No. You should not believe just because someone says something, unless sufficient evidence is provided.
Of course, if your mother/father/whomever you trust says that she went to the shop today, you will likely believe her without evidence. And that’s fine. Even tho you could actually check wether she actually went to the shop.
However, things, like we talk about here require evidence.
But this is not a discussion. it went into a debate.
It would be true, if we were to talk about art, for example.
But here we are talking about things, that can, and should be supported by facts/evidence.
if you say something, you should be able to back it up with some evidence.
If i tell you, that today, i went to the store, you have no reason to reject it, since it is a perfectly reasonable thing.
However, if i tell you, that i went today to the store with my live Himalayan Yeti, that teleported into my house a week ago, then you have all the reasons to call this bullshit.
in this case, i should have evidence, and a lot of them.
As i said, facts are either true, or not. You can refuse to accept a fact, despite all the evidence pointing towards it being true, but then it is your issue then.
Can you say, that your fact is, that the Earth is flat? No, because it is not a fact.
The Himalayan Yeti. Now, seriously, nothing in this discussion. I have some real life fears (and one of them is irrational, which is my problem xd).
No. It doesnot trigger me. You literally can’t trigger me. You could use all the worst slurs on me, and it would not do it. I would of course report you, but i am not sensitive to these things.
Do i have almost no experience in RB? Yes. Do i need it to show that CAS is too strong in that mode (and in every mode)? No.
Again, this is nonsense. He did not provide any facts, didn’t even try to do so.
No. I was wrong on the forums many times, and i always own up to it. I don’t think i am superior to anybody.
I might be better in game, better at reasoning, but i, as a human am not above those others.
There are unreasonable things, yes. I have unreasonable fears, which is bad, and i am trying to get rid of them.
Can you find reasonable, for example many things in physics? For example the light’s wave-particle duality is not reasonable for a lot of people, yet it is true.
Do you respect a neonazi’s beliefes?
And i don’t deny that.