Any idea what the ground squadron vehicle could be? Suggestions?
I have a hunch that, beside Thai stuff, we might see Singaporean stuff in the tech tree as well. Thus, I can see Singaporean Leopard 2SG that has been passed to developers becoming a ground Squadron vehicle for Japanese Tree. If not, it might be a tech tree vehicle after Thai T-84 Oplot-T.
MCV No.4
MCV No.5
TKX No.4
Since apparently it is still not our turn to get a sub-tree because why would we need it?
Seems like it is the France that is getting one so i’m not hopeful to see any vehicle from outside Japan in sight anytime.
And maybe we would finaly get a Type 10 with original tracks from Type 10 🫠.
Surely this update, surely…
Are there any significant differences between the no 4 and what we have in game? Turret obviously looks different
Mine roller plates
I’ll place my bets on the name “TKX (B)”
what about the mcv
Surely we’ll get our tiny missing basket too…
From the recent Combined Fire Exercise
Incredibly sastisfying to watch these missiles flying up and straight toward their targets and hit them accurately !
also i doubt their actual speed its 66 m/s i did some calculations over the 1000 meters with a 55 degree arch and a 55 degree reaching point, giving me out aproximately 133 m/s or for the type 01, the range seems to be wrong aswell being max range of 4 km and warhead considering the weight of everything i got around 3.2 kg with composition B this would be like 3.5 to 3.6 kg of equivalent in TNT with an average of 700 mm of pen, i repeat this is with calculations i used based on videos and data of the missile like lenght diameter and other stuff
Hopefully Gaijin will accept such calculations. But they would probably want on-paper sources :(
yeah sadly its gonna be only paper, but i already have rough estimates based on average statistics, like weights of certain components power to thrust ratio of the engines, fuel output, time taken to reach target, initial acceleration, aerodynamics and a buch of other stuff, but the speed roses around the 133 to 145 m/s on average with my guess on the TNT warhead being of 3.5 to 3.6kg of equivalent in TNT and 700 mm of pen, but this is a guesstimate
type 64 travels at 88 m/s if im not wrong
F-15 MSIP and Haguro* on dev stream, keeping the tradition alive of getting a plane and a boat each update.
They added AAM4 too, but stats seemed wrong. From what I have heard it should have better range than aim120 but its identical outside of slight better G load. So its the same story as AAM3 all over again…
AAM-4 is cool and all but having to re-grind and re-spade the F-15 is not gonna be fun.
Was expecting an XF-2 or something…