General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

Hopefully… I caught this myself but thought that I was dumb & deaf, and didnt catch what he said exactly

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Damn, just as I was looking for a new squadron with more activity for faster squadron vic grind. I’ll apply later ig


So does that mean a proper sub tree or more… theyll dribble thai stuff like india…

Is possible just join discord? Because I already have squadron, just want chat and play with other main JP line player, japan line is really not a line have many player.


If there’s any silver lining, the one that we have has the “prototype” turret, meaning we can potentially get the production version in the TT


Type 91/GCS-1 bomb guidance device for japan plane - #62 by CokeSpray
Ooohhh yeaaaaah.
Now we wait 2 years for it to be added

My bad wrong section

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The Japanese Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA) is importing new 30mm proxy fuse and airburst ammo for the CTWV, so if someone submits a bug report quickly, those might be added before the update.



The issue has already been reported, that’s great. I’m looking forward to seeing it implemented.

Is there any docs about HE proxy shells for RCV (P)? Because its so abysmal dogwater


Therea apparently an internal report for it from gaijin


Which is code for them knowing and most likely throwing it out/omitting it for reason of “not enough documentation” or “is not in active service”.

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The problem is that the only information we have is “ATLA purchased 30mm proxy fuse round”
There is no any information, even approximately what performance it has so chance that it will be added in game is low


I wrote a bug report for the So-Ki if you’d like to support it

So-Ki Has the Wrong Guns // // Issues


Thank you for submitting the bug report. I would like to provide an additional source that might be helpful.

Following the example of the 20 mm Type 4 twin-barrel AA machine cannon on the Ha-Go Fighting Boat Model 1, I believe the name of the gun in the game should be “20 mm Type 98 cannon at So-Ki II mount.”

A document from 1942 states that the 20 mm So-Ki II cannon was mounted on the Type 98 Ke-Ni, and the elevation angle of the 20 mm So-Ki I cannon is from -10° to +90°.


“Doolittle Raid Damage Information, Ground Forces and Air Forces Discussion Items” Issued by the Defense Division of the Army Ministry’s Military Affairs Bureau and the Ordnance Administration Headquarters. April 1942

Report on scientific intelligence survey in Japan, Vol. II


I believe the name of the gun in the game should be “20 mm Type 98 cannon at So-Ki II mount.”

Are the guns on the So-Ki not supposed to be the Type 2 20 mm guns? This page does mention the So-Ki II mount, but JP Wiki also says it’s the Type 2 guns, not Type 98.

試製対空戦車 ソキ - Wikipedia

Also this website says -15 to +95, is this wrong?
AA Weapons (


The 20 mm twin-barrel So-Ki AA machine cannon is a modification of the 20 mm Type 2 Ke-Ki AA machine cannon into a twin-barrel mount. The codename “So-Ki” is believed to be an abbreviation of “twin-barrel” (双連 Souren) and “machine cannon” (機関砲 Kikan ho). I believe that the elevation angle of the single-barrel 20 mm Type 2 Ke-Ki AA cannon is from -15° to +95°, but I am not sure if the So-Ki cannon, which was modified to have twin barrels, has the same elevation angle specification.

According to the testimony of Major General Giichi Dōgane, who designed the 20 mm Type 98 AA machine cannon and the 20 mm Type 2 Ke-Ki AA machine cannon, as well as the armament for the SPAAGs Ta-Se, So-Ki, and Ta-Ha, the 20 mm twin-barrel So-Ki AA cannon was mounted on the Type 98 Ke-Ni.


Major General Giichi Dōgane. “The Evolution of Firearms and the Truth About Our Machine Gun Weapons” The Complete Picture of Land Warfare Weapons, Volume 1 (The Truth and Reflection of Our Military Science and Technology; No. 5) by Haruji Suga et al. 1953. pp. 44-46


Okay, I will propose the name be changed to “20 mm So-Ki Type II”. Is this more correct?

As for the elevation, considering that we do not know the specific angles of the twin So-Ki, I think it’s safe to bet that it is similar to the Ke-Ki, from which it is derived.

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I launched the War Thunder client and looked at the stat card. I realized that the notation “20 mm So-Ki Type II cannon x 2” might imply a quadruple-mounted cannon, so I thought it would be better to use “20 mm Type 2 cannon x 2” instead. I apologize for the confusion.

I will provide the source of the photo and diagram showing the elevation angle of the 20 mm Type 2 Ke-Ki AA cannon, which ranges from -15° to +95°.


Jiro Sayama. “Machine cannons, Fortress guns, sequel, Japanese Army Artillery”. 2012. ISBN-13: 978-4769827290. pp. 87, 96-97