General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

Thats so odd that the turret design has been floating around out there for a while (i assume) but never got brought up on any one of these discussion threads.

Or i should say i have never personally seen it whilst perusing through them

i don’t think the turret is known, but in the past a drawing of the modified chi-he chassis is known, posted by Mai and that was it.
The lack of information on the turret and the gun making it difficult to discuss about it.
I also don’t think it was completed at all, it is said that only the hull was modified which makes it a paper design.

op, more vehicles to have as premiums 👀

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I’ve never seen these pages before? I always saw the model, which was claimed to be based on the original documents. So I assumed the documents were copyright-protected.

@_N4MELESS You’re so cool

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Yeah, it seems to be a real project.

There is also information on the Ko-Hi

It was put on aution, makes you wondering what else is inside it.

But yeah was looking for more information on the differences between the Type 98 and Type 2 20mm cannons because it seems that Gaijin gave the So-Ki the wrong gun.
It historically had a improved Type 2 twin gun mounted on a platform inspired from the German 2 cm Flak 30/38. Beside the Type 98 never had a twin mount.

If you look closely you could see some minor differences between the two guns. The biggest change being the magazine box. Type 98 magazine holds 20 rounds hence it is longer, while the Type 2 mags holds 15 rounds hence why they are shorter. Despite this, the So-Ki has 40 rounds regardless instead of 30 rounds.

Btw the Wiki it states the Type 2 had RoF of 420-480 RPM but on this site nothing much seem to change except for the better gun elevation and depression of the Type 2 gun mount. So i have no idea what to trust.

But if the Type 2 actually had improved RoF, that would actually beef up the So-Ki quite a bit for the cost of having 10 rounds less in total.

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Personally i do love to slap the Japanese flag onto the T-26 and especially the BA-10 since it is currently not available anywhere outside of marketplace, and i didn’t grind its event.

And oh, A captured BT-5.


I think a bug report is in order.

Btw, how did you get such high-quality texture model in War Thunder?

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Who is doing it ?

Gaijin’s HQ vehicle texture + Using nvidia freestyle

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I mean I could make a quick bug report, but I’m gonna need better sources than just a website. I tried the same thing with the Ke-Ni name change, but it was denied (unsurprisingly).

Ta-Se was equipped with 20 mm Ho-Ki AA machine cannon model 2. The basic performance is the same as the 20 mm Type 98 AA machine cannon, but the gun mount has been improved to allow the gunner to control the elevation and depression angle with his shoulder. This mount limits the maximum elevation angle to approximately 70 degrees, but allows a ±15 degree traverse without turning the turret. In the game, the shoulder rest will also function as a gun stabilizer.

Jiro Sayama. “Machine cannons, Fortress guns, sequel” Japanese Army Artillery, 2012, pp. 112-113


It appears that the gun modeled on the Ta-Se in the game is the same version as the cart mounted version.
The shoudler rest also featured on this gun.

For some reason this variant lacking a sight ? Which is also the case with the Ta-Se in war thunder.

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I haven’t written a bug report for Ta-Se yet, but I’d like to look into it and write one. As of now, I only have one book that has information about Ta-Se. I don’t know if a bug report will be accepted if just one book is the source.

@_N4MELESS , do you know the title of this book? This page explains that Ta-Se has a Hoki cannon model II.


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I think he said it was from the book on the auction site
Anti-Aircraft Tank of Japan / The Reality of Anti-Aircraft Guns and Mounted Vehicles / Circles Retsukaze Kai (Senki, Military)|Auction information bought and sold, Yahoo product information archive release --Oakfan (

I don’t know what it originally came from but i found it from Ebay store that is selling the model.

For the Ta-Se.

Good 3D examples from gunsight showing the Ho-Ki AAG.

It is basically a Army version of the single mount Type 96, that is new to me.


Sorry for bothering you but i have seen you have done some translations for old documents before so i was wondering if you can make out of where in this table is talking about the 10.5 cm HEAT (JP wiki calls it Type 3 HEAT) and 12cm HEAT ?
The 10.5cm HEAT is claimed to be written in the third colum from the right, And next to it, second from the right for 12cm HEAT highlighted in yellow below.

I just wanted to know the exact characteristics of these HEAT shells to be written on my Ho-To and Ho-Ni II suggestions because all i know it is their penetrations are listed somewhere in here (120mm pen for 105mm HEAT and 140mm pen for 120mm HEAT) but it is incredibly difficult to read with all the faded numbers and letters, Thanks in advance.


Here is the result of my quick translation. Specifications were extracted that were considered to be of particular value. There may be errors due to illegible numbers. It would be helpful to me if you could help me read the numbers in this document.

10 cm
12 cm
15 cm
Type 91 10 cm
Type 99 10 cm
Mountain Gun
Type 38 12 cm
Type 4 15 cm
Gross projectile weight
全備弾量 kg
10.910 13.030 21.640
全長 mm
傳火薬筒 kg
Explosive type
Explosive mass
炸薬量 kg
1.590 2.420 5.950
Liner angle° thickness
漏斗 角度度 厚さ mm
Explosive length
Propellant type
Propellant mass
Power: Penetration
maximum steel plate thickness
威力 穿貫最大鋼板厚
140 150
Power: Hole diameter
威力 孔径
35-40 35-45 45-55
V₀ 337 350 340

Excellent, at least we know their shell weight, explosive type and mass + penetration ontop, the important stuff.
Missing the projectile velocity, but this is better. Thanks for your help i will add these onto those suggestions

Also here are the numbers as i see them. I have included both original and upscaled version.

Type 91 10cm

Type 38 12cm


J-TANK/日本戦車 軍用車両研究10号 軍事資料系同人誌_レイテ島のカミ車_タハ車_ハ号_満州国軍の装甲自動車_チト車第三号車_他(戦記、ミリタリー)|売買されたオークション情報、yahooの商品情報をアーカイブ公開 - オークファン(

Some info about the Ta-Ha model that’s been floating around.

Unrelated but interesting
J-Tank 20号 日本陸軍戦車・軍用車輌 研究誌 同人誌 / 樺太の九五式軽戦車 チホ試作車完成報告 ホルト牽引車 シベリアの鹵獲装甲自動車 他의 상품 상세 | Yahoo! JAPAN Auction | One Map by FROM JAPAN

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If I understand correctly, in the three data below, V₀ is the muzzle velocity, Pr is the muzzle pressure and X is the maximum range.

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If this holds true, that means the 105mm HEAT travels at 337 m/s , and 120mm HEAT travels at 340 m/s ?

Now these numbers actually make sense for these old heavy HEAT shells [they are slow lol] and i believe you are correct! Again big help ! (´∀`)♡

Btw i’m wondering if this 12cm HEAT is compatible with the 12cm short gun of the Chi-Ha short ?
A suggestion might be possible to give it a new round ?