Game is unplayable for ground with Heli / CAS spam

I know, sorry if my response seemed that i thought you said that they aren’t too strong.

No. I never said you lack expereince.

This part where i said it, it meant to be a generalized statement, not about you. Sorry if it seemed like that.

I mean does it change anything even few hours in ground rb is more then enough to experience issues of 20 sec lifetime, getting oblitirated while beeing in open top, you cant even help people repair without dying to bomb. Its same in every rank, i have firends that litearly stopped playing War Thunder in rank 2 because CAS. One pilot geting 7+ kills isnt even that rare occurance.

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And even then, people go for the “It Is HiStOrIcAlLy AcCuRaTe”, which is okay, true, just ask Iraq.

But in a game, where balance decides between the game being good, or just unplayable, you can’T have such things, like CAS currently.

Did you seriously just say that planes are more durable than tanks? O.o

Sry I got it wrong.

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When a 155mm proxy HE explodes right next a plane, and it is not instantly obliterated, while a tank getting hit by a 57mm HE magically loses all of it’s crew, then yes.

You hit a (for example) SPAA with ANY rocket/missile, it does.

Rank 2 got some really good SPAA to counter planes. Only if they come in great numbers it gets ugly. M16 is really good. Some take it even to higher BR. … Sd. Kfz. 251 is a plane shredder.
Planes are not that fast but most teams are ignoring planes and don’t like to play SPAA. I enjoy fighting planes in GRB and I sometimes get bored if they don’t show up and I sit in a SPAA. I even don’t rage anymore if a bomb drops on me.
My frustration level has become better and I keep my head down and keep getting better.

Usually they completely disintegrate from those, also light MGs are enough to bring most of them down, except for the most sturdy ones, whereas armoured vehicles deflect much much more than an aircraft ever can.

Also tanks have magic repairs wherever they are, while a crippled aircraft has to reach its airfield in its desolate state first.

This does not change the fact about what i have said…

I have also seen tanks survive standing 10m besides a detonating 500 kg bomb, while an aircraft flying 200m overhead gets blown to bits by it…and I have seen that a lot.

Airframes that are built with light weight in mind are generally not as durable as tanks that are built for durability.

And also planes have magic repair on the airfield, where they are completly safe, and get restored to 100%, while a 6 crew tank, when loses 4 crew members, can only get back 1 of them on a cap, that has to be already captured. While this, the tank is immobile, and it can not be cancelled. Requires a modification to be usable. Worthless on 2 crew vehicles.

See? It goes both ways.

Ah, and it takes much less time to rearm a plane, where a tank has to sit on a cap to get ammo for a long time.

And an aircraft dies when one crew member is killed. All tanks besides those with only two crew survive that, as all crew mates can fill any role.

Edit: yes, sitting on a cap getting one round every few seconds surely takes longer than spending 2 minutes getting to the airfield and stopping on the ground, waiting for the timer and then spending another 2 minutes to get back to the battlefield.

HE shells are really unreliable in WT … even in tank to tank battles.

Hmm, i can’t seem to see the plane dying when i kill the tail gunner…

Then you are killing the wrong crew member. ;)

I also don’t see many tanks die from a dead gunner.
The point is:

A tank needs all crew members except one to die

An aircraft is down, when the pilot alone is killed, because unlike tanks, other crewmembers can’t fill his place. And unlike in a tank, the critical crewmate is barely protected by anything besides his speed

And may i ask, how many times does a pilot kill get the plane?

Aaaand, on top of that, a bomb, a rocket, or a missile, will almost every time get all crew members anyway.

Very very often.

And any HE hit will down an aircraft. Maybe they are more resilient in Arcade and probably the instructor provides better flight characteristics for a damaged aircraft in that mode, but aircraft behaviour from arcade, where your experience is from, is utterly irrelevant here.

251 is shit, it has terrible vertical angle, you will get strafed 70% of times, they use 50cal in higher tiers because rest of AA is too unrelieable and inaccurate, 30mm and 40mm arent even worth taking, 2 days ago i hit wing of bf109 with bofors he shell it did “Critical Hit” with no damage. And those tiers of aa get strafed like nothing.

This is damage 40mm he shell does to fighter.

I am sure you can prove it.

The exact same as in realistic.

Btw, here is what happens to a vehicle, that has armor, and an arty shell explodes near it:

See those lovely holes?

Yet, while tanks have overpressure, a 10kg+ warhead exploding ~3m from a plane does not kill the pilot, and the plane continues to fly.