Germany main still waiting for just 13.7 jet

The MF was still top BR. Try again text time.

Mig-29G was leagues ahead of the Tornado F3 or Viggen D. Heck, for a brief time. It was the meta fighter.

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2 R-27ERs and 4 R-73s is a gooood load out

I almost considered grinding Germany because it’s a really cool plane and probs the best MiG-29 considering 13.0 MM. It’ll get power creeped pretty bad by the 14.0s soon tho.

I basically didnt play the Tornado F3 from when the Mig-29G was added till when the F3 could finally play downtiers because it was just a 1-sided fight. It was pointless. For about 6 months. Britian’s “top tier” fighter was unplayable in sim because of the Mig-29G and Mig-29SMT. It was kinda insane.

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I want to love the MiG-29 but the SMT is in a pretty bad spot right now and I can’t motivate myself to grind any other trees right now :/

Maybe Chinese trialed MiG-29 as a premium for the memes lol

yes it was for a short time the meta fighter that is true

It was not Mig 23 BR11.0
and the Mig 21 MF 10.3


He’s trying hard, I know he’s really struggling here.

I am struggling ?

U are struggling to have a reason to hate on germany kek
Just say it “I hate Germany” get it of ur chest

You are talking about the MiG-23M from update red skies, the first MiG-23 added to the game.

Wanna know what was also introduced in red skies?

I have a policy to not argue with German mains anyways idk what I’m doing here, have a good day man, maybe don’t assume people hate your nation when they correct you.

I think at its core its this.

Germany has a reasonably competitive aircraft that is 1 BR stop below top tier. It has a highly competitive missile in a meta that largely mitigates flight performance.

Germany is probably going to be one of the few nations with an F-18 sooner rather than later. Good chance that could be a meta aircraft in A2A combat. Shortly after that, it should get the Typhoon, which will likely be a very strong meta aircraft alongside the Rafale.

Germany has so far had to wait 3 months for something better than the F-4F ICE and may have to wait another 3 months for that as well. But… the F-4F ICE is certainly playable.

Just looking at recent history. Tornado F3 and Viggen D were not competitive. Not even slightly vs aircraft like the F-16 and Mig-29. Why Germany got the Mig-29 an update after everyone else is a bit of mystery. But they did get them. It took 9 months for both nations to get something better. If Germany ONLY has to wait maybe 4-6 months for a new meta aircraft. Then they still had to wait less time than several nations have done before that. (also as an honourable mention. BRitains top tier fighter between 2019 and 2023 was the same aircraft, just with incremental upgrades)


try again

Step 1

Take image from dev server

Step 2

Lie lie lie

Anyways have a good day I’m not trying to argue with unreasonable people

Germany doesn’t suffer and never has.

In general i think its bad when a nation has to wait to get equal stuff and i never have denied a nation something to get there.

i am just tired and sad as well as infuriated when people shit on germany like in this thread

true it was the first picture i found and it was 11.0 on the normal server after more research.
though and i will get called out forthis as moving goalpost, the F4-F isnt worth the br 11,0

Oh no way a you said something reasonable W

It is bad when nations can’t get equals, but sometimes that’s the way it had to be, Sweden’s options were gripes now or gripes when equals are added so the devs did what they unfortunately haf to :/

It sucks. but sometimes unavoidable. Trust me. Britian tried like hell to get something. Anything better than what we had. Even upgrades for the F3. All were denied hard.

But what drives me nuts is that for that entire year. When Britain was fighting Mig-29s with the Tornado F3 or Tornado Gr1. We were told (including by several german mains)

“Well, go back in time and tell the MoD to buy something better then”

“Tough, suck it up”

“Stop asking for the entire world” (when we asked for something from Canada like the CF-18)

“lol skill issue”

etc etc etc.

and Germany has been begging for far more than Britain ever was, with an aircraft which in comparison is highly competitive. I’ve been doing just fine in the nerfed as hell FA2. Germany should be laughing at the moment with the aircraft they’ve got. Imagine if your top tier was still just hte Mig-29G for the next 6 months.


I just want to say, I’ve never been the “lol go make something then” guy. I’ve also been a fan of balance.

Britain got screwed over for a bit, I can not deny that.

Germany is also getting screwed id argue.

Gaijin are asking too much of subsonic jets with active missiles by expecting them to operate at BR 13.0. To effectively employFOX3 missiles and gain a tactical edge, players typically need to climb to altitudes of 5,000 meters or more and achieve speeds of Mach 1.1 to 1.4. The Harrier series, however, is simply incapable of meeting these demands.

It’s a shame, but the German and British air forces have had quite different development paths, both moving from the Tornado to the Typhoon. Germany, in particular, hasn’t developed many sub-models with unique features, and they generally lack air superiority.

Actually. Gunna soft-disagree. FA2, even with the placeholder RWR, nerfed BOL and mutliple other issues. does fine. Not stellar, but fine. At least I got a 4 kill game the other day and would have gotten more if I didnt get slam dunked by half the enemy team in WVR range


Wanna know how much later than the F-4E it came? 6 updates.
Even Britain had both their Phantoms at that point.

Wanna know what plane could have been added?

But Germany got that one 3 updates after the 23M, same time the 23ML came, and only as an event vehicle.
The 23MLA, the equivalent of the 23ML, came just 2 updates after that.

Although Germany had the same jets as other nations (mainly US and USSR), they never got them at the same time.

Welcome to the German air top tier experience.

There will never be a top tier jet and if another nation gets a new top tier jet that Germany also used, Germany will only get it 1 - 10 updates later, when the meta has already shifted.