting way superior mobility?

yeah so you’re trying to act like the ostwind 2 and kugel dont fully outclass the m42 and thats kinda cringe

Then play thr vehicle, a lot of vehicles dont get their BR’s fixed because players here its bad and thus drop them as a result. The A32A was and still is abysmal only when gaijin made a premium did they drop the BR as a new influx of players began playing it. I doubt you alone can drop it but you never know.

Moving Kugel even lower than it is rn would be insane

Not really, imo id like to see it not be used as TD primarily instead of an spaa.

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They don’t. M42 has way more effective range, way better penetration and way more mobility.
Kugel has around 800 total ROF.
So lets say 13 rounds a second. Out of these, only 1/3 is HVAP. So on average around 4,333 HVAP a second with horrible angled pen.
M42 fires 4 APCBC shells that only have worse penetration point blank vs vertical. Vs anything else - they are vastly superior.
Ostwind 2 has like what, 46 pen so it can maybe go through unangled Sherman side from 150m away.
M42 goes through Pz IV turret front at 500m no problem, it can even kill Tiger from the side at 300m, and Panther from a wide variery of angles and distances, just not from inside 70 degree frontal arc.

I see no reason to think M42 has more range based on both my own playing of both as well as the fact its muzzle velocity is lower while only being 3mm bigger in caliber (so its not like its weight difference can account for such a big increase in energy retention)

For the rest of your comment, are we comparing them as spaa or pretend TDs? Ostwind 2 and Kugel have much better damage output/burst mass

Look at the shell weight.
Bofors will be outpacing 37mm at 200m already, and ar 1000m it will have a big lead, at 1500m it’s a no-contest.
The main advantage of 37mm flak was lower weight and size, sonce it used smaller and lighter ammo, it could fire faster to kinda compensate, but you can’t just fix the ballistics with volume of fire.
I’m comparing both roles.
Burst mass doesn’t matter when only 1/3 of your belt is HVAP. And switching to API takes ages and API belt is just bad vs planes.

Idk why you keep bringing up HVAP here like it matters with being an SPAA. The HVAP on the ww2 guns is generally speaking not an advantage to use in AA duty

It matters as in this game sticking to spawn is generally a bad idea, and anywhere else you’ll have plenty of firing opportunities. Wasting them is just stupid.

Also with no planes around what are you doing? Enjoying being useless? I think the memes about “German mains” may be true after all - voluntarily choosing not to help your team cause that’s not “your duty” fits the theme perfectly.

I don’t, as somebody who DOES move with the team, actually see a significant improvement here from m42 to ostwind/kugel, especially when you consider the burst mass/rof difference that ACTUALLY has significant impact on their AA performance. I checked shell drop in test drive and have found you right on the M42’s drop, but it only really becomes much better around 1500-2000m, not 150m

At 150m the velocity difference is gone, maybe at 200, anyway, fairly fast, but to turn into something significant you need at least a few hundred meters more indeed.

Again, I went and checked the drop in the test drive, it takes until 1500m or so to start seeing a real difference.

The Flakpanzer 341 is a beast in the BR range, if it becomes available again. Otherwise it’s the Ostwind II or Whirblewind for me. Whirblewind is great just for sheer volume of fire and the Ostwind for it’s almost non-stop fire rate.

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Imo the whirbel has awful velocity past a few hundred meters, id take the Ostwind as it has excellent velocity and okish fire rate. I would literally die for every nation to have a BTR zd gun as those things are the best imo

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Well, even if it goes 100m/s faster at 600m and has higher velocity at 200m already, for the difference to be clearly visible, you need some distance. I’ll try to test it myself and see how it goes. The problem is, vehicles have different height, so getting a proper reference point is very tricky.

EDIT: It’s clearly visible in test drive.
Fire at T-34 while aiming at the top of its turret. 3.7cm flak will hit about where top and bottom front plates meet.
Fire at Pz IV aiming at the top of the turret (not the cupola), you’ll hit the upper front plate.
While 3.7cm M-geschoss with tracer bleeds actually less speed than I anticipated and is still going 443m/s at 1500m, it’s basically unavoidable for Bofors to be faster due to more aerodynamic shape and way heavier shell with similar caliber. However, it may not be that much better, as f.e. 5cm Pzgr 39 with tracer slows down from 835 to 489m/s at 1500m, and it weights 2,06kg, so while it loses less speed, it eventually ends up only like 11% faster.

So you may be right really big differences start beyond 1500.

Bozvark has the same gun platform, only in a worst vehicle. The BTR ZD speed is arcadish. Not sure how Gaijin believes a vehicle carrying 6 dudes and a 2000lb gun can accelerate and move as fast as it’s currently modelled. Someone is definitely hitting the crack pipe on that one.

Whirblewind does have short range, and if you use the Flak round it’s overall range is limited. But again, fairly fast reload and throws up a ton of ammo into the air.