If You were just able to read:
Edit: flagged for no reason.
If You were just able to read:
Edit: flagged for no reason.
Because some tanks get entrenched in positions that can only be negated or destroyed by air.
Also because it gives certain aircraft the opportunity to use them as intended.
Most will flock to the tank only mode and very few left in mixed, which increases wait times for both.
I think most want tank only mode as a coping mechanism and i think its quite sad.
It would make spaa useless for the most part and they are very good to use.
What about drones or heli’s? no-one would take spaa because no air/cas and heli would have free roam, same as drones.
What about a nuke bomber? no chance to intercept and again, most wont have spaa in lineup due to no aircraft and again, free roam for nuke bomber.
They should just make it require more SP to spawn in air, it is silly right now for a plethora of reasons but the fundamental reason is because it is far too easy to spawn in the air and the problems begin from there.
Will anyone put this question to Gaijin?
So to be honest it is clear TO advocates are not serious about what they want.
Go put your thoughts on the next Survey and get off the forums. Or make news article for your local paper. Or shout into a hole in a tree. Or ask your Mum.
Do anything but ask Gaijin because 90% are trolls or dumb.
Great the original post was flagged.
Sorry, since i cannot read it i can only respond to the question in the title in the context it was posted.
Since every additional context is lost.
So here we go:
I am technically not a CAS player, i usually play CAP in ground SB, i just strap bombs under the plane to have something to do if no enemy air forces are left. But i am not really a Air-player either, i am a simulator player. The only reason i don’t spend times with tanks is because the tanks even in SB the tanks are just a shooter and i am a simulator player so i am not interested in that. So this is where i am coming from.
That being said. Since the original post is hidden my main question cannot be answered: what kind of tank-only mode? AB? RB? SB? That’s kind of important since the answer is very different depending on the gamemode.
An AB Tank Only would not negatively affect me at all. I find the air events in AB annoying since AB for me is a chaotic fun mode and having to paying attention to whether an air event is going on.
I also don’t think there are many players explicitly playing ground AB to play CAS, due to the event system.
To be honest my guess is the OP was aiming at RB, but didn’t post in the RB section, whoch is a common theme, RB players thinking their issues are universal issues.
Well let’s talk about RB. Would it affect me negatively? No, not at all. It actually would affect me positively.
Since the SB ground gameplay is pretty much identical to RB and flying actually takes soem skill in SB. SB became a refuge for RB players that want less potent CAS instead of a place for people that want to play a tank combat simulator (which SB just isn’t at the moment it’s a third person shooter).
So we need RB tank-only to make ground SB great.
Tank only SB would be the deathnail for a ground combat simulation in war thunder. All Anti-CAS players would flock there drowning out the voices for a simulation in SB. It would also go against the idea of a simulation to give the tankers a magic “make planes disappear” button.
So yeah the answers are very different depending on what gamemode we are talking about.
BTW: if you all just want to talk RB, why not make a thread in the RB section instead of acting like your problems are everyones problem.
Most of the playerbase would want these CAS free games for grinding tanks.
So you admit the players are against CAS in its current state?
It already splits the with AB/RB/SB why don’t we merge those together? More gameplay variety means player will actually play the game.
Split the playerbase instead up slightly less by decompressing and implementing separate BRs for air/ground for aircraft
How exactly does this fix revenge bombing or CAS spam? People already use lower BR planes for CAS.
Being allowed to do something and actually doing it is what separates someone from being labeled as an
not really relevant
by actually attempting to balance the game through decompression and raising good CAS planes to higher BRs? you are just sounding unreasonable. If ppl use lower BR planes you can generally shoot them down
It leans to the angle of giving people what they want
It’s a precedent that literally shouldn’t be set because of that angle… If the planes were removed,
NOBODY ASKS FOR PLANES TO BE REMOVED. Read the post and stop lying.
what would be the next thing to remove… Artillery?
When was the last time artillery or maps have ruined your gameplay? I don’t have 50% artillery deaths in some vehicles making them unplayable.
Maps, and modes?
Those 2 need a rework too and you hear people complain about them all the time.
and I end up statchecked and made out that I’ve said things other than what I did, it goes towards meddling and abuse.
No it’s not. You do it to see if the person can back up what they claim. I can you all I want about Naval balance and you have the right to statcheck if I’m making it up or not. That’s far from abuse.
SPAA ‘’‘boring’‘’ and ‘’‘inaccurate’‘’ because that shows it’s a user issue.
If we had an actual CAS gamemode people would spawn more planes and it would be more engaging for SPAA as well. Right now if get a match full of tank only players you have nothing to do all game.
If you aren’t going to use the counters provided, then don’t be upset that you just got bombed.
Ah yes just counter get the LGB coming down from space by preemptively J’ing out and spawning SPAA. Great idea.
To be blunt, all i ever see on this forum is people complaining and wanting changes etc etc and it is all based upon not dealing with their shortcomings and blaming the game and demanding the game be changed to fit around their inadequacies.
“move this vehicle down”
“increase the armour on this”
“give this airspawn”
“give this more pen”
“give better missiles”
“remove aircraft”
“if the game doesnt fit around my exact playstyle and cater to my needs depending on what i am using at that given time then it’s broken and doesnt work”
Guarantee the same people who advocate for no air, will be the same people who later complain they cannot do anything against enemy x who is behind this rock and no-one can shoot him or my round cannot kill vehicle x etc etc.
Honestly drives me nuts
I’m not lying, because that’s what the tank only mode entails… Avoiding the planes, removing them from your threat list to make it EASIER FOR YOU…
Where we, just deal with it.
You’ve misinterpreted the statement, as it’s about the precedent, and if you’ve got trouble with planes, there’s no doubt in my mind I can find someone who has trouble with the artillery…
That’s why the CAS threads are so abundant… It’s SOOOO easy to find someone who’s having trouble with anything in this game because they’re like a damn vegan… They’ll let you know.
See above… Easy pickings to find the aggrieved, they’re vocal and they’re happy to tell you, even when you’re not facing the issue that they’re facing.
Nonsense, the fact of where it’s being used in this, as it was directed to someone, who has come into this thread even, is that they use it to merely discredit and gatekeep people from making comment.
You’re talking top teir, the situation that was being refferred to, in that directed response, was a sub-5.0 player moaning about CAS, being told to use SPAA, and then being coddled by someone saying that SPAA was ‘ineffective’ when it doesn’t need to be in the deterrent role, and not in that BR that it was being put forth in.
So yea, ‘great idea’ defending yourself with the features that are there.
Great minimization of anything in this thread because it’s clear you are hung up on being told tht people don’t agree with you, much the same as all these CAS afflicted players that thinkl they are a majority, and think they don’t have to do anything but tank…
It’s hard tanking a bomb, but that’s your choice not to use it.
Queue times are one of the single most important concerns for literally every online multiplayer game ever made.
What’s the average Ground queue time? 10 seconds? You can handle waiting a few seconds longer.
Trying to dismiss this is a fantastic way to start a thread in bad faith
Because “splitting the playerbase” has been an argument for years despite the playercount rising every year.
You’re gatekeeping by making that premise to be real, that’s why all of these threads are just crap.
If we don’t agree with you, we’re automatically ‘cas abusers’, ‘skillless’ because we need to have an ‘easy way’ to kill you as a tanker, and all the rest of the stupid throwouts…
Dude how often do I have ti repeat this again: Current Mixed RB stays in the game like it is now. I simply want a Tank only mode as a separate gamemode.
I’d rather split the playerbase naturally by simply decompressing ground RB and I think most people would agree.
I know. My point was based on that assumption.
Another pointless thread made by a member just wanting a flame war.
Zero interest in the answer to the question.
TO advocates are clearly trolls. Just here to argue and do nothing productive to cover up how poor they do in game…