General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

More historically accurate than the Ostwind II

I really love the Chi-He chassis. I would say it’s better than the Pz IV chassis, but it doesn’t have as much armor.

Did you make this edit?

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Yes, just a quick edit. Was doing another edit for a suggestion and ended up with this.

The Type 1 chassis is great, its width is narrow and fits most cramped space.

There are at least three more tanks based on this chassis that i’m looking forward to.

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Ta-Ha would be awesome. Most of the Chi-He variants are in the game though, or at least the ones that would be useable. The Chi-Nu Kai is the only major one I can think of, besides the Ta-Ha


The ho-i with the experimental 57mm could also be neat (not sure if it was actual built though).


Experimental Ho-I with the Experimental 57mm tank gun Kou - Passed for Consideration - War Thunder - Official Forum

Chi-To 57mm - the first Chi-To prototype - Passed for Consideration - War Thunder - Official Forum

Anyone got some info on how the Type 4 Kou shell came to be btw? I would be interested

Nostalgic (´◡`)


Has information about this extremely Japanese tank already been posted on the forums? I’m not sure whether to suggest this tank.

In modern terms, it’s a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device. During the Battle of Luzon in April 1945, Chi-Ha and Ha-Go of the Japanese Army’s 10th Tank Regiment rammed the M4 Sherman of the US Army’s 775th Tank Battalion. The outcome of this battle is said to have delayed the American advance by several days, although Japanese and American records contradict each other. This 20 kg of explosives is equivalent to two 150 mm HE shells or one 50 kg bomb, and would be lethal to the targeted tank.

Rating issues may make it difficult to add these dangerous tanks to War Thunder, but they may be found in Gaijin’s other game, Enlisted. In BF5 and Enlisted, players can use lunge mines, a dangerous anti-tank weapon.



Does somebody have any information about reverse speed of Japanese tanks during WW2?
Or maybe something about transmission of this tanks?

Would be an awsome rank 1 premium or bp vehicle. Basically a free kill if you manage to get close enough to the enemy.

ngl this sounds a bit useless :')

‘‘Accidentally hit a building, BOOM !’’ lol

Can anyone translate this? Google translate is a bit spotty. It concerns the Type 98 Chi-Ho


While I can’t read or translate any of this, it seems to point out a relation between the Chi-Ho, and the prototype model of the Chi-Ha Kai


Type 97 Chi-Ha Kai (Prototype)

Maybe it’s about how development of the Chi-Ho was repurposed and ultimately resulted in the Chi-Ha Kai?

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not a bug lol.

iirc, some of the 37 mm are missing better shells


i believe this was also bug reported many years ago that low tier Japanese tanks missing HE shells.
They turned them down because they didn’t want new players to get lost in ammo selection like using HE insteand of AP as primary shell

I made 3 suggestions included Type 60 sprg B and Ke-Ni Otsu (both of which haven’t been passed before) but for some reason only my Type 60 sprg is approved for viewing.

Additionally the ke-ni otsu suggestion is gone and my new suggestion for the HMV equipped with ZU-23-2 suggestion is not up for voting either. 🤷

rough edit


Do you have any images for that? I’ve never seen, or even heard of this before

It’s a Russian field mod, although I doubt field mods are eligible for suggestion (or the game in general)


We already have the Panzer IV H with T-34 tracks added as a field mod, as well as various other up armored vehicles. I don’t think this one is out of the question.

Though I do feel the connection to an active conflict would stop it for now, and my personal bias has me wanting a similarly light, yet armed HMV variant for Japan (can’t have them beat our speed record with quite literally stolen tech)

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If it were added it should just go to Japan. The ZU-23 has been slapped on literally everything under the sun. There are plenty of options for Russia. Also let’s not forget that the the BTR ZD is a towed ZU-23 just tied on the top of the vehicle. Improvised vehicles aren’t much of an issue.