General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

First one from what I can remember its the ji-ro.
The gun was either a Type96 150mm Howitzer and Type92 105mm artillery

2nd photo I believe was for these guys
Again had these since 2019 so I somewhat started to forget each ones context sorry for that.


They would mount DP-29 machine guns in some instances.


Updated searchight lamp.


After 2 years Type 10 and TKXs can not pivot with one track.

But the bug that makes vehicle want to drift when driving forward and turn, it still not smooth as other MBTs but they did labelled as fixed in the bug report. ¯_(ツ)_/¯.


Missing the vertical frame it seems

Equipment inspection.


There would be no point of arming it with a weapon, as it is clearly purpose-built for riot control and never intended for the armed forces.

Refer to the image I posted in the suggestion for this vehicle, the better quality image shows us the actual turret shape, which is identical to the other photos. The gun is the same size when you compare the photos, your perspective might just be off.

Pretty sure this tank was just for trials, so it wouldn’t have been modified with something as signifigant as a 13.2mm MG. I recall seeing another Japanese image of this vehicle somewhere in which it kept the original 8mm.

I assume this was taken at Aberdeen Proving Ground after both vehicles were captured by the U.S.


Today photos



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Type 74 Red Star ★ ,The first uparmored Type 74 in the game!

More armor has been added in the latest dev server, including the rubber flaps, but the small wooden logs on both sides provide no protection like Soviet logs.
The dummy applique armor is about 5mm thick but offers reasonable protection against HEAT-FS at certain angles, especially from a direct frontal attack.

I honestly have no reason to buy it, especially since I already have the Type 74G.
Although, I kind of want it just because of how cool it looks.

Well, if they lower the Type 87 RCV to the same BR, I will seriously consider getting it because then I would have a really fun lineup with the Type 74C, Type 87 SPAAG, and Type 87 RCV.



but I’d have a hard time recommending it just because of how awful my experience was spading the Type 74C

Type 74 is horribly hit or miss imo. I cant tell if i hate it or find it bearable because every match is decent or bad. Probably just my crummy luck.

I don’t need it, but I want it. There is something about tanks without sideskirts, I really wish they would give us a toggle for them.

I posted a discord link.
Here it is, everything translated and posted as photos in the discord


The coolest T-80!

Sky clearning devices.


Is type87 rcv equipped with stab in reality?

Serial Type 87 RCV (with 25mm) don’t have it


Chaiseri has unveiled the new First Win ARV, which, while still based on the First Win platform, is noticeably lower than the standard model. This reduced height enhances concealment while maintaining standard armor protection and the ability to mount a remote-controlled weapon station (RCWS).

Reports indicate that this project was developed to meet the requirements of a foreign client for an international competition.

Praying for some big boom sticks on it.


It got a turret traverse upgrade irl, I wonder why we don’t have it

What turret traverse update?