General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

This website says it’s only 10 mm

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CTWV RCV should be able to equip Mk268, but will it be implemented yet?


It still uses old Mk258 at the moment of update release


Do you have the source of this picture? I think I can submit an issue based on this.


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i did some editing looking at the CTWV RCV commander camera and found out that it only have -10 and +20 instead of -20 and +30 like this old forum posted.

**edited to add new forum page

Sorry for badly edited pict


whats up with the 7.7 type 87 RCV? what is he good for? sadly I cant found anything good on him that worth investing a crew…

Websites without source list are quite unreliable. I could report it with just that document, but I’m sure someone here should have a Japanese book or two.

@tester188 do you have anything about Chi-Ha’s roof armor?

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True, I just consider that website somewhat more reliable

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According to Japanese books, the top turret and hull armor thickness of the Type 97/47 Chi-Ha is 10 mm. However, even Japanese books can sometimes be inaccurate, so we need to check original blueprints or surviving examples in museums to be sure.


Tomio Hara et al., Japanese Tanks (New Edition), 1978, p. 93.


Jiro Sayama, Introduction to Armored Vehicles, 2002, ISBN-13: 9784769823629, p. 569.


We finaly got the 30mm autocannon type 16
Now we need the 40mm one


It’s only good against light vehicles/lightly armored mbts and helicopters. Unfortunately at that br you still face many heavy tanks.
It gets better when you get the apds ammo but it’s still not good. Might be better to slightly uptier it to face more lighter vehicles

Very fast 40 one that has 180mm of pen and 750 rpm

Is it known the performance of ap round?

New forum rcv page


Pls gaijoob give us another jap meme vehicle


Is this true? Oh how close were we to an actual South Korean - Japanese military collaboration only for TURKEY to once again RUIN it. I am so sad.


You have made a rather strange conclusion. When designing a new generation tank, Turkey, like almost all countries, faced a problem in creating one of the most science-intensive and technologically complex units — the engine. Initially, engine technology was to be imported from Germany, but the deal was frozen due to political disagreements. Then Turkey turned to one of the few countries that develops and produces engines on its own — Japan. Japan had just developed a new generation diesel engine 8VA34WTK with a unique continuously variable transmission for the Type 10 tank. Japan traditionally took this offer without enthusiasm — military exports for internal development machines and units from Japan are often unable to recoup economic losses from the leakage of unique technologies. For lack of other options, Turkey turned to Korea, which took this idea with enthusiasm, and subsequently sold the almost all technology of its K2 tank, and provided scientific and technical support in the design of “Altay” tank. That is, turks ended up getting a “German” engine and transmission, simply bypassing the Germans with the help of the Koreans, and then with their help they designed the rest of the tank. That’s the whole story, no Japan-South Korea collaborations were planned and certainly not destroyed.


Only approximate estimates obtained through data on the projectile velocity and its dimensions in the photo. Based on the known performance of APFSDS projectiles in this caliber, the figure of ~180 mm looks quite reliable, perhaps even modestly, when projectiles of smaller mass and velocity provide ~150 mm.

So whats going on with the tires on the type 16 p?