German Aviation Perspective (List of aircraft)

Maybe add Tornado IDS SLE @_Fleks

Added to the list

I guess we found the gap filler that will go inbetween F-4F ICE & EFT.

Yep. In my personal opinion, the Mig-29 Sniper, which was modified by Germany together with Romania and Israel, will also be suitable

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Romanian vehicles will end up in Italy. Germany wasn’t the only one who helped develop the upgrade package for it, you’ll have multiple nations claiming it so it’s best to give it to the nation whom it was developed for, it even has Romanian roundels.

That would be a good option as it has German involvement, also it can complete the East German line of the tree as otherwise with the 3-4 eurofighters and f-4f-ice its going to look pretty unbalanced.

Perhaps, but the fact remains that Germany participated in the creation of this modification, with subsequent testing of the aircraft on German territory, with a German pilot

Romania is not tied to a specific nation, even if Italy has some equipment

Source 777 was also for aircraft that later got modernised into smt

the russians getting desperate that germany once again is getting a better Mig 29

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its not going to get a better mig lol

tell that the 2 migs germany has and both perform better then the russian once

Except they arent getting another mig

The plane with this number is German, you still don’t understand this?

where is your source i still do not see it

giant ass 777 on german Mig 29s


Should there be one? I don’t owe you anything, and neither do other users. Internet at your disposal

standard mig 29 its not mig-29se

So can someone explain to me for sure I don’t think I’m understanding. This is a proposal for an upgraded German Mig-29 with R-77 and a better radar.

Who was it upgraded by. I imagine not the soviets otherwise there’s no reason they wouldn’t have used their own, so it must be Germany.

the MiG-29SE was used by bangladesh upgraded by bealorus germany never operated it

The SE and Sniper are different aircraft then?