If SPAA can’t do anything to the air then it is not related to the skill of a player using SPAA.
wich spaa? xD
Let us say Wirbel, I can destroy it from outside of its effective range without any problem.
Something like overpressure exists, but ye, laugh while I do what I’m talking about. Stats on my F4U-4B made only in GRB don’t lie.
This is bullshit because one, they nerfed spaas turret speed, 3 minutes into the match you have 7 planes up on the other team one spaa cannot take out all 7. 90% of matches one team rushes to cap j out then dives plane into the ground and quits leaving their team short handed. The game is a joke and they should just get rid of ground all together, Can’t see planes due to overcast almost 85% of the time so yeah do not tell me CAS doesn’t have the advantage because every change gaijin makes id for CAS. The whole fuking game is pure trash and basically WOT 2.0. You can kill a plane but 5-10 seconds after killing said plaen they still shoot or drop a bomb and take out your spaa so yeah everything is skill issue and the game is 100% perfect.
usamain copium
Just checked Your account in game, there is no record of Type 81 (C) played in it.
Not to mention not so many games in most of game SPAAs in lower B.Rs.
[quote=“USMC_Asemo75, post:541, topic:44034, full:true”] one spaa cannot take out all 7.
I had a battle at the end of October. I shot down 8 out of 9 planes. but this is BR3…
This one time at band camp…
Check the effective engagement range of SPAA. Check the effective engagement range of what they face.This is especially true at top tier but goes for most BRs really.
Once you’ve compared the two, I would say the real skill issue is pilots not making full use of the positional advantage of their machine, to hurt SPAA before SPAA can hurt it back.
SPAA right now is a punishment for bad air play, nothing more. You can immediately tell the pilots that are going to dance around you, and the ones that are going to be baited by a few straight shots into trying a stupid head-on with you at 500 metres.
Put two great players of equal skill in a plane and an SPAA, and the player in the plane will have the advantage, every time.
That’s not how counters are supposed to work from a game design POV. By definition that’s not a counter.
90% of my losses are a sudden attack by an aircraft. When I see attacking aircraft, then the result is like this.
(p.s.I don’t go beyond 5.3)
I agree, Odl until this gets fixed
Isn’t this boring? Driving around 2 1/2 min … shooting a few times, kill another one and die after 3min Then you leave and in the next match the same again?
OT … I just asked my wife what she thinks about this … she wasn’t happy with my idea to leave her after I died my small death within 3min …
It’s more frustrating getting killed by a swarm of helicopters/planes, spawncamped, spotted
That guy had a single tank kill. Do you wanna guess what vehicle he used to get that single kill?
It was in a plane. He made a kamikaze attack on me, killed me and then crashed right after that.
A few seconds later, after i respawned, he was in a plane. Again.
He has 0.55 tank K/D btw. He has 8 tank with which he has positive K/D, many of them are low, or even reserve tier. And even then, they are just barely positive.
I do not care if someone with 0.00001 K/D kills me with a tank, because even if the player is in a very good tank, and i am in a trash one, he still uses some skill.
CAS just requires no skill to use, and that’s why are many CAS players bad at the game.
Why would you learn to play, when you get an absurdly broken mechanic handed over on a silver platter?!
This is not meant to mock, or harass tha player. This is meant as an illustration.
Been seeing an abundance of AI on teams and not real people playing, Cmon Gaijin it is so obvious when it is a team full of AI.
And in what way is that relevant here?