General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ


But then again, what stopping them from giving this to the Type 89 hybrid and make it a new 9.7 IFV…

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I’m pretty sure it doesn’t, even the TOW Wiesel is operated by a ghost, while all other ATGM carriers have their ATGM operator outside the vehicle.


How’d you know it has the Type 16 engine?

Type 16 engine (left one):



New IFV engine:



Notice that it has exactly the same maximum HP RPM, the same sizes, same litres, same “Variable nozzle exhaust turbocharging system”, same number of cylinders, the same 4-stroke scheme and almost the same HP 424 vs 420 what was gotten because of rounding
So yes, it is the same engines

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What are the advantages over the older engine?

I am not so good in engines
As minimum it is lighter and smaller with almost the same power what reduce total weight
Probably it has higher reliability because of new materials but idk
But main advantages that this engine is used in Type 16 and new wheeled IFV so it has lower cost because already in production and easier to repair thx to unification
In total it is lighter, smaller and cheaper

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Just found a typo on the tag, “thailand” not “thaialand” can someone correct it?

look shorter than type 89, is it enough room of the soldier?

Now that would be a good addition, the gun is really the selling point for the Type 89 as the ATGMs on it suck since the ATGM rework and the many nerfs before it.

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The power reading is in Kilowatts which is more acurate but that would mean that the HP reading is 568hp at 2100rpm which it wont take long to achieve because the engine is a long stroke design

Common translation error with the application saying its for a motorcycle its for some sort of car

This isnt due to rounding it is highly feasible that during the engine dyno test run that they achieved that number at 2100rpm the other test could of been done at a slightly lesser rpm

Excuse but what do you want to say here?

Idk how you got so bad translation

It is the same engines in fact and it should have the same power but the rounding is normal for this types of documents. Also in this doc engine mass is written as “not above 1.6t” but in fact it’s mass is 1.2t so many numbers here is approximatly and rounded

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Hopefully we’ll get better ATGMs on it someday, when they retire the Type 79 in its totality


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Yeah, you want to play the Type 89 for its gun, and thankfully it has the best APDS ammo of any IFV so the gun is more reliable than its ATGMs which is why the Type 89 is still enjoyable even after all the nerfs.

Also the recent change that allows for ammuntion replenishing while the gun is firing slightly helps it to reload a little faster.

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Yeah, still not a vehicle I enjoy playing. I usually bring the Type 74 C instead, feels much more flexible.

Love it, it is actually a viable replacement for Ho-Ri just wish it had its range finder its the one thing keeping me sane with the unruly amount of case players I’ve had a 5 aircraft 7 ground units ground rb battle match we still managed to lose

But one thing I love is that I’m able to prevent multiple team losses during a match with the enemy having to leave the match because their plane spawn costed alot

Dont know how long Gaijin will leave it so effective kinda reminds me of the Ho-ri before it got properly nerfed

The Type 99 is not at all like the Ho-Ri bro. It only has HE shells and has paper armor