German Aviation Perspective (List of aircraft)


I see so thats off the cards. But sniper potentially could be viable?

not for germany for italy yes

giant ass 777 on russian mig 29

dont bother the guy is a salty russian and cant bear for germany to get a better mig 29 then russia once again

lol used the wrong photo first

except se was never used by germany nor was sniper so why should any of it be in germany

Ahh I forgot the Sniper was Romanian, so its part of that subtree. Is Romania an exclusive Italian subtree or just where they have been added.

I’d argue as DASA upgraded it it could be worth it and Hungary which is a full Italian subtree could provide an alternative.

it would most likley be in italian tech tree

besides that this is not a russian one, the 777 is in full colour without being bordered like the russians did it, besides that russian ones lack the cockpit markings



uhh no
thats the Mig-29BM (belarusian modernisation) which brings it nearly upto SMT standards without all the internal fuel tanks and ECM equipment

no MiG-29Se is bangladeshi modernised by bealorus

sigh hold up lol
tell him

That’s definitely not a MiG 29BM. It’s most likely a Mig 29SM or SE

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i guess you were wrong here m8

We never used MiG 29SE

ig we both were lol

well operator list do state you used mig 29se that were modernised by bealorus later

We used MiG 29B(9.12)

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