Just like the title: Why?
Edit: i play Top tier only, so from this perspective
Just like the title: Why?
Edit: i play Top tier only, so from this perspective
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Any examples?
You even ask?
Sand of Sinai
Best example
Sands of Sinai is still a good map without the completely covered flanking route team mates seemed to never cover.
Worse map change by far was Eastern Europe with the 3 cap large map domination, you can drive 250 meters from spawn and look into the enemies, same on quiet a few others.
Old is better that change was unnecessary.
Old is good under very specific circumstances, like if your in a squad with a full set of friendlies backing you, other than that it was death row.
i dont know where to start but in this case, after pointing in a few posts before some maps: in fire arc it was possible to flank via the river, the map was designed to do so, even dirt roads leading to it. now you cant go around C anymore through the river. the question is why are they doing it to so many maps=? they make the use of IFV/Scouts obsolete with all those changes. i just wanna know the logic behind it. why cant the comunicate a change with a reason behind it?
Still Doesn’t make new one better
And that are just one maps there a lot gaijin did thing like this to other map
It’s literally the same map with part cut off dawg.
Good change, it removed the CQC section that allowed for incredibly easy spawn camping. After the changes it also forces players to not just go to the hill that overlooks the entire map.
And Is that even necessary stuff to do? Make the map smaller instead of make the map bigger and better.
Its all change to get the games over as quick as possible and cycle people back into the game queues, so that the queue times are short.
One of the quickest ways to lose your player base is having them wait too long for a game. Gaijin is trying to balance queue times against rubbish gameplay, it is approaching the point it seems that the queue time overrides all other considerations ( apart from milking the players).
How this will alter the game who knows, people will put up with a lot of crap if promised jam tomorrow.
Because a lot of maps need changes, but Gaijin is misdirected in what needs to change. Some have had good changes like Mozdok, which removed a spawncamping spot, but there are some bad changes like what they did to American Desert.
Oh no, they cut off a 500x1500 meter strip.
Sinai stayed the same size as far as I know, because it was expanded on the opposite side.
Bigger maps also aren’t better maps.
Always 100times better than CQC cluster F maps especially high tier gameplay.
thats a false claim! 1st : there is enough players 2nd a que time of less than15 seconds in 99% of days i am playing cant be the reason to speed things up by bad map design and 3rd: theyre loosing the playbase by shitty map desing because i am about to leave, siriously
That isn’t true. Advance to the Rhine is one of the best maps in the game, despite being the smallest.