Game is unplayable for ground with Heli / CAS spam

No. You should not believe just because someone says something, unless sufficient evidence is provided.
Of course, if your mother/father/whomever you trust says that she went to the shop today, you will likely believe her without evidence. And that’s fine. Even tho you could actually check wether she actually went to the shop.

However, things, like we talk about here require evidence.


But this is not a discussion. it went into a debate.

It would be true, if we were to talk about art, for example.

But here we are talking about things, that can, and should be supported by facts/evidence.
if you say something, you should be able to back it up with some evidence.

If i tell you, that today, i went to the store, you have no reason to reject it, since it is a perfectly reasonable thing.
However, if i tell you, that i went today to the store with my live Himalayan Yeti, that teleported into my house a week ago, then you have all the reasons to call this bullshit.
in this case, i should have evidence, and a lot of them.

As i said, facts are either true, or not. You can refuse to accept a fact, despite all the evidence pointing towards it being true, but then it is your issue then.
Can you say, that your fact is, that the Earth is flat? No, because it is not a fact.

The Himalayan Yeti. Now, seriously, nothing in this discussion. I have some real life fears (and one of them is irrational, which is my problem xd).

No. It doesnot trigger me. You literally can’t trigger me. You could use all the worst slurs on me, and it would not do it. I would of course report you, but i am not sensitive to these things.
Do i have almost no experience in RB? Yes. Do i need it to show that CAS is too strong in that mode (and in every mode)? No.

Again, this is nonsense. He did not provide any facts, didn’t even try to do so.

No. I was wrong on the forums many times, and i always own up to it. I don’t think i am superior to anybody.
I might be better in game, better at reasoning, but i, as a human am not above those others.

There are unreasonable things, yes. I have unreasonable fears, which is bad, and i am trying to get rid of them.
Can you find reasonable, for example many things in physics? For example the light’s wave-particle duality is not reasonable for a lot of people, yet it is true.

Do you respect a neonazi’s beliefes?

And i don’t deny that.

My last word before it gets totally OT …

Do you respect a neonazi’s beliefes?

I respect everyone. It doesn’t matter what they want to believe in. It’s their choice. Having the arrogance to deny someone something, no matter how disgusting we find it, is not in our hands. It is not my job as a human being to convince anyone of what is right and what is wrong or to decide for them whether it is right or wrong. And if I think neo-Nazis are shit then I can say so. Would that change anything about my respect for these people? No. Because their decision to believe in something like that has a reason. As stupid and daft as I may think it is. It simply doesn’t matter. The moment I stop respecting others just because they believe in something else, problems are inevitable. And even if they don’t respect me. Fine.
It is precisely this belief in knowing what is better or worse for others that has cost so many people their lives and will continue to do so.
By the way, I was born in Berlin, Germany. I experienced right-wing violence on my own body. I have experienced left-wing violence. I have experienced hatred from people who believed they knew the truth.
And you even think that you can decide when a discussion becomes a debate? Let me guess … I’m sure that’s also based on facts.

“If we lose our love and self-respect and respect for each other, this is how we will finally die.” *Maya Angelou

I really can’t believe that I have to justify my respect for people in a gaming forum. Explain yourself if you like. But don’t expect another answer from me.

Yes, it is their choice.

You are endorsing their behaviour with that. This thing was a contributing factor to the rise of the nazis.
Even if you are against the idea (i am sure you are against that example), you still allow it.

It’s your job, as a human to point out if something is wrong.


You are respecting an idea, that caused the death of millions. There should be no respect in that.

I respect every human on the base of they are also humans. Just as i respect dogs, since they are neutral/positive to us.
I am not respecting mosquitos for example.

I am, however not respecting someone for their beliefes. No matter what that is.
If they believe in horrible things, then it will make me disrespect them. but i still respect them in a way, that they are humans.

I don’t know if i could explain it well.

I am sorry for that you had to go through such things. Nazis, slave owners, etc thought that they know the truth. Does it mean, that they know it? No.
Something is not true, because someone claims it is true.

There is no hard line on that.

Here, it is a debate, because we have 2 complete opposite views, and both requires evidence to support it.

If we were to talk about art for example, then it would be more of a discussion. If you talk about what emotions some art (music, painting, picture, etc) causes you, even if you have complete opposite emotions from the same thing, then it is still more of a discussion. In that case, both of you are right, since an emotion is created by your brain.
Here is a good scene from a movie (i recommend you watching it, becuae it is a very good movie in my opinion):

Pilots I need some new informations. How do you plan your arrival on the battlefield in GRB? I often see on the horizon 2-4 planes and I’m alone. Sure it is now a bad idea to go there and try to fight them. Is it just a feeling when you can go there and get into or just stay up high and pick up targets? Even with boom and zoom tactics I often get a six fast and they can follow me up although their energy level should be depleted.

Depends. If you can safely keep an energy advantage, just keep high and keep your energy.
Can you be a bit more specific? Which aircraft, which BR, what enemies?

BR 4.3 … my best rounds I got in the La7. Until now I figured out most of the time I fail because I’m not focussed and want to achieve something obsessively. What I find out for myself is that many players just zoom in and focus on their dive bomb run. When I stay aside and intercept them it works most times the best.

Looks at my AH6 with confusion.

If you can not beat them, join them.

Hope i’m not going to see game is unplayable for ground with Sweden/Germany

First spawn heli, what a joke

Gaijin still thinks its April fools day. How can they expect players to buy premium just to be cannon fodder. Its a joke

Literally 3 minutes into the match and 5 kills, and gets a bonus for the ‘skill’

The ability to first spawn helis just needs to be completely removed. Increase the sp costs of rockets and AAMs across the board for helis.

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All SPAA should go down in BR and more SPAA should be added where applicable.
Helirushers with rockets aren’t an issue, though - in fact, I love the free extra kill with my commander MG.