General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

So was the actual Chi-Ri II inteded for mass-production over the variant we have in-game? Or was it just a hypothetical paper design?

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I don’t think it can be said for certain. I do know that no production schedule for any kind of Chi-Ri is known to have been drafted after the main project was suspended in about March 1945.

Chi-Ri II’s design date may have been very late, or perhaps as early as 1944. It would either be another abandoned project or simply too late to even be prototyped. It seems redundant as basically just a marginally larger and heavier Chi-To, although with the supercharged AL as mentioned.

I consider that it could have been planned earlier because a document from late 1944 calls the in-construction Chi-Ri “Chi-Ri I”.

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Thanks for the info.

Sounds like a bug report to me; I submitted one for the Ke-Ni to be renamed as “Type 98 Ke-Ni A Prototype”. If you don’t want to do it yourself, you could give me the materials and I can do it.

Okay that could actually be a really net vehicle to add and would add some variety as an actually useful pure ATGM vehicle. Someone wanna make a suggestion for it?

so whats going on with the Type 10’s driver and mashing his face into the viewport?


I can see that the TKX driver doesn’t do that and doesnt become a single piece with other armor plates as well


Interesting, maybe its worth making a bug report about. I have noticed that the Type 90 A & B seem to also mash the drivers face into the view ports.


TKX (P) seems to be uneffected like the normal TKX


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cuz the damage model was based of the devs dreams, wich also made me remember the driver should be lower than what it is


Seems like its also offset quite a bit.

badly done meme (in paint btw)

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That is because the location of the driver’s periscopes located differently between the two tanks.

The TK-X periscopes located further out while the Type 10 periscopes are placed further in close to its turret ring. So yeah, the driver sits in the exact same location.

Not exactly sure what you meant by this.

Are there text mentions about the inner wall between the front (driver’s area and 47mm turrets) and the center (below 150mm turret)? In these drawings there are even hatches. In game this wall could save the vehicle from large caliber rounds, which would otherwise overpressure the whole vehicle. I couldn’t find a mention about this wall in the O-I thread and now it’s closed.




DTI 8x8 Sea Tiger.


The lead designer of O-I said that the internal walls are 16mm thick. It’s quoted from a magazine in the book 日本の重戦車


I can not say enough of how gorgous the Type 74 is…


I found a better photo of the Type 79 ATGM on the Type 96 WAPC.


Suffice it to say, it seems a bit rudimentary haha. But it could be extremely effective in WT if played right


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There is a Gaijin account from China that states that it will not provide VT4 to Japan, and the hatred of the Chinese people towards Japan may lead to official intervention if this kind of thing happens

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those guys need psychological help quite frankly, but also there is the issue why Thailand should go to china and not japan, Thailand is much more close to japan than to China, so i dont see anything wrong here tbh


Also I don’t know if anyone noticed, but the launcher is literally held down with straps. Obviously the Type 96 is primarily an APC, but the mounting is way more rudimentary than similar vehicles in the game like the M113 TOW

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I mean it would hardly be the worst example in game seeing as the BTR-ZD is also strapped down and held up by logs.


That’s actually hilarious

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