It’s been a long time since I turned off the game due to it becoming a CAS filled joke but I did tonight.Third Advance to the Rhine with one objective map in a row ,playing Italy at 3.7/4.0BR and full of desperate dive bombing clowns and just an M42 with its usual six rounds.Just boring.Turned it off watched TV.
Maps are fine , and actually bigger maps where you have to drive further is even easier for CAS to hunt you down , since big maps has to be open .
Anyway CAS / Heli is just retarded now and if Gaijin wants to keep ignoring us , I guess population will drop pretty soon.
Big maps here are bad because they are made with the same old and repetitive methodology: Rush to middle spots, camp, kill. We have few and well know hot battle spots, which limits the playability and facilitates to CAS. The smaller the map (majority here) easier to CAS.
WT need more inovative game modes, alternative objectives, more diverse battle spots and a more effective criteria to spawn CAS and to counter them.
For now they have decided to add more spaa, keep their spawn points low and repair costs according to your life time.
They clearly try to push people to learn how to use more spaa. Repair costs are low if you get killed quick, so move on to the next battle and try again.
So because they have added two SPAA which:
- One is more like a tank destroyer (talking about italian one)
- Was requested because Japan doesn’t have any good SPAA
You make a prediction that they want people to ‘learn how to use more spaa’? Great.
It is not a prediction!
I repeat in other words, they put an emphasis on spaa last update.
Also spaa have lower spawn points in battle than other vehicles, it is calling you.
Also they have changed the repair costs system so it is not such a punishment to get killed quick anymore, in general.
And I say they “try to”, which doesnt mean it is 100% successful!
If it was not a prediction then You would be able to provide a link to arcticle where Gaijin have said that, otherwise this is just a prediction.
Also SPAA is not effective against the air
Well keep whining, I am not your mom.
Pointing out things is now whining? Ok
But it is the same that they encourage people to use more SPAA, for them to be effective they have to be SPAA with radar, and even so against pilots who know how to do more than fly in a straight line it is already difficult to shoot them down, anti-aircraft without radar with some effectiveness they can be counted on the fingers of one hand, most have errors that make them ineffective against aircraft, for example the SPAA with two or four cannons would have to fire those weapons out of synchronization from the first moment, for example the M42 Duster should fire one cannon and then the other, thus doubling the rate of fire of the vehicle and being able to cover the sky with more bullets, also the wirbelwind should fire the two cannons on one side and then the other two. Apart from that, the SPAA do not have sights correct to shoot down airplanes or they have too much zoom for that. Another error would be the damage of their bullets, there are many SPAA with 20mm cannons that are tremendously ineffective against airplanes, which even after three or four hits can still fly without problems and kill the SPAA, then there are situations in which even 37mm or 57mm cannons do almost no damage (on several occasions a plane withstood the shots of my zsu 57-2 without flinching or having flight problems). Then there would also be the problems related to what The maps are a mousetrap without the possibility of moving, which makes you easy prey for any plane. And finally there is the problem of wanting to condense tanks, SPAA and planes in the same game, with only 16 players maximum and on these maps mousetrap, there is never what you need, you go with a tank and a plane kills you, you take out a SPAA and another plane kills you because they spammed planes, you take out another SPAA and you kill them thanks to invulnerability, you advance and when you go to shoot another plane kills you a tank, you take out another tank and a plane kills you. In short, it is a real disaster of imbalance and increasingly bigger errors because gaijin only thinks of doing combat on increasingly smaller maps, when something stops mitigating this would be to make maps much larger, at least 400 meters on the grid, to be able to spread out over the map and make it not so easy to find tanks from the air, apart from eliminating the maps of a single base, which are absurd and destroy the little strategy that a map can have.
A game with several types of vehicles would have to be on a larger scale. It would have to be a map of 500 meters per grid, with at least 25 players per team, having 14 players who could only take tanks, 7 players who could only take SPAA and 4 players who could only take out a plane, so there would always be a balance between vehicles, since there would always be SPAA in the game to cover the other tanks.
Honestly, it would be a game mode that I would like to try, but given that the developers have no intention of innovating absolutely anything, I highly doubt that a mode like this would be tried.
But that does not work until you have radar guided missile SPAA, because the plane will already have dropped their bombs and made someone’s life miserable before the SPAA can do anything about it.
THat is why I repeatedly propose that planes do nto get points until they return to base and LAND. So SPAA will have a real capability of curtail more and more respawn of planes.
Just had a game where there was maybe 3-4 enemy tanks on the ground , rest was KA50 + KA52 , we got spawn farmed . We spawned so many SPAA`s but did not help since if they got targeted they hide behind mountains and other rape you .
This mod is complete garbage on 11.7 now , its literally unplayble unless you play russians , since those are the heli spammers.
I think I`m going to take a longer break before its fixed , or I ll just stop playing if they dont change that.
Yep I agree and the one sided matchmaking, 4 people left on your team while only 2 people left on the other. So many broken mechanics in this game but hey gaijin keeps patching graphics.
Just spawn SPAA aircraft bro.
I decided I`ll spawn SPAA for 5 games.
- 1st game I killed 1 heli and died to 2nd one
- 2nd one I killed 1 heli and there was no more helis spawning neither CAS I was usueless whole battle
- 3rd one I kille 2 helis and 1 plane , then got nuke by strato bomber , spawned another SPAA killed by same guy again (he was not on radar)
-4th , no cas or heli spawned , useless whoel game
-5th I killed 1 recon drone , and drone , got killed by starto bomber
Do not ask people to play SPAA when its boring SHIT PERIOD .
They need to make it so that you can spawn in interceptors with only a2a weapons cheaper, or even as first spawn, to contest air superiority. I guess they would have to limit the number of people who can spawn in air first.
In current state game is only enjoyable for CAS / Heli abusers , noone else . So only way out of it , is to LET THEM BE ! Let them play like this .
Just give us other mode with Ground only.
What SPAA ?
ITO90 + Asrad