If somebody want to play germany 6.7, the only choice of spaa is ostwind 2. However, ostwind 2 is also exhuasted in the normal BR, not to mention that we usually get uptier in germany 6.7.
in other viewpoint, the high efficient cold war spaa m163 and zsu-23-4m only 0.3 higher than Kugelblitz.
Zerstorer? Its 6.0 and while i agree germany should get the kugel with some changes and added back to 6.7, germany definitely shouldn’t be the focus for 6.x spaa, imo way nore nations are in need of something that isnt 4.x-5.x
Zerstorer is not a smart choice. In the most of cases, ostwind 2 is better than Zerstorer, even ostwind 1 in some cases. I think the Kugelblitz should get a positive buff of its apcr penatration and go back to 6.7. M53/59 has more powerful cold war gun in 6.3 and the zsu-57-2 even has 151 pen APHE in 7.0.
In 6.7 BR, because of players numbers, germany needs fight against USA air in most of time.
Okay so what do you recommend for other nations? Sweden has a 5.3 spaa with no armor, enough that planes with 7.62 can kill you what you you think? Guess they dont need an spaa or japan or 90% of all nations. Zerstorer trades armor for a full ap belt and amazing velocity. Thats the trade, rather it would be better for you to look at how much better germany is than many other nations. I dont wven count the AMX 10 on framce as an spaa since its a ifv just like the USH. Other nations are in a way worse state than germany, just be happy you have spaa at 6.x
Why is the Zerstörer not a good choice? It shreds planes with ease … perhaps it would be fair to take the Zerstörer out of stock condition first and assess it fully built. The five battles you have with it are not very representative.
It was sent up because its armored and used to mainly just be used as a TD, imo it still has wonky armor, sometimes missiles dont even hurt it but thats more likely with volumetric and overlapping plates, id say it can go down if they remove the AP belts and adjust the armor. Its the same syndrome as the skink. Armored SPAA do really well because bombs are the only real way to deal with them.
I feel he wither elected to ignore it originally or is just inexperienced with the guns, imo they are pretty solid but low flying sneak planes can be a problem
I still remember the day the kugelblitz penned medium tanks and acted like an early IFV, boy am i thankful those days are over. But yeah change this thread to “Every nation needs more efficient SPAA at all BRs” then we’re on our way :P
I only use the Zerstörer for relatively short distances, anything up to a maximum of 1km. Anything over that usually gives away your position unnecessarily anyway.
Maybe the Zerstörer just doesn’t suit your style of play, which I don’t necessarily think is a bad thing. Everyone has a different approach.
I’m the last person to tell you that you’re doing something wrong.
ZSU 57 is never gonna be played as a spaa as its bad, its a TD a heart and will always be a TD. Its why lot of people hate swedish SPAA as they have either not enough ammo, i mean 94 bullets for an spaa is worthless, of course people are gonna play it as a TD and of course it wentnup in BR because of it.
Fix the armor being weird and maybe it can go back, thats my only complaint. The problem is i still see people using it as a TD. Now that is definitely rare but you do see it. Again when people stop playing it as one it might go back down.