Germany air needs a premium 109

The Me 309 was not bad, on the contrary I would say it was a few years ahead of its time, in 44/45 Germany could have used a Me 309 type heavy fighter.

Very nice proposals - i support them.

In contrast to the OP i do not really see the urgent need for a premium 109 as long as the 109s already in the game are artificially nerfed.

I mean if you are used to fly with MEC - the efforts to fiddle the whole match with oil and water coolers gets even more complicated if you are experienced enough to to prevent your engine from dying when using prop pitch adjustments.

You can easily use MEC on every Italian plane with the same engines without any issues - but somehow gaijin thinks that German pilots are smart enough to do this with the risk of “overreving” the engines. If i see combat reports / manuals of the usage of MW-50 or WEP in general - you can’t use this power in game that long or your engine is dead.

Same with weapons - the F-4 had 20 mm gun pods, where are they? Or the lightweight versions to cover Sturmgruppen? Or the G-1 to G-5? Or the G-6/AS?

I mean the F-2 (Galland modification) with 2 MG 131s replacing the 2 MG 17s would be a rather easy way to implement a unique event vehicle at rank 3 with a BR of 3.3 or 3.7 - just to counter the spam of undertiered P-51Cs across the lobbies:

Bf 109 F-2 Mg 131 Gallands modification

Seeing a Yak-3 coming at 4.0 whilst an actual adversary like the G-10 sits 5.7 is a joke…


Which is the best Bf 109 per its BR placement.

Yeah. An already OP plane at 4.3 goes to 4.0 while the G10 and G14 (basically copy pasted G6) are one full BR step above the G6 xD


True that.

Chosen in 1941 to replace the Bf 109 as the Luftwaffe’s standard front-line fighter, Messerschmitt’s innovative Me 309 embodied a wealth of hard-won experience from the Battle of Britain. Its sturdy tricycle undercarriage would make landings safer, its capacious wings could accommodate much heavier weaponry, its retractable radiator would make it aerodynamically clean, its pressure cabin would allow high-altitude operations and its ejection seat would help preserve the Luftwaffe’s most precious asset – its pilots.

All of this was made possible by a fuselage specifically tailored to accommodate Germany’s newest and most powerful fighter engines: Daimler-Benz’s DB 603 and Junkers’ Jumo 213. Production of up to 800 Me 309s a month had been planned by May 1942 – more than all other German fighter types combined. Yet the type’s advancement from prototype to full series production was reduced to a crawl, not by technical difficulties but by political in-fighting, deception and manipulation behind closed doors.

The Me 309 was set up to fail – doomed to join a lost generation of mid-war Luftwaffe combat aircraft alongside types such as Focke-Wulf’s Fw 190 C and Junkers’ Ju 288 – but why and by whom? Messerschmitt Me 309 Development & Politics, the first book ever written solely about this aircraft, sets out its full history – from its forerunners and commissioning to its eventual cancellation and sale to the Japanese military.

Using contemporary documents, authors Dan Sharp and Calum E. Douglas explain and explore the development and eventual failure of this fascinating ‘secret project’.

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You could also have posted my new suggestion on this forum.

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Sorry man, but i used an old bookmark. Corrected.


For a prem bf-109:
Bf-109X aka Radial 109

But technically the Bv-155 is a prem 109 no?


Oh yea? How about i make your Thunderbolt inline too.
XP-47H with Chrysler IV-2220-11 engine, only 2 were converted.


dear god.

I’d like simple solutions.

Like: Bf 109 F4 “Star of Africa” or similar ace planes.


But then people will complain about them being “copy and paste” if they are introduced

Bf 109G5/AS - Basically a G6 except it has a pressurised cockpit and DB 605AS engine.



Or a Bf 109G-5/U2 which is a Bf 109G-5 but with a GM-1 boost system (aka a nitrous oxide injection system).


Come to think of it, we don’t have any 109s with a GM-1 boost system, so it would be a cool addition.

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Even the 109 T-2 would be pretty low BR, likely 3.0 or 3.3.

The Me 309 with the DB603 was flown against an MW50-less 109 G with a DB605A. It was faster, but less maneuverable. When it was equipped with guns and now a DB605A for weight savings, it managed a top speed of only 575kph in testing.
That is quite bad and was simply worse than what the 109 Gs were doing, even without MW50.

They did have a ‘heavy’ fighter in the form of the 190 Ds, which was a far safer aircraft to invest in. Pretty damn good firepower and far higher in performance than the Me 309.

Maybe, but having the 190 D13 be the only viable late prop fighter leaves a sour taste.

Luckily all 109s past the E-3 have automatic prop pitch even in MEC, so you can leave it on auto until its time to prop brake.

I’ve heard of this before, and it’d make a really cool mod. Same with the wing FF/Ms on the F-2. I don’t think I’ve heard about the lightweight 109 versions? Sounds interesting if you got more info.

As for the other 109s, well a lot of them are just the same plane with minor modifications. There are unique versions yes, but so many are irrelevant to WT.

One that I do want to see is the 109 E7/Z - GM-1 nitrous oxide injection added.

Fun fact, the Yak3 only showed up in 1944 but gets to fight a 109 G2 from 1942.

It wasn’t “chosen” at all. By this point the 109 was doing perfectly fine and the 309 was very much on the backburner.

First taxi trials revealed serious wobbling from the nose wheel, and the landing gear was so “sturdy” that one of the later test flights with the lighter DB605 resulted in this:

DB603 yes, though that configuration was dropped pretty early. I have found no mention of an Me 309 prototype that was actually fitted with a Jumo 213.

By the time it actually saw testing, the 190 D was in preproduction, was already field tested by some units, and offered far greater performance. The 309 offered nothing over the 190 Ds and Ta152 and would require time spent retooling factories for it, time that could instead be spent making more of the relatively inexpensive 109s.

The 309 was simply not a good plane, and they made the right choice by abandoning development on it.

Not adopting the Fw 187 was a much greater loss.

I would read a book with the latest historical research on Me 309

Quote some performance numbers. Because nothing of what you said provided even a relative measure of its flight performance and most of it was just flat out wrong.