Top tier is beta test.
Since you are one giant ammo rack with no thermals and average zoom,while others have them.
The issue is, is that they don’t balance out the skill of the players using it. That’s how we get the M24 at 3.7, and the AMX-13 (FL11) at 4.3.
It’s the best overall method, but the exact way it is done is not ideal.
They also ignore obvious errors and issue, even when it’s pointed out continuously.
Like the Mig-23ML and Mig-23MLA have different BRs in SB, even though they are (as far as I am aware) identical.
Same with the Phantom FGR2 and the Phantom F4J(UK) have very different SB BRs, with the F4J much higher even though it has worse Engines, RWR and less CMs than the FGR2.
If only we had complained about this for the last 6 or 7 years ago something surely would have changed by now, right?
Sarcasm aside, I will wait and see how the tank will peform in live matches before making any comment. Most of US tought that those FnF missiles from the QN506 would be op and then we all saw how bad it were.
But yeah, their balancing method is lazy, inefficient and boderline incompetent.
Japan was under-BR’d for years due to only facing even more under-BR’d over-performing aircraft from USA.
Once Japan could face everyone, its lethal BRs could finally be addressed.
How is TPK being correctly BR’d Russian bias? France isn’t Russia.
Penetration doesn’t matter that much against aircraft.
TPK is better, your post is just defending Russia & attacking France.
Did you even read what he said? He said it is because the BTR-ZD is better, but at the same BR.
Penetration? He said the calibre of the cannons.
It looks like the opposite lol.
BTR-ZD gets less ammo.
They have the same amount of crew, similar speeds, and similar velocities.
So yeah I’d rather have the TPK cause over double the ammo.
I’m killing aircraft with these things, and I’m not great at aiming so I’d rather just have more ammo.
Gun over front doesn’t matter cause I’m going after aircraft.
Im not sure how they could balance with skill lvl too. Would they only look at “high skilled” player?
Strf 9040 BILL
M3A3 Bradley
All three vehicles at the same BR.
No they do not balance vehicles based off of characteristics or feedback. Otherwise all three of these vehicles would have different BR values.
I don’t think that skill should be measured because it’s quite impossible. They should rather do vehicle comparisons because it’s becoming stupid.
The EBR 1951 is higher than the hellcat while having litearally no advantage except turret rotation. And that doesn’t help as the gun can’t pen anything.
TPK vs BTR-ZD is another evident example.
AMX 13 fl11 and M24 also
They should just compare the characterisitcs of similar vehicles from different nations and just stop applying stupid statistics that are irrelevent.
EBR is 5.3
M18 is 5.7
M24 is undertiered currently.
AMX-13 has better armor profile than the M24.
My bad I mixed things up
Armour profile ? Since when does armour even matter on light tanks ? One shot and it’s gone just like the M24.
Yes and nothing is being done about it because StAtS say that everything is alright.
I’m not trying to compare all vehicles here, just saying that the BRs are messed up because of how the stats are being made and that a simple comparison between vehicles clearly exposes the problem.
If the shot bounces, also lighter shells from SPAAs.
I agree, vehicle characteristics should be what the game is balanced around. Not player skill. Especially if that skill is hidden from the playerbase.
I didn’t say they’re balanced well, I said the statistics they’re balanced on are far more than just winrates.
Well if they’re not balanced well there’s obvioulsy a problem right ?
I’m sure there are far more things in the stats than just the winrate but please just face it, it doesn’t work and leads to ridiculous situations.
Just look at the EBR 1951 and the sdkfz 234/2. The kfz is better in every single way expect for turret rotation and yet it’s sitting at 3.3 when the EBR is at 5.3 ?? Why the hell has that happened ? The EBR can’t pen anything even from the side while the Kfz does a better job even at 5.3
I have no idea what you’re talking about. The Sd.Kfz. 234/2 is undertiered, it should be 3.7 or 4.0, but the EBR most certainly better.
In what way ?
The gun is terrible and can’t pen anything else than light tanks and i’m not even talking about the fact that 5.3 is constantly being uptiered to 6.0 minimum.
Speed never exceeds 70 and is terrible in cross-country.
armour is inexistent and any 50cal (which every american and soviet tanks have at this BR) will wreck you.
The tank should have two drivers like that swedish tank which i forgot the name but no the second one is just a machine gunner for some reason.
You get what i’m talking about or still not ?