General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

On the other hand, Patria AMV XP has multiple variants available, which can effectively cut development costs, hundreds of older vehicles will be replaced by Patria, and Japanese mod need to reduce costs as much as possible.

Em, Patria will replace only Type 96 and Type 82? Type 87 RCV and Mortar based on Type 96 will be replaced by CTWV
To be honest Japan will produce only APC variant of Patria

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Why do I think Japan will produce a different variant of the AMV XP? That’s what they wrote in the prospectus

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Yes there will be some variants of Patria but it doesn’t mean that we will see things like Patria with 105mm. It will be used as Command vehicle, NBC vehicle and other transport types. Looks like all of them will be based on the same APC variant with minor changings
I meant that Patria isn’t the magical decision to replace all vehicles

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And the Type 16 MCV, based around the CTWV hull is already in production and service with the JGSDF. The CTWV variants are also already fully developed and aside from the RCV have finished testing. The ICV and MMCV have been ordered this year, with the RCV likely following next year, all will enter service.

The Patria is not a cost cutting measure, as the MAV would’ve no doubt been cheaper due to the commonality with those other vehicles. It is meant to set up JSW in the place Komatsu left behind. This does not mean they can’t procure more Patria variants, but the end goal is to set up JSW for indigenous development, not to keep relying on foreign input.


About this - looks like not. The testing of ICV and RCV still continue together. MoD has purchased 24 of ICV before finishing the testing. Most likely, this rush was caused by the desire to get the new type of armored vehicles into the troops as quickly as possible. Therefore, production began before the end of testing.

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Typically, new equipment procured by the JGSDF for the first time is not seen by the public until two years later, which means that we will not see a production ICV until 2025, They do it all the time, not a rush into production

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They usually don’t purchasing vehicles before ending of tests as I know. That’s what I mean as “rush production”


They already have a new NBRC vehicle, why make another one? AFAIK, the manufacturing was transferred from Komatsu to JSW

MAV also didn’t perform as well as Patria did with mine resistance

It has been decided that three types of APS (Active Protection Systems) will be installed on the Type 10 tank for concept demonstration testing. However, considering the requirements, a new Japan-exclusive APS may be developed.


Very nice, I’ll prepare a Suggestion for it :D


Israel’s Trophy system, Iron Fist, and Germany’s StrikeShield will each be installed, but will there be clear differences between them in War Thunder? If there are differences, I’m looking forward to the three new variants of the Type 10.

None of these will be installed. They are just example systems of APS’ listed and likely won’t be bought either because they either don’t match the listed requirements or have political issues associated.


The important thing is that it’s been confirmed that the Type 10 will be equipped with an APS and undergo live firing, so the specific type doesn’t really matter.
Indeed, the requirements are quite strict:

  • Provide 360-degree coverage
  • Counter both top-attack and low-trajectory threats
  • Handle multiple incoming rounds from the same direction
  • Weigh less than 1t

But how many APS systems in the world can meet these conditions? By the way, Japan does not impose any restrictions on importing Israeli-made equipment.

It’s likely Japan will just continue on with their domestic system to meet those requirements. As for Israeli equipment, there are no express restrictions, but relations have been incredibly strained recently. Japan excluded Israel at the Nagasaki Peace Memorial since Israel’s warmongering and active nuclear proliferation are the exact antithesis to the message of what Nagasaki and Peace entail. This caused many ambassadors to skip the ceremony which just made Japan more angry at Israel for the power they seemingly hold over other countries.


It’s true that the likelihood of Japan developing its own APS is very high, but the Japan-made APS that was previously exhibited did not meet the requirements, and I doubt it will be developed in time for the upcoming tests. Rather, it’s more likely that the results of these tests will lead to the start of developing an APS that meets the requirements.

Although this topic could easily turn into a political discussion, I’ll refrain from going further. However, it’s important to note that the Israeli ambassador was not invited to the Nagasaki Peace Ceremony due to the independent decision of the Mayor of Nagasaki, not for political reasons, and it does not reflect the stance of the Japanese government.source


didnt japan develop their own APS… isnt there even a suggestion on the forums for it?

That seems doubtful, considering these are just proposals