There’s no way that gun was functional.
gaijin when
There’s no way that gun was functional.
gaijin when
Today I bugreported Chi-Ha’s weird gear ratios.
For that I made a chart of the known speed values given for each gear. The two sources are extremely close to each other after we correct the obvious errors. All red values are calculated.
One thing I’m still wondering is the max engine RPM and power. 150hp at 1500rpm is confirmed by multiple sources as “normal power”. Above that I am not certain. 1800rpm is used on this one source and calculations fit well for it, but 2000rpm is stated by so many secondary sources. Perhaps just an error which has been repeated over and over again? If max rpm was increased at some point, then max engine power should have gone up as well, but only 170hp is stated.
Was the engine modified or changed? It’s possible that increasing RPM would not yield much extra power if not.
There might have been different engines or Americans mixed some data, which is quite common.
One Japanese magazine says there were differences between engines from different manufacturers: Mitsubishi and Komatsu. At least fuel injection system is said to have been too different to cannibalize parts.
It would almost be odd if no changes happened during Chi-Ha’s long production run. Still the only one I have found are related to the cooling system.
Then I can believe those numbers. You can see that the bore, stroke, and displacement change per engine. Engine B (whichever it is) has slightly larger bore and shorter stroke, this helps with higher RPM power. Of course on top of higher displacement.
These are diesels in any case and don’t like going much faster, you’ll find many truck engines that also hang around these RPM figures.
I think I may be able to elaborate on a few of these. Others, however, are still quite mysterious.
Correct, I originally saw this vehicle on the old forum, with a tweet providing additional information and a photo:
Although in the VBL the windshield is made of two pieces, your vehicle is different.
I don’t got the source anymore, but I remember finding a blog that discussed this vehicle, which is a prototype tank of sorts in China, not any type of training mockup suprisingly. If I remember correctly there are multiple of these things scattered about.
A Chinese creation, I posted a better quality photo in the comments.
Chi-Ha 75mm Type 94 Self properled gun. Chinese oddity tank that China need - Suggestions / Ground - War Thunder — official forum
You may already know, but the image is fake.
Mysterious and Unique Japanese Vehicles Thread - Machinery of War Discussion - War Thunder — official forum
Gun cover most likely.
Armed with a water cannon
天野譲二🇵🇸 🐗🇺🇦 『幻の未発売ゲームを追え!』発売中 on X: “@hayakawa2600 「警察のゆうげき用放水車は、安保法にはんたいする学生たちに、なんトンもの水を水平放水して、国会と大学で大かつやくしたんだ」” / X
“Police water cannons sprayed tons of water horizontally at students who opposed the security bill, causing mayhem in the National Diet and at universities.”
Type 92 I think.
It still doesn’t explain what the max RPM should be. At least it’s not that big difference.
For the riot truck Armed with a water cannon. I thought it had a gun Sumitomo M2 heavy machine the nozzle looked too small for a water cannon.
For the chi-ha. It looks more boxy than the Chinese td one. And the gun looks smaller?
Some other stuff I had saved
Mitsubishi Type 73 Light Truck Kyū with a rear-mounted Sumitomo M2 heavy machine
type 92 combat car prototype
should work for low tier since it has the 13 mm Type 92
Type 92 Mine Clearing Vehicle (i’m sure it can send tanks to orbit with the size of the rockets)
But it would end up like a meme event tank
Type 4 Ka-Tsu
again should work for low tier since it has the 13 mm Type 92
Chi-ha Dozer
Model Kō Tank (if we get ww1 tanks)
TYPE 79 KO-GATA (for ww1 era)
Nightmare fuel
Chinese Panzer I Ausf. A
did they modify them by any chance?
M24 Japan National Safety Forces
just extra 50 cals
I think someone posted this before somewhere in here but just in case
Type 95 Ha-Go “Northern Manchuria Type” (北満型)
I had this saved back in 2019 idk if something was moded
Japanese tank poster and post cards
more photos
The St. Chamond M21 with 13mm? not sure
Type 97 chi-ha kai “special”
Japanese tank next to a Italian tank did japan buy some tank or used some for testing?
Type 96 AGL mounted on top of a Type 96 APC
the hybrid chi ha’s
does anyone know if the other Komatsu LAV variants got the same weapons for all of them? Like the Type 87 ATGM, Type 01 LMAT, etc.
I know the difference is minor but japan does need more tanks for events or premium or even just the tech tree line overall. Would help with making line ups.
Komatsu LAV KU50W-0002K
Komatsu LAV KU50W-0003K
Komatsu LAV KU50W-0005K
Komatsu LAV with turret (idk what variant)
Komatsu LAV with gun shield (idk what variant)
again I’ve got more but ill upload them later.
Is this the second SPG on Type 95 Ro-Go chassis? What gun it had?
650hp, so I guess Type 61?
I’d appreciate any photos or drawings of Chi-Ha’s interior.
First one from what I can remember its the ji-ro.
The gun was either a Type96 150mm Howitzer and Type92 105mm artillery
2nd photo I believe was for these guys
Again had these since 2019 so I somewhat started to forget each ones context sorry for that.
They would mount DP-29 machine guns in some instances.
After 2 years Type 10 and TKXs can not pivot with one track.
But the bug that makes vehicle want to drift when driving forward and turn, it still not smooth as other MBTs but they did labelled as fixed in the bug report. ¯_(ツ)_/¯.
Missing the vertical frame it seems
There would be no point of arming it with a weapon, as it is clearly purpose-built for riot control and never intended for the armed forces.
Refer to the image I posted in the suggestion for this vehicle, the better quality image shows us the actual turret shape, which is identical to the other photos. The gun is the same size when you compare the photos, your perspective might just be off.
Pretty sure this tank was just for trials, so it wouldn’t have been modified with something as signifigant as a 13.2mm MG. I recall seeing another Japanese image of this vehicle somewhere in which it kept the original 8mm.
I assume this was taken at Aberdeen Proving Ground after both vehicles were captured by the U.S.
Type 74 Red Star ★ ,The first uparmored Type 74 in the game!
More armor has been added in the latest dev server, including the rubber flaps, but the small wooden logs on both sides provide no protection like Soviet logs.
The dummy applique armor is about 5mm thick but offers reasonable protection against HEAT-FS at certain angles, especially from a direct frontal attack.
I honestly have no reason to buy it, especially since I already have the Type 74G.
Although, I kind of want it just because of how cool it looks.
Well, if they lower the Type 87 RCV to the same BR, I will seriously consider getting it because then I would have a really fun lineup with the Type 74C, Type 87 SPAAG, and Type 87 RCV.
but I’d have a hard time recommending it just because of how awful my experience was spading the Type 74C