General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

Japanese laws for these kinds of vehicles being transported on the road requires the commander to be turned out to maintain a view around the vehicle. Since the turret is unmanned, there is just a small space for the commander to stand during transport to comply with the laws.


I’m pretty sure the Ho-Ri can still out-accelerate the Jagdtiger, even after they nerfed the former

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yeah i’d rather take the acceleration of the ho ri since its absolutely insane how responsive it is

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Ho-Ri production is FAST for how much armor you’re bringing, definitely better than the Jagdtiger. And has a better reload, which makes you less vulnerable.

I don’t agree with ,“is worse than Jagtier in every way”. I would much rather drive a faster, more mobile Ho-Ri than a slow, super heavy, Jag…Just so much better to drive around with regardless if it has a bit less armor and lower pen. So Ho-Ri at 7.3 is fine and still manageable though 7.0 would be the best fit for it.


yeah my favorite thing about the ho ri its the amazing speed with decent-good armor and incredible survivability together with a very nice gun that has so much explosive filler u are assured to overpressure somebody’s crew even if no spall hits em

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Jagtiger isnt slow its still faster than Ho-Ri. Ho-ri has just better acceleration so it is more “mobile” not faster. Regardless both are superheavy tank destroyers and are not made for driving around flanking because of their lack of turret. Their job on the battlefield is very much same and in this job Jagtiger is simply better. And in direct combat Ho-Ri is very disadwantaged with very little places it can shoot and Ho-Ri prototype is just joke to Jagtiger which can pen it anywere.

So even if we consider Ho-Ris better mobility it still with number of disadwantages should be at least on the same br and Ho-Ri prototype should be lower br than Jagtiger. I belive if both jagtiger and Ho-Ri production were to put back at 7.0 it would fix this issue and ho-ri prototype just down to 6.3 or 6.0 to be any usefull with its weaker armour and gun + its premium.


reallistically i have never ever gotten to top speed in the jagdtiger and at max i have gotten to 36 km/h one of my major issues with the jagdtiger is the lack of manouverability taking around 40 seconds to turn in place or 36 to turn around completely without neutral and with some acceleration wich makes it more vulnerable to light tanks flanking it or to anything faster, another issue is the gun handling wich is really underwhelming but expected from a 128 mm gun, the reload rate is not amazing either and yes altough it has a lot of penetration i still aim for weakspots wich i aleady did with the ho ri production, i would rather take the ho ri than the jagdtiger just because the ho ri its much more versatile, also idk about the penetration, but i have bounced apds in the front plate of the ho ri production quite a lot of times i have even taken atgms without a single bit of damage in the UFP


Ho-Ri is still much faster than Jagdtiger. We could do a race to prove this.

Even if its bit faster because of the faster acceleration in direct combat Jagtiger is just better. So they should have same br at least so people can choose power or mobility. But Ho-Ri production is almoust br higher.

There is a reason why My Ho-Ri score is high lol Its just that good of a TD…and still doing well at 7.3…

On paper, the Jagdtiger definitely outpunches the Ho-Ri. However, the Jagdtiger has a max speed of only 1 km faster than the Ho-Ri, and a reverse speed faster by only 3 km.

The Ho-Ri has much better depression and acceleration (mobility). So if you’re playing as a sniper, it’s a lot easier to shoot and reverse behind a hill as the Ho-Ri, vs the Jagdtiger

The projectile weight of the 75 mm Type 4 AP shot is 6.75 kg. This is a list of ammunition for the 75 mm Type 88 anti-aircraft gun. By comparing the complete round weight of the Type 4 AP and the Type 1 APHE, we can determine the projectile weight of the Type 4 AP. The projectile weight of the Type 1 APHE is 6.605 kg.


Jiro Sayama. “Anti-aircraft Guns” Japanese Army Artillery . 2010. ISBN-13: 978-4769826606. p. 223

Type 1 APHE Weight Specification Table
“The Complete Picture of Land Warfare Weapons, Volume 1 (The Truth and Reflection of Our Military Science and Technology; No. 5)” by Haruji Suga et al. 1953. pp. 262-263

It appears that the 47 mm and 75 mm Type 4 AP shots have tracer functionality. There is a component called a tracer compound chamber.

  1. 一式機動四十七粍砲試製四式徹甲弾弾薬筒曳光剤室
  • “Type 1 Mobile 47 mm Anti-Tank Gun Prototype Type 4 Armor-Piercing Shot Cartridge Tracer Compound Chamber”
  1. 三式七・五糎戦車砲試製四式徹甲弾弾薬筒曳光剤室
  • “Type 3 75 mm Tank Gun Prototype Type 4 Armor-Piercing Shot Cartridge Tracer Compound Chamber”
  1. 試製七・五糎戦車砲試製四式徹甲弾弾薬筒曳光剤室
  • “Prototype 75 mm Tank Gun Prototype Type 4 Armor-Piercing Shot Cartridge Tracer Compound Chamber”

“Survey of Munitions Production and Preparation Status (April 1945)”. Issued by Tokyo 1st Army Arsenal. pp. 39-40


Do you have any information on the Toku Kou, Experimental 47 mm Type 1 Tungsten APHEBC, and Nickel Chromium Steel Otsu AP shells?

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In game weight of Type 4 kou was calculated with this method
9.035 - 6.605 = 2.43 kg
9.18 - 2.43 = 6.75 kg



But this Type 4 in game has the HE filler
Also interesting that here is another weight of projectile Type 1 APHE
In game it is:



This weights of projectile and filler has been taken from TM 9-1985-5 Japanese Explosive Ordnance (Army Ammunition, Navy Ammunition) 1953


Bug report needed?

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And acceleration is exactly what the Jagdtiger lacks. The Ho-Ri can get around the map stupidly fast for something of its size and armor.

Snail, would you please just do it ?


I found information about the Nickel-Chrome AP shell.

The Japanese Army, based on their experiences from the Battles of Khalkhin Gol, sought AP shells capable of penetrating the armor of future Soviet heavy tanks. This Nickel-Chrome AP shell was developed by Nippon Yakin Kogyo Co., Ltd. in May 1941. The steel used for the AP shell is named NK Steel Mk 3. Experimental results showed that this Japanese-made AP shell was superior to American and German-made AP shells. According to the experiments, the Soviet-made AP shell performed the best, but it was judged to be equivalent. Nippon Yakin Kogyo received an order from the Japanese Army for mass production of 75 mm AP shells and produced 650,000 Nickel-Chrome AP shells in 1942.


“Sixty-Year History of Nippon Yakin Kogyo”. Published by Nippon Yakin Kogyo Co., Ltd. 1985. pp. 56-57.

This is an armor penetration test of a nickel-chrome AP shell conducted by the Army Technical Headquarters in September 1941. This table has some useful looking data that’s been picked out and translated.

Gun Ammo Steel plate Penetration limit velocity Projectile status
57 mm tank gun R-1 75 mm RHA 715 m/s Explosive chamber complete x 1
Type 90 75 mm field gun R-1 75 mm RHA 530 m/s Explosive chamber complete x 2
R-1 65 mm RHA 500 m/s Explosive chamber complete x 3, Shattered x 1
R-1 75 mm FHA 650 m/s Explosive chamber complete x 2, Shattered x 1
Type 88 75 mm AA gun R-1 124 mm (Navy) 699 m/s Not penetrated, dented.
57 mm tank gun R-1 45 mm + 65 mm RHA 814 m/s 45 mm plate penetrated, 65 mm plate dented.
Type 88 75 mm AA gun R-1 45 mm + 65 mm RHA 675 m/s Penetrated
R-1 55 mm + 55 mm RHA 684 m/s Penetrated 1st plate, dented into 2nd plate.
R-1 75 mm + 35 mm RHA 675 m/s Penetrated
R-1: NK steel mk 3 nickel chrome AP shell

“Rikugi 1 Ken 4 Yōhō No. 40 (◎Hō 1) Report on Various Armor-Piercing Shells and Projectile Performance Tests” September 1941. Army Technical Headquarters 1st Research Institute


Really surprised how it was possible to find so much valuable information.

So in fact chrome-nickel AP rounds was in 1941 already? It is similar to what we’ve seen in Type 1 47mm prototype cannon tests where 47mm and 37mm Chrome-Nickel APHE was mentioned. But isn’t there any information about late war Chrome-Nickel rounds? As for example there is the reports by US that new shells of Type 1 47mm can penetrate ~115mm of armor. Can’t it be late-war Chrome APHE?




You’re amazing, thank you.

Now if only we can get such information into War Thunder. image

Also, @skultew1234 115 mm is insane. Sadly we don’t know what it was. Maybe the Experimental 47 mm Type 1 Tungsten APHEBC, Type 4 AP, or some solid shot shell. Or maybe some HEAT shell?