Common Tactical Wheeled Vehicle - RCV:Successor to 87RCV

[Should the Reconnaissance and Combat Vehicle be added to War Thunder?]
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The Common Tactical Wheeled Vehicle [Reconnaissance and Combat Vehicle] is a vehicle that is being studied to replace the Type 87 Reconnaissance and Warning Vehicle, which was formalized in 1987.
It is referred to as the Reconnaissance and Combat Vehicle (RCV) in the following.
The RCV has its roots in an Type16 Maneuver Combat Vehicle.
Six derivatives of the Type 16 Maneuver Combat Vehicle (16MCV) were planned. These were called the Common Tactical Wheeled Vehicle, and included the Infantry Combat Vehicle (ICV), Reconnaissance and Combat Vehicle (RCV), Maneuver Morter Combat Veheicle (MMCV), Maneuver Armored Vehicle (MPV), Medical Evacuation Vehicle (MEV), and Command Vehicle (CV), all but the ICV, RCV and MMCV were discontinued (The MPV,MEV,CV was incorporated into the next armored car project and fought the Patria AMV. And the Patria AMV was adopted.)(MEV and CV were not manufactured)
The main gun is the 30mm Mk.44 Bushmaster II, and the coaxial machine gun is the 7.62mm Mk.52 chain gun.
Unlike ICVs, RCVs are manned turrets and Commander . Gunner in the turret, . Driver .observer. scout is located in the hull.
The RCV is equipped with eight 76mm smoke cartridges and has two laser warning receivers (LWS) for 180° forward coverage.
The vehicle is currently undergoing testing, but if adopted, it will be deployed in reconnaissance combat battalions throughout Japan and contribute to Japan’s national defense capabilities.

◎Reconnaissance and Combat Vehicle


◎Main gun: 30mm Mk.44 Bushmaster II 200rds/min
・Ammunition[Mk 268 APFSDS-T/Mk 266 HEI-T/MK 239 TP-T]
・Modes of Fire[Automatic/Burst/Single]
◎Coaxial machine gun: 7.62mm Mk.52 Bushmaster 500-600rds/min

◎Engine: Mitsubishi 4VA 570hp-4-cycle water-cooled diesel engine
・Size: length 1.16m, width 0.89m, height 0.88m
・Dry weight: 1240kg
・Displacement: 11.3 liters
◎Transmission:Planetary gear automatic transmission with torque converter - forward 6 speed. Rearward 1 speed
◎Chassis 8x8
◎Max Speed:~100km/h

◎Height:2870mm (excluding reconnaissance mast)


◎8x 76mm Smoke Granades
◎Laser Rangefineder
◎2x AN/AVR-2 Laser Warning Receiver
◎Telescopic mast for reconnaissance
・Capable of 360° full circumferential rotation
・Camera elevation angle -20° to 30°
・Laser Rangefineder
・Multiple targets can be locked at the same time
・HFOV ≦1.7°~8.0°≦

◎It is possible to lock on to a target and automatically take deviation
◎Digital zoom available
◎Multiple targets can be locked at the same time
◎Magnification of the gunner sights is unknown, but if the magnification is the same as the Type16, it would be 4x-13.3x, or 26.7x if a digital zoom is used

◎Equipment can be operated even when the engine is stopped.

◎Equivalent protection to 16MCV

◎Driver: Thermal Imager
◎Gunner:Thermal Imager
◎Commander:N/A(Can display the same screen as the gunner`s and observer’s)(Can be fired using gunner’s and observer’s sights)
◎Observer: Thermal Imager
◎Scout: N/A

◎With good mobility, firepower, and high reconnaissance capabilities, the this vehicle would be a very interesting addition to the game.
◎Expected BR:9.0

◎Web Sources
「砲塔付き!?」御殿場で発見! 陸上自衛隊の新型戦闘車両 採用はもうすぐ? | 乗りものニュース式機動戦闘車
三菱重工、ユーロサトリで新型装輪装甲車を発表 -
30mmx173 Ammunition Suite For MK44 Cannon
日本版「緑の悪魔」に? 北欧製に決定した次期装輪装甲車 日本の産業救う可能性も | 乗りものニュース
◎JGSDF Specifications
・GRD-Z000745 共通戦術装輪車(歩兵戦闘型及び偵察戦闘型)
・GRD-Z000736 監視装置(共通戦術装輪車試験用)
・GRD-Z000735 機関砲(共通戦術装輪車試験用)
・GV-Y120003C 16式機動戦闘車
・防衛産業委員会特報 290 16式機動戦闘車


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I am not good at English. Please contact me if there are any corrections that need to be made.

@yontzee I took his implementation suggestions into consideration.thank you!

Moved from old forum


yes! +1


+1 Would be great for ~9.0 - 10.0 line-ups

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With many nations getting the 30mm Bushmaster II equiped vehicles, Japan needs to catch up with this trend !


Is Japan even pursuing this vehicle anymore? I thought they went with the Patria

Patria is another project. I think RCV will be procured eventually.

The Patria AMV XP is stepping in for the Komatsu Type 96 WAPC, and the CTWV is gearing up to replace the Type 87 RCV, also made by Komatsu.

With Komatsu bowing out of the military industry, They’re on the lookout for fresh gear from active manufacturers to fill the gap.

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Some photos of the CTWV RCV:


Can this thing track air targets with IRST or Optical tracking system? Or does it have one?

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Type16 is capable of infrared/optical auto-tracking, RCV should be able to do the same.


wait so that means we should be able to track helis and jets right with type 16 with a lead indicator right? or doesn’t work that way?

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I don’t know about jets, but I think it would be easy to track a helicopter.

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Well it uses the same FCS as the type 10 and as far as i know it can follow múltiple targets at times and Even automatically aim at weakspots

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Isn’t there also a Patria version that japan selected?

that’s mainly to replace the type 96 wheeled apc

I was trying to ask isn’t there a Patria 30mm version that the Japanese where testing?

As far as I know, no. They only tested an APC configuration Patira AMV XP to replace the Type 96 WAPC.



Is the current armament what is intended for the service vehicle, or is it just a prototype?

The Patria AMV XP is not a prototype vehicle. If adopted, the best it’ll likely get is a 40mm automatic grenade launcher.

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I was talking about the CTWV actually