General Japanese & JASDF General Discussion

I think we can, just compress those bomber tree. I really don’t see the reason why Japan need 2 line of bomber/Cas.



Are these the Kogiken plan figters?

EDIT: isn’t the 2nd one a fighter design of the AICHI M6A, without the floaters and cockpit on Tail instead of center mass?

J2M but for the IJAAF


Interceptor? In real life it is actually a figther

Fighter? In real life it is actually an interceptor

About J7W1 ingame it was long time ago designated as figther.
About Ki-61-I-tei Hien I think its probably a bug.
The only interceptor Ki-61 variant i found is this:
which is not ingame.


The entire classification is just there for gains entertainment.
GB has a tank destroyer the A30 Archer which they reclassified to a medium tank because “it fits the playstyle of one”

Why does it look so weird lol, doesn’t closely look like a J2M

Yeah it looks so weird. And it gets airspawn, i seen one in battle.

So, Gaijin said that we might get multiple-vehicle anti-air systems, right? Does that mean we might get the Type 11 SAM?

Yes, this counts as JASDF, as the version on the Toyota Mega Truck is used be the air force.


Japans FS-X support fighter project.

Very cool looking design


Yes that and maybe later on Type 03

Also ARH missile and radar system for Type 81

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That looks hot. Was it ever anything more than a mockup?

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It wasn’t even mockup. It was Mitsubishi variant for FS-X project which was only on paper. Model is modern one

The first pic. I found
Oh its from model in game


looks like a modified F-2, with Delta and canards to match European countries

the double tail seems too much for the design,… maybe there to counter height of a single one?

From what i found this was supposed to be a design for F-2.

The design of F-2 if japan had enough money to do a whole new airwing design ^^"

It wasn’t built, however some parts of the project were made, such as a section of composite wing, and multiple parts of the AESA radar / RWR system.


pITPSaP (1)

Both of these were also noted by US sources when assessing domestic FS-X before it was cancelled in favor of the cooperative design that later became F-2.

If only it wasn’t for deliberate US political pressure and bribery…