General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

A lot of people complain about a lot of things in this game, yet Gaijin still does them. In reality, ROC/SK/JPN teaming up in this day and age would be far more likely than any of the aforementioned and CN, regardless of any grudges they hold from 75+ years ago.

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From what I understand there are still quite a few bugs to be fixed.

Honestly having it in more trees seems like it might even help push it up on Gaijins priority list. Seems like a win for China in that case even.


I feel like a vehicle should be repaired to the way it should be, not by adding more tech trees

Correct you for the last time ROC full name REPUBLIC OF CHINA, its still is China

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Does somebody have more info on that attempted native Thai APC? Wished it had gone ahead and finished. Am not talking about the recent DTI AAPC, but the older one that looks like an that 50s German APC

This ?

Thai modernized FV 101 Scorpion light tank.

New thermal sight system from SELEX Galileo.

STAWS is fully integrated with assisted-aiming fire control software, providing the Scorpion with modern direct fire capability 24 hours a day, under all battlefield conditions.

Now aiming through a display monitor instead of the old separate day and night aiming sights.
Note the zoom in and zoom out levels, also laser range finder

New Cummins diesel engine replaced the Jaguar petrol engine.

Seems to be a Chinese company that carried out this upgrade.


It obviously should, just like every vehicle. But it is logical that vehicles present in more trees would get prioritised for pleasing a higher number of players for lower effort.

This is probably why something like a Leopard gets fixes done much quicker than a VT-4 or Type 10. Though I’d assume popularity of the tree and specific vehicle also plays a role in this.


Cadillac Gage Commando Stingray promotional video.


It was still designed Type 89B, despite all those changes?

By the way does anyone happen to have Japanese source about Chi-Ha’s weight? I don’t think it should be the same 14.8 tons for each turretted variant.

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Chi-ha (normal) is 14.3 tons.
Chi-ha kai (47mm turret) is 14.8 tons.
(From Japanese wiki.)

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I submitted a bug report that should change the sight of Chi-Nu II, Chi-To, Chi-To Late, Chi-Ri II, Na-To, Ho-Ri Prototype, Ho-Ri Production to 6x magnification and 8 degrees FOV.

Currently they all have generic variable sights of 1.9x-3.5x magnification, except Ho-Ri, which have correct magnification but a different FOV (I was told FOV might be ahistorical for gameplay reasons):



I guess those two small hatches on front top of the turret were for persicopes, though I have never seen them in photos or even drawings. Any idea if gunner’s periscope wasn’t made for aiming the gun? Chi-To and Chi-Ri also had those.


Goodbye Type 74…

This is the last year where all Type 74 tanks are expected to be completely withdrawn from service, marking exactly 50 years since they were first introduced in 1974.


Btw aren’t the sights of the Ro-Go SPG and Chi-Ha 12cm the same sight as the Na-To ?
In term of their physical models they look the same.

Also same magnifications as the Na-To.

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They could. But we need evidence of the actual vehicle or its weapon and not the in-game model. Gaijin probably just copy-pasted a generic tank sight around.
Nonetheless it would make a lot of sense for Chi-Ha Long-Gun to have the 6 power sight. Very unlikely we will ever see a picture of its installation.

Yeah, given how those vehicles only had a few photos to work with, I guess Gaijin just ended up using the same sight model from another tank as a placeholder instead, but they might aswell be consistent if they are fixing the Na-To.

Still, those scopes are pretty big for something as powerful as a magnifying glass, lol.

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Honestly with the sights looking identical, I see no reason as to why we can’t use deductive reasoning to improve balance

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How did these people do pearl harbor lmao

Anyway yall desperately need an IJA tank with scouting. I suggest some sort of KeNi with 47mm?


Enough with the modern posting, back to early cold war derp guns. I wish we could get this Type 56 105 mm SPG as well as this Thai Porborkhor 105 Attajhon in a double whammy update.
