Gajins base bombing logic is wierd

Gajin desicded to nerf base bombing completly. To be honnest I’m fine with this because the players focus more on PvP than PvE which is overall a good thing and effect teamgameplay kinda? I don’t want to go deeper in the PvP bubble now.
MY problem for now is the base bombing mechanic. It reduces the ammount of reward with looking at the ammount of bombs you carry which is wierd. Where is the point of bringing more bombs just to get the same reward with half the ammount? When I start bombing bases its mainly because I want to do something else because PvP gets boring after 7h for me. I have no problem with the reduced rewards for bombing bases but in my opinion it makes no sense the reduce the reward by half the ammount for bring double the ammount of bombs (I have no clue if that is correct or not hope you understand what I mean). Is it possible to bring a consistent ammount of rewards for each base?.

Pleas be frendly and try to look at this topic from a other side of view instead of one extrem to another extrem. Think of yourself just grinding your way up because you want this plane.
Thanks for reading.

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I prefer PvE because it’s more enjoyable, but there’s no gamemode where you can enjoy that gameplay. There’s nothing teamwork adverse about going after ground targets, after all that’s why they’re there.

might be good for me to just leave this here too.

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One decent heavy bomb/1000lbs/500kg+ should easily take out a base that size…

Thats not the problem. The propblem is that I get half the reward for double the ammount of bombs which makes no sense

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Only a set amount of bombs kill a base, then the base is dead, and the extra you drop do nothing. Save those bombs and drop at another base.

Okay buddy I guess you missed some information. I’m talking about that:
when I bring the loadout for 1 base I get same rewards as when I bring the ammount for 2 bases and destroy 2 bases.

Is this in simulator battles?

Nah realistic my mistake

Idk, I’ve never had that issue.

Its only a few weeks old